Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
Inorganics/bioinorganics: Biological, medicinal and pharmaceutical uses Bhupinder Singh Sekhon PCTE Institute of Pharmacy, near Baddowal Cantt, Ludhiana 142 021, India.Email:[email protected]
Received May 06, 2011; Accepted May 22, 2011
ABSTRACT Metal ions function in numerous metalloenzymes, are incorporated into pharmaceuticals and imaging agents. Several target specific radiopharmaceuticals based on radiometals for non-invasive disease detection and cancer radiotherapy were developed. Transition metal complexes containing radioactive isotopes have found widespread use as radiopharmaceuticals in diagnostic nuclear medicine. Metal ions and metal complexes in clinical use today include diagnostic (radiopharmaceuticals and MRI contrast agents) and therapeutic compounds (cancer, inflammation, ulcer, arthritis, antibiotics, and chelation therapy). A number of drugs contain metal ions as essential components such as Pt complexes (anticancer drugs); Fe-bleomycin(anticancer drug); Cu complexes(anti- inflammatory and anticancer drugs); Zn complexes (topical antibiotics); Au complexes( anti-arthritis, experimental anticancer drugs); Tc complexes(radioimaging); Gd and Mn complexes (MRI contrast agents); Chelators(treatment of chronic and acute toxic metal overloads, e.g. Deferoxamine for iron overload); bismuth compounds(antiulcer); samarium-based compounds (relief of bone pain in intractable cancer), and lanthanum carbonate(treatment of hyperphosphatemia). Zinc finger proteins offer a potential better route to gene therapy. Ceramics are employed in a wide range in the medical and dental applications. Keywords: Metal ions, metal complexes, chelates, therapeutics, inorganics, ceramics, radiopharmaceuticals. metallodrugs, Introduction
and Zinc has been reported. Citrate was used for acutelead intoxication in 1941, and since than other chelating
The use and significance of inorganic compounds had
agents has come into clinical use. Inorganic elements being
been invaluable to the medical field. Egyptians used Cu
the basic building blocks of our lives are involved in all
to sterilize water (3000 BC) and Chinese empire used Au
life processes and have been recognized as beneficial
in a variety of medicine (2500BC). Hippocrates,
and useful in the medical field 4. Scientists believe that
considered being the father of medical science (~400
about 26 (both metals and non-metals) of the known 118
BC) described about metal bands wound around teeth in
elements in the Periodic Table of Elements are essential
effort to straighten them, and mummified remains have
to life. [H, C, N , O - 96%]; [ Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca -
been discovered with metal bands still attached to
3.5%]; [B, Cr, Co, Cu, F, I, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Si, Sn, V,
individual teeth, possibly torqued into place using catgut.
Zn - 0.5% ( silicon, nickel, boron, and vanadium may have
Hippocrates (~400 BC) used copper to treat leg ulcers
some beneficial effects at low levels of exposure).
associated with varicose veins and also used mercury,Paracelsus pioneered the use of minerals in medicine using
Biological inorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary
Sb, As, Mg salt (1600s); metals started making an impact
subject at the interface of inorganic chemistry and biology/
on modern medicine, K[Au(CN) ] used for tuberculosis,
biochemistry. Medicinal inorganic chemistry includes the
Salvarsan for the treatment of syphilis (Early 1900s) 1,2.
study of both non-essential and essential elements with
Various minerals, metals, clays, and rocks were among
applications to diagnosis and therapies. The introduction
the natural medicinal substances used by physicians and
of metals/metal complexes into biological systems as
pharmacists in early times in different cultures, for
probes and drugs, and the investigations of inorganic
example, the ancient civilizations of Egypt and
elements in processes e.g. nutrition, the toxicity of
Mesopotamia 3. The evidences of the medicinal uses of
inorganic species, including the ways in which such
fifteen inorganic substances: Alum, Arsenic, Sulphide,
toxicities are overcome both by natural systems and by
Asphalt, Jew’s stone, Earth sp., Galena, Haematite, iron,
human intervention, and of metal-ion transport and storage
Lead, Pyrite, Salt, Sulphur, Thermal water, Green Vitriol,
in biology are among major areas of biological inorganic
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
chemistry. The use of metals in medicine involves i) metal-
and phosphorus to function properly. Despite extreme
based drugs, ii) non-invasive radiopharmaceuticals, iii)
toxicity at high concentration, low concentration of carbon
Magnetic Resonance Imaging , and iv) mineral
monoxide (CO) can confer cytoprotection during ischemia/
reperfusion or inflammation-induced tissue injury. Likewise, heme oxygenase, an enzyme that produces CO,
Medicinal inorganic chemistry can be divided into two
biliverdin and iron, as well as a secondary increase in
main categories, (i) drugs that target metal ions (free or
ferritin synthesis, from the oxidation of heme, can confer
protein-bound), and (ii) metal-based drugs where the
protection in vivo and in vitro. CO has been shown to
central metal ion is usually the key feature of the
affect several intracellular signaling pathways, including
mechanism of action 6-8. Metal-based and metal-binding
guanylate cyclase, which generates guanosine 3':5' cyclic
agents are used for design of inorganic drugs. In area of
monophosphate and the mitogen-activated protein kinases.
metallotherapeutics, three widely used inorganic
Such pathways mediate, in part, the known vasoregulatory,
pharmaceuticals include: i) Platinum anticancer drugs
anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic and anti-proliferative
(cisplatin and carboplatin), ii) Gold antiarthritic drugs
effects of this gas. Exogenous CO delivered at low
(Auranofin), iii) Radiodiagnostic and radiopharmaceutical
concentrations is showing therapeutic potential as an anti-
drugs (Cardiolyte – a heart imaging agent, a +vly charged
inflammatory agent and as such can modulate numerous
pathophysiological states 20. CO can provide beneficial
Pharmaceutical chemistry is a discipline at the
antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects in the context
intersection of chemistry, pharmacology, and biology
of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) 21. During IRI,
involved with designing, synthesizing and developing
endogenous CO is generated from heme degradation
pharmaceutical drugs. Inorganic compounds and
through heme oxygenase-1 activity 22. This pathway has
organometallic compounds have many interesting
been identified as a natural powerful cytoprotective
applications. Many metallodrugs are “prodrugs” they
mechanism 23. CO-releasing molecules (CORMs) have
undergo ligand substitution and/or redox reactions before
been shown to counteract numerous inflammatory
they reach the target site. Metallopharmaceuticals used
conditions such as sepsis and coronary ischemia 24-27.
as anticancer agents, metal-mediated antibiotics,
CORM-2-derived CO protects renal transplants from
antibacterials, antivirals, antiparasitics, antiarthritics, and
ischemia–reperfusion injury by modulating inflammation
radiosensitizing agents have been reported 10-13.
Biological inorganic chemistry is a very hot area and
Boric acid is a topical astringent, mild disinfectant
the functional roles of selected biological inorganic
and eye wash. Sodium borate is used in cold creams, eye
elements include: charge balance and electrolytic
washes and mouth rinses. Boron compounds are used to
conductivity (Na, K, Cl); structure and templating (Ca,
enhance the cell selectivity of radiation therapy. The first
Zn, Si, S); signaling ( Ca, B, NO); Bronstead acid-base
boron-containing approved drug – Velcade(aliphatic
buffering (P, Si, CO; Lewis acid-base catalysis (Zn, Fe,
boronic acid) for multiple myeloma, inhibits protease
Ni, Mn); electron transfer (Fe, Cu); group transfer such
enzymes 29. Anacor launched Phase III clinical trials in
as CH , O, S(V, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Mo, W); redox catalysis
December 2010 for one of itsboron-containing
(V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, W, S, Se); energy storage (H, P,
S, Na, K, Fe) and biomineralization (Ca, Mg, Fe, Si, Sr,
Boron-containing two-photon-absorbing fluorophores
showed efficient fluorescence in an organic solvent, as
well as in water, allowing microscopy on cell cultures 31. Boron-containing polyether-macrolide antibiotic,
Carbon is perhaps the single most important element
boromycin was isolated as a potent anti-HIV agent 32.
to life and virtually every part of our bodies is made with
Oxaboroles have excellent potential as novel antimalarial
large amounts of carbon. Moreover, the carbon atom is
agents. AN3661 has been identified as a promising new
ideal to build big biological molecules. Our body also need
antimalarial drug candidate belonging to a new class of
boron in very small amounts to allow calcium, magnesium
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
oxaboroles from Anacor’s boron chemistry platform
as a therapeutic gas in the treatment of conditions
involving hypoxia. Fluorine is found in teeth and bonesand helps preventing tooth decay. Fluorine has become
Hydrogen and oxygen being components of water
an essential tool in drug discovery as fluorine atoms in
are incredibly important in our bodies. Stomach acid
potential medicines can have a variety of dramatic effects
(hydrochloric acid) is a compound of hydrogen and
on the molecules’ properties. About a fifth of all drugs on
chlorine. Also, hydrogen is practically always bound to
the market today contain at least one fluorine substituent.
the carbon that our bodies are constructed of. People
Blockbuster medicine such as Pfizer’s lipid lowering agent
need to breathe oxygen to survive. Nitrogen plays an
Lipitor (atorvastatin), TAP Pharmaceuticals proton pump
important role in digestion of food and growth. Nitrous
inhibitor Prevacid (lansoprazole) and the fluticasone
oxide has remained one of the most widely used
component of GlaxoSmithKline’s antiasthma combination
anesthetics in both dental and medical applications 34.
product Seretide contain fluorine substituents 41.
Entonox (a mix of nitrous oxide 50% and oxygen 50%) isa safe and effective preparation that is well established
Phosphorus is essential for proper skeletal and nervous
in prehospital care, delivery suites and emergency
system formation, function and is critical for proper energy
departments, and that incorporates mechanisms that
processing in the body. Dietary inorganic phosphate may
virtually guarantee its safety 35. Nitric oxide (NO) is
be critical for lung cancer prevention as well as treatment
primarily responsible for maintaining normal blood
as it can activate some signals in living organisms.
pressure, fighting off infections and helping our brain cells
Researchers demonstrated that high dietary inorganic
communicate with one another. Nitric oxode is an
phosphate promoted tumorigenesis and altered Akt
intracellular messenger and some biological effects of NO
signalling that regulates cell proliferation and survival, cell
include: cardiovasculure disease, Parkinson’s disease,
growth (size), glucose metabolism, cell motility and
impotence (VIAGRA®, sildenafil citrate),
angiogenesis 42. Diluted phosphoric acid is employed in
neurotransmission, antimicrobial agent, programmed cell
scrofula, dropsy, hemoptysis, calculous disease, diabetes
death. Nitric oxide restoration may constitute a new
and cardialgia. Externally, it has been employed as a local
frontier in the fight against the debilitating effects of
application in the treatment of caries of the bones and
Alzheimers disease 36. Nitric oxide gas, the active
osseous tumors. In the past, sulfur use was widespread
substance in INOmax®, is a pulmonary vasodilator.
in dermatological disorders such as acne vulgaris, rosacea,
INOmax® is a gaseous blend of nitric oxide and nitrogen
seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, pityriasis versicolor,
(0.08% and 99.92%, respectively for 800 ppm; 0.01%
scabies, and warts. Adverse events associated with
and 99.99%, respectively for 100 ppm). Sodium
topically applied sulfur are rare and mainly involve mild
nitroprusside, an NO donor, have long been used in the
application site reactions. Sulfur, used alone or in
treatment of angina and hypertensive crises respectively.
combination with agents such as sodium sulfacetamide
S-nitrosothiols are another group of NO donors that can
or salicylic acid, has demonstrated efficacy in the
be structurally modified to release NO at varying rates in
treatment of many dermatological conditions. Regarding
specific conditions. Scientists designed photoactive
“Acne Vulgarisî, in clinical trials, lotions containing sulfur
ruthenium nitrosyls as visible-light-sensitive NO donors
5% with sodium sulfacetamide 10% have been found to
be very effective in reducing the number of inflammatorylesions and comedones, as well as reducing seborrhoea.
Inorganic nitrite therapy may hold significant potential
Sodium sulfacetamide has demonstrated activity against
as an effective and selective NO donor for acute and
P. Acnes 43. The combination of sulfur and sodium
chronic ischemia secondary to cardiovascular disease 38.
sulfacetamide is available as a lotion, topical suspension,
Dietary nitrate intake through NO was found to have a
beneficial effect on blood pressure and other vascularfunction in humans because NO can be generated in
Iodine is a trace mineral and an essential nutrient
mammals from the reduction of nitrite and nitrate 39.
found naturally in the body. Iodine is a topical anti-infective
Nitrite has been reported as an antidote for cyanide and
agent. Humans require iodine for proper physical and
hydrogen sulfide poisoning 40. Oxygen USP is employed
mental development. Iodine is a critically important
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
component of thyroid hormones. There are four iodine
products (SSKI) are inferior to iodine/iodide products.
atoms per molecule of l-thyroxine, and three per molecule
David Marine reported the benefits of treating school-
of l-triiodothyronine. Potassium iodide is an antithyroid
aged children with iodine/iodide (Lugol’s solution) nearly
agent, antisporotrichotic agent, and expectorant. Iodine
70 years ago. Different tissues of the body will
keeps our thyroid gland healthy. Sulphur and sulphur
preferentially bind different forms of iodine. The illnesses
containing compounds are one of the oldest antimicrobial
that iodine/iodide has helped are many. These conditions
substances in clinical use. One of the most commonly
include Fibromyalgia, thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue
used sulphur-based antibiotics is cotrimoxazole, a
immune deficiency syndrome, autoimmune disorders as
combination of sulphamethoxazole (a sulphur compound)
well as cancer. Iodine deficiency sets up the immune
and trimethoprim (which is not sulphur based). Sulphur
system to malfunction which can lead to many of the
helps protect the cells in our bodies from environmental
above disorders developing 48. Every patient could benefit
hazards such as air pollution and radiation, thereby, slows
from a thorough evaluation of their iodine levels.Iodine
down the aging process and extends our life span. Also,
therapeutic action includes: alkanizing agent, antibacterial,
sulphur helps our liver function properly, helps us digest
anticancer, antiparasitic, antifungal, antiviral, detoxifying
the food that we eat and then turn that food into energy.
agent and mycoliting agent 49 (like Guaifenesin). Iodine is
Sulfur containing foods such as eggs, garlic and broccoli
needed by the thyroid hormone to support metabolism.
contribute to reducing the body burden of susceptible toxic
Iodine-131 as sodium iodide is indicated for use in
performance of the radioactive iodide uptake test toevaluate thyroid function 50. Inorganic iodine therapy may
become one of the treatment methods in the patients with
Chlorine chemistry carries a host of blockbuster drugs
mild Graves’ hyperthyroidism 51. Povidone-iodine
and is implicated in the manufacture of 93% of the top-
preparation combined with anti-inflammatory agent’s
selling drugs46. Chlorine as chloride is important for
functions as a potent antidote against skin lesions induced
maintaining a normal balance of fluids. Many active
by SM at relatively long intervals between exposure and
ingredients in over-the-counter or prescription drugs
contain bromine. The general anesthetic, halothanecontains a bromine atom in its chemical structure. Many
Selenium helps in protecting blood cells from certain
others rely on brominated intermediates during their
damaging chemicals, and helps keep the pancreas and
manufacture. Naproxen (an analgesic), utilizes a
heart functioning properly, and together with vitamin E,
brominated intermediate in its manufacture. The
helps our immune system produce antibodies. Se and the
antihistamine, bromopheniramine maleate, and the cough
selenoproteins are essential factors in thyroid metabolism.
medicine dextromethorphan hydrobromide, also utilize
Selenium has been used since the 1960s in dandruff
bromine in their make-up. Bromhexine improved the
shampoos and topical medications for such skin. The
performance of amoxicillin in the treatment of pneumonia.
inhibitory effect of methimazole (antithyroid drug) and its
Bromocriptine is effective in the treatment of cocaine
copper(II) complexes on alkaline phosphastase activity
addiction. Many of the commonly used sedatives,
antihistamines and antitussives can be made at a lower
cost utilizing bromine chemistry 47. It is well known thatthe the toxicity of modern life (toxic halides, fluoride and
Colloidal silicon dioxide is widely used across
bromide, having a similar structure as iodine) can
pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical grade silicone
competitively inhibit iodine absorption and binding in the
antifoams (Simethicone) were reported 54. Antimony-
body. Potassium bromide is used as an adjunct to
containing compounds e.g. Meglumine antimonite, sodium
phenobarbital in the treatment of epilepsy.The use of
stibogluconate were used to treat leishmaniasis. Hydrated
inorganic, non-radioactive iodine has been a wonderful
potassium antimonyltartate (tartar-emetic) is used to
addition to many physicians practice. In this context,
induce sweating and also as an emetic. Antimony and
iodized salt is a great success in eliminating goiter in the
bismuth compounds are used in the clinic for the treatment
world. However, recent results indicated that iodide only
of parasitic and bacterial infections 55,56. Bismuth
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
compounds have been used for centuries in medicine.
functional assessment of the lung 61.
Bismuth-containing compounds (e.g., bismuth nitrate,bismuth subnitrate, bismuth subcarbonate, bismuth
subgallate, bismuth subsallicylate, colloidal bismuth
The iron porphyrin complex of hemoglobin in red blood
subcitrate, bismuth tribromphenolate, bismuth citrate) for
cells for oxygen transportation and storage, the magnesium
medicine from bismuth-contained nitric solutions have been
porphyrin complex of chlorophyll in green plants for
reported 57. Bismuth subsalicylate and bismuth subcitrate
photosynthesis, and cobalt in the coenzyme B for the
are used to treat peptic ulcer, against H pylori bacteria
transfer of alkyl groups from one molecule to another
and as antidiarrhea medicine. There has been no report
molecule, are some of the examples naturally occurring
of evidence for the toxicity of bismuth when used for
coordination compounds and highlighting the role of metal
short periods as part of H. pylori eradication therapy.
ions in biological systems 62. Metals are essential for life
Bismuth tribromophenate (Xeroform® (Kendall,
and scarcity of some metal ions can lead to disease. Well-
Convidien)) is used for the treatment of burn wounds,
known examples include pernicious anemia resulting from
skin grafts, flaps and other indications. Bismuth subnitrate
iron deficiency, growth retardation arising from insufficient
is used as a hemostatic agent and in animal health for the
dietary zinc, and heart disease in infants owing to copper
preventation and treatment of mastitis in cows.
deficiency. Overloading of both essential and non-essential
metal ions induce toxicity in humans, classic examples
(biscarboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide) has been found
being mercury, lead, cadmium, iron and copper. Elevated
effective for lung cancer, respiratory failure, leukemia and
iron levels are associated with many types of
lymphatic cancers, brain cancers, arthritis, eye diseases,
neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s,
mercury poisoning, liver disease (including hepatitis),
Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases. Metals such as
osteoporosis, candida albicans, cataracts, heart disease,
cadmium, manganese and lead in our environment
and in reducing autism. Arsenic containing arsphenamine.(
represent a serious health hazard. Producton of oxygen
Salvarsan or Compound 606), was the first wonder drug
by the water-splitting centre of green plants (photosystem
for the cure for syphilis and arsenic drugs were the
II), is based on the sophisticated biological use of
mainstay of syphilis chemotherapy until the advent of
manganese chemistry. Metal ions are electron deficient
penicillin rendered them obsolete 58. Arsenic trioxide
whereas most biological molecules such as proteins and
(As O ), solubilized as the arsenite salt of an alkali metal
DNA are electron rich and structural modifications could
was used in earlier times as Fowler’s Solution [Arsenic
substantially modulate the DNA binding mode and DNA
trioxide+ Potassium bicarbonate, 10 mg/mL, non-sterile;
damage process, and as a result largely improve the
sterile contains alcohol 3% v/v, oral ] and its recent
antitumor efficacy of platinum complexes 63. The use of
reincarnation, Trisenox® [Arsenic trioxide, sodium
many metal-based compounds in the treatment of various
hydroxide, 1 mg/mL, intravenous, sterile ] have received
diseases highlights the importance of metal compounds
FDA approval during 2000 for treatment of relapsed acute
in medicine. In terms of anti-tumour activity, a wide range
promyelocytic leukemia . As O has also activity against
of compounds of both transition metal and main group
elements have been investigated for efficacy. Theexistence of a relationship between cancer and metals is
Noble gases
widely acknowledged by researcher’s alongwith therecent developments in the field of metal-based anticancer
Heavy noble gases are member of the class of nerve-
ending drugs. The anesthetic noble gas, xenon, producescardioprotection. Noble gases without anesthetic
properties produce cardioprotection by activating
Lithium carbonate is a major drug for the treatment
prosurvival signaling kinases and inhibiting mPTP opening
of manic episodes and for maintenance therapy in bipolar
in rabbits 60. Hyperpolarized noble gas MRI has the
patients. In multicellular organisms, sodium and calcium
potential to provide a comprehensive morphologic and
are extracellular, while potassium and magnesium are
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
largely intracellular. Calcium and magnesium are often
deficiencies. Pearl calcium’s provide a high quantity of
metal activators in proteins to which they bind with
assimilable calcium as prescribed in Chinese medical
relatively low affinity. Under appropriate circumstances,
classics. Calcium-Sandoz contains two forms of calcium,
these metal ions induce conformational changes in the
calcium glubionate and calcium lactobionate. Calcium
protein upon binding and in doing so they may transmit a
supplements are also useful in osteoporosis.
signal e.g. the firing of neurons by rapid influx of sodium
Mg is needed for the proper growth, formation and
ions across a cell membrane or the regulation of
function of our bones and muscles. Mg also control insulin
intracellular functions by calcium binding proteins such
levels in blood and even helps to prevent depression.
as calmodulin. Bone and teeth are made from calcium
Barium is used to see inside our bodies. A mixture
phosphate in the form of a mineral hydroxyapatite (HAP).
containing barium sulfate is used to coat the inner lining
Calcium carbonate biominerals such as calcite and
of the intestines to examine a patient’s digestive system.
aragonite are used for structural support.
Similarly, to enhance examination of the stomach and
Nerve cells depend on potassium. In fact, without
esophagus, the patient drinks a chalky barium sulfate liquid.
potassium, cells lose control of what can enter and leave
When the patient is X-rayed, the barium coating inside
them. Without sodium, our cells could not get the nutrients
the digestive tract absorbs a large proportion of the
they need to survive. Sodium also allows our bodies to
radiation. This highlights the black-and-white contrast of
maintain the right blood chemistry and the correct amount
the X-ray photograph, so that doctors can better diagnose
of water in our blood. Salt is really a compound of sodium
digestive problems 66. Radioactive radium has medical
and chlorine. Potassium chloride is used to prevent or to
applications such as cancer treatment and as a tracer for
treat low blood levels of potassium (hypokalemia).
medical imaging. However, it is rarely used any more
Potassium gluconate is needed for normal functioning of
because safer radioactive elements have been discovered.
cells, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, kidneyfunction, and acid-base balance. Losartan (I, 2-n-butyl-
Transition metals
4-chloro-1-[p-(o-1H-tetrazol- 5-ylphenyl) benzyl]-
Transition metals have an important place within
imidazole-5methanol monopotassium salt) is a highly
medicinal biochemistry. Research has shown significant
selective, orally active, non-peptide angiotensin II receptor
progress in utilization of transition metal complexes as
antagonist indicated for the treatment of hypertension.
drugs to treat several human diseases like carcinomas,
Potassium iodide protects the thyroid gland against internal
lymphomas, infection control, anti-inflammatory, diabetes,
uptake of radioiodines that may be released in the unlikely
and neurological disorders. Transition metals exhibit
event of a nuclear reactor accident.
different oxidation states and can interact with a number
Ca maintains the cell shape and integrity of
of negatively charged molecules. This activity of transition
membranes, exo- and endocytisis, mytosis, muscle
metals has started the development of metal-based drugs
contraction, causing changes in some proteins/enzymes
with promising pharmacological application and may offer
to modify their function. Ca has the ability to bind
unique therapeutic opportunities 67.
carboxylate and phosphate 65. Calcium is needed by the
Vanadium compounds at pharmacological doses,
body for healthy bones, muscles, nervous system, and
display relevant biological actions such as insulin and
heart. Women who are estrogen-deprived require an
growth factor mimetic or enhancing effects, as well as
average oral intake of 1500 mg/d of elemental calcium to
osteogenic and cardioprotective activity. On the other
remain in calcium equilibrium. The recommendation of
hand, depending on the nature of compounds and their
the National Institute of Health of 1000 mg elemental
concentrations, toxicological actions and adverse side
calcium per day for women on estrogen replacement and
effects may also be shown. The current knowledge and
for men is reasonable. Calcium carbonate also is used as
new advances on in vitro and in vivo effects of inorganic
an antacid to relieve heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset
and organically-chelated vanadium compounds have been
stomach. Calcium citrate, calcium chloride and calcium
reported 68,69. Vanadium is involved in helping the body
gluconate are used to prevent and to treat calcium
convert some foods into energy. It has also been suggested
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
that diabetics may benefit from vanadium when trying to
stabilize blood sugar levels. Chromium is a mineral that is
estrogen. However, more zinc is required by men because
essential to humans. Chromium helps regulate sugar levels
zinc help in the formation of enzyme which convert
by interacting with insulin. Chromium picolinate has been
progesterone into testosterone 72. Many people wear
used in alternative medicine as an aid to lowering
copper bands to help them with inflammatory disease,
cholesterol or improving the body’s use of glucose (sugar).
such as arthritis. Much of our “dietary” copper actually
However, chromium supplements are not approved by
comes from copper pipes, utensils and cookware. Copper
is important as an electron donor in various biologicalreactions. Without enough copper, iron won’t work properly
Manganese is an essential nutrient involved in many
in the body. Cupric sulphate at doses upto 0.1mg/kg daily
chemical processes in the body, including processing of
have been used to treating copper deficiency. Potential
cholesterol, carbohydrates, and protein. It might also be
benefits of copper gluconate include: helping reduce high
involved in bone formation. A number of iron compounds
cholesterol levels in humans, osteoporosis, wound healing,
have been found medically useful. For example, ferrous
cardiac arrhythmia, hypoglycaemia, peripheral vascular
gluconate, Fe(C H O ) 2H O, and ferric pyrophosphate,
disease, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Evolution
Fe (P O )xH O, are among the compounds frequently
has kept stores of copper and iron in excess during the
used to treat anemia. Various ferric salts, which act as
reproductive years because they are so vital to life. But
coagulants, are applied. Iron compounds include
the oxidant damage from these excess stores of metals
haemoglobin which keeps our blood red. Other essential
builds up as we age, and natural selection ceases to act
iron compounds include myoglobin. Iron atoms help join
after about age 50 since diseases after that do not
organic molecules (derived from quinoxaline), forming
contribute to reproductive fitness. Diseases of aging such
compounds that act as bactericides (killing bacteria) or
as Alzheimer’s disease, other neurodegenerative diseases,
bacteriostatic agents (preventing bacteria from
arteriosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and others may all be
reproducing) 70. Ferrous sulfate provides the iron needed
contributed to by excess copper and iron. Excess copper
by the body to produce red blood cells. Ferrous sulfate
alongwith high fat diet, lose cognition at over three times
comes as regular, coated, and extended-release (long-
the normal rate.Inorganic copper in drinking water and
acting) tablets; regular and extended-release capsules;
in supplements is handled differently than food copper
and oral liquid (syrup, drops, and elixir) to take by mouth.
Cobalt is essential in small amount for proper nutrition.
Zinc is considered to be one of the most important
Cobalt contained in vitamin B is important in protein
elements to a healthy immune system and is also needed
formation and DNA regulation. Cobalt- 60, a radioactive
for the growth and repair of tissues throughout our bodies.
isotope, is used as commercial source of high energy
Zinc oxide topically (applied to the skin) is used to treat
radiation in medicine to destroy cancerous tissue. Cobalt-
diaper rash, minor burns, severely chapped skin, or other
57 is also used in medicine. It can be used to work out
minor skin irritations. Zinc-amino acid chelate provides
how much vitamin B is being taken in by the human
better absorption (60% - 70%), better bioavailability and
body. Cobalt containing drugs are used as cyanide
better tolerance than zinc salts 74. Gallium mimics ferric
antidote. Cyanide ions will bind to cobalt which can be
iron. Gallium, in the form of intravenously administered
supplied in the form of either i) hydroxocobalamin/ dicobalt
gallium nitrate (Ganite®), was approved by the U.S. FDA
edetate. Cyanide will also bind to methaemoglobin formed
in 1991 for the treatment of cancer-related hypercalcemia,
after administration of sodium ntitrie.
a disorder that occurs in about 10-20% of cancer patients.
Historic uses of copper compounds in medicine are
Molybdenum is found in all tissues of the human body,
available 71. Thyroid and immune system health are
but tends to be the most concentrated in the liver, kidneys,
crucially dependent upon copper and copper deficiency
skin and bones. Molybdenum is important for transforming
is the most important factor in the development of
sulfur into a usable form in humans. It is required for the
hyperthyroidism. Women need more of copper than men
proper function of several chemicals in the human body.
because copper is required for the production of the
Metal ions and proteins interaction is important
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
regarding binding, stability and folding. Fe, Cu and Zn are
of gold. Gold is nonreactive in the instruments and is highly
strongly associated with proteins and form the so-called
reliable in the electronic equipment and life-support devices
metalloproteins. For example, ferritin stores iron in the
body.Metal cofactors can help catalyze unique chemical
Metal-based medicine could treat diseases in the
reactions and perform specific physiological functions.
Fe 3+/Fe 2+ and Cu 2+/Cu + redox couples play critical
Metals have the option of completely destroying the
roles as cofactors for electron transfer reactions in the
target while most drugs inhibit through binding to a protein/
catalysis of redox reactions. Some metal ions found deeply
DNA molecule and just block its function. Metal
buried within proteins interact with the protein and helps
complexes work in one of two ways. Many use a process
insure the optimal protein structure and contributes to the
called redox chemistry to steal electrons from the bonds
stability and appropriate acid-base behavior necessary for
holding the target molecule together 76.Metal binding
the physiological function. For example, the Zn 2+ ions in
agents in human body include chloride, phosphate and
Zn fingers are necessary for the adoption of the proper
carbonate. Other metals use hydrolysis, meaning that
shape of the protein, which allows it to interact with DNA.
they break down the target’s chemical waterproofing, so
Non-essential metals
that the water that is naturally present in a cell dissolvesthe target. The clinical utility of complexes such as cis-
Non-essential metals are also used in medicinal and
[PtCl (NH ) )] (cisplatin, cis-DDP) and [Pt(CBDCA)
pharmaceutical chemistry. The three platinum-containing
(NH ) )] (carboplatin, CBDCA = 1,1-cyclobutane-
drugs that have been thus far approved by the FDA -
dicarboxylate) are the basis for successful chemotherapy
cisplatin, carboplatin and oxaliplatin - have had a significant
effect in the treatment of patients with some malignanciessuch as testicular, ovarian and colorectal cancer.
Metal compounds still offer excellent opportunities
Aluminium may be involved in the action of enzymes such
to find new ‘leads’ against the major protozoan diseases
a succinic dehydrogenase and d-aminolevulinate
such as malaria, leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis. A few
dehydrase (involved in porphyrin synthesis). Aluminium
metal-based drugs are already available in this therapeutic
hydroxide is used as antacid in the treatment of gastric
area, and others are currently being developed 77. The
ulcers and as a phosphate binder in cases of long-standing
crystal structures for metal-oxicam compounds are
renal failure. Aluminium compounds are also used in
interpreted in order to look for characteristics that might
antiperspirants, antiseptics solutions and as adjuvant in
be significant for possible biological activities, for
vaccines. An arsenic trioxide has been approved by the
innovative strategies aimed to administering the metal
Food and Drug Administration to treat a rare and deadly
based drugs in vivo 78. Reviews on metal-anti-
form of leukemia called acute promyelocytic leukemia,
inflammatory drugs have been published 79-81. Pd (II) and
or APL. Gold is used in dentistry as well as a drug to
Pt (II) complexes with antibiotics of tetracycline family
treat a small number of medical conditions. Injections of
are more potent against E.coli HB101/pBR322, a bacterial
weak solutions of sodium aurothiomalate or
strain resistant to tetracycline. Cu (Fen) (dmf) and
aurothioglucose are sometimes used to treat rheumatoid
Cu (Fen) (caf) produce similar effect than Fenoprofen
arthritis. Small amounts of gold are used to remedy a
calcium salt in central pain, both complexes present a
condition known as Lagophthalmos, which is an inability
more potent analgesic effect for peripheral pain 82. Recent
of a person to close their eyes completely. This condition
developments in inorganic medicinal chemistry have
is treated by implanting small amounts of gold in the upper
identified several alternative novel targets for metal-based
eyelid. The implanted gold “weights” the eyelid and the
drugs. In this context, biological molecules with essential
force of gravity helps the eyelid close fully. Radioactive
thiol groups are attractive targets. Cathepsin cysteine
gold is used in diagnosis. It is injected in a colloidal solution
proteases have numerous physiological functions, and
that can be tracked as a beta emitter as it passes through
have been implicated in diseases including cancer,
the body. Many surgical instruments, electronic equipment
autoimmune and inflammatory, and parasitic diseases.
and life-support devices are made using small amounts
Several classes of metal complexes including
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
cyclometalated organo gold(III) and Pd(II) complexes,
are much more stable in aqueous media than derivatives
and a series of rhenium(V) mixed ligand oxorhenium
complexes were investigated in the context of possible
Metals and metal complexes have played key role in
therapeutic applications including cancer and parasitic
the development of modern chemotherapy -15. The single
disease as inhibitors of cathepsin cysteine proteases 83.
coordination compound administration can have a series
Transition metal complexes
of beneficial effects that come from the metal ion alone,and from the metal and the ligand(s) after the coordinate
Transition metals exhibit different oxidation states and
bond(s) dissociate in the target tissue. The metal ion and
can interact with a number of negatively charged
the ligand(s) can have a synergic effect, the metal can
molecules. Transition metal complexes are used as drugs
stabilize the ligand against possible enzymatic degradation
to treat several human diseases like carcinomas,
before reaching the target, the coordination molecule can
lymphomas, infection control, anti-inflammatory, diabetes,
have a better hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity ratio than the
and neurological disorders 84. Gold(III), platinum(II),
free ligand, etc. Metal based drugs have been developed
ruthenium(II, III, IV), iron(II) and vanadium(IV)
to treat/cure a variety of ailments viz. diabetes, ulcer,
complexes for anti-cancer, anti-HIV treatments , and as
rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory and cardiovascular
enzyme inhibitors for potential therapeutic applications
were reported 85,86. The anticancer activity of cisplatin
Metals can play an important role in modifying the
and other closely related platinum compounds arises from
pharmacological properties of known drugs after
their ability to damage DNA in cancer cells, leading to
coordinating to a metal. Chelation causes drastic change
cell death. Compounds containing platinum with a 4+
in biological properties of ligands as well as metal moiety
charge (non- toxic) must be converted to platinum 2+
and in many cases it causes synergistic effect of metal
compounds using a directed fine beam of (laser) light
ion and ligand both 97,98. For example, complexation of
before they kill cells. The bicyclam AMD3100 (a potent
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to copper overcomes
anti-HIV agent) has an unusual mechanism of action being
some of the gastric side effects of these drugs 99. Metal
active at the fusion/uncoating step.
complexes are supposed to exert their effect by inhibition
A number of ionic titanocene compounds exhibit
of enzymes, interaction with intracellular biomolecules,
excellent cytotoxicity against different human tumour cell
enhanced lipophilicity, alteration of cell membrane
lines including a defined cisplatin resistant cell line. In
functions and arrest of cell cycle etc.Metal compounds
addition, a range of biological assays have been carried
as anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimanic ,
out to determine levels of cytotoxicity and levels of DNA
antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antiulcer, antihypertensive
interstrand crosslinking 87. Metanium, a type of medicine
agents were reported 100. Traces of metals are essential
called a barrier ointment, contains titanium dioxide, titanium
for the biological processes as about 30 - 40 % of all
peroxide, titanium salicylate in a water-repellent, siliconised
known proteins including metalloenzymes require metal
base, is used to treat nappy rash 88. The compound titanium
cofactors (e.g., Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Mn) for their proper folding
dioxide absorbs UV light and is used in sunscreen. The
into an active three dimensional (3-D) structure 101,102.
non-reactive properties of titanium make it ideal for use
Silver (I) chlorhexidine [Ag(I)CHX] and Ag(II)CHX
in the body as hip replacements and pacemakers, which
showed superior antibacterial activity and faster killing
won’t be attacked by body fluids. Titanocene dichloride
kinetics compared with chlorhexidine and AgNO 103.
(Cp TiCl ) 89 or diketonato-complexes like budotitane
Metals in pharmaceuticals have played an increasingly
[Ti(bzac) (OEt) ; Hbzac = Phenylbutane-1,3-dione] 90
important role in medicine, particularly in cancer therapy
have been used to treat cancer. The main disadvantages
and diagnostic imaging methods. Medicinal applications
of these titanium complexes are their fast hydrolysis under
of coordination chemistry focus on the role that transition
physiological conditions: in an aqueous environment, and
metals play in clinical applications 104. Active trans
moreover, the loss of the labile groups occurs within
complexes and potent di- and tri-Pt anticancer complexes
seconds 91,92. Titanium salan complexes containing
tetradentate ONNO ligands with anti-cancer properties
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
Two promising ‘new-generation’ platinum agents are
starving them to death. The total concentration of biogenic
Bis-acetato-ammine dichloro-cyclohexylamine
magnetite(magnetic iron oxide magnetite, Fe O ) is
platinum(IV) (Satraplatin (JM-216) and cis-
generally higher in the AD brain 112. The serum Zn and
amminedichloro, 2-methylpyridine, platinum(II) (picoplatin,
Cu levels were low in most of the beta-thalassaemic
formerly ZD0473)picoplatin (JM-/AMD-473) – which
patients. Iron is absorbed from food into enterocytes lining
have shown promising clinical activity; satraplatin (an
the duodenum via the divalent metal transporter (DMT1).
orally available drug) in hormone-refractory prostate
Iron must therefore be in the divalent form for uptake.
cancer and picoplatin in small-cell lung cancer 106. The
This may be achieved by reduction of Fe 3+ to Fe 2+.
unwanted side-effects of platinum drugs would greatly
Fe(II) transport by divalent metal transporter-1 can be
reduce if platinum drugs could be made harmless until
modulated by cellular redox status and ebselen may act
they enter the cancer cells 107. Chemotherapy is a
therapeutically to limit iron-catalyzed damage due to
treatment for cancer that works by damaging DNA in
diseased cells. However, this form of treatment is also
damaging to healthy cells, often causing serious side
The main properties of ruthenium compounds well
effects. The use of metal-containing compounds as new
suited to medicinal application include: (i) rate of ligand
chemotherapeutic agents has been reported. The organic
exchange, (ii) the range of accessible oxidation states and
drug AMD3100 (Mozobil) mobilise stem-cells from bone
(iii) the ability of ruthenium to mimic iron in binding to
marrow. It is a highly potent and selective anti-HIV agent,
certain biological molecules. Many Ru(II) and Ru(I1I)
but significant side-effects unfortunately led to its
complexes have been evaluated for treatment of cancer
withdrawal after Phase II trials. Research is in progress
due to their low toxicity . This is in part due to the ability
on the metal-bound version of the compound 107. A new
of ruthenium to mimic the binding of iron to biomolecules,
copper(II) containing bis-macrocyclic CXCR4 chemokine
exploiting the mechanisms that the body has evolved for
receptor antagonist have improved binding properties to
nontoxic transport of iron 114-116. Two ruthenium
the receptor protein in comparison to the drug AMD3100
compounds, namely [ImH]trans-[RuCl4(Im)(dmso-S)]
(Plerixafor, Mozobil). The interaction of the metallodrug
(NAMI-A, Im = imidazole) and [IndH] trans-
has been optimized by using ultrarigid chelator units that
[RuCl4(Ind)2] (KP1019, Ind = indazole) have already
offer an equatorial site for coordination to the amino acid
completed phase I clinical trials as anticancer agents 117.
side chains of the protein. Binding competition assays withanti-CXCR4 antibodies showed that the new compound
Nuclear medicine
stays bound longer and it has improved anti-HIV potency
Today radiopharmaceutical therapy and/or imaging
are the fastest growing branch of nuclear medicine.
“Co-Aspirin”, a hexacarbonyldicoboalt-aspirin
Nuclear medicine involves the injection of a
complex, inhibited cyclooxygenase COX activity
radiopharmaceutical (radioactive drug) into a patient for
differently to aspirin. Experiments with zebra fish embryos
either the diagnosis or treatment of disease or both.
showed that in contrast to aspirin, Co-Aspirin inhibits both
Metallic radionuclides are the mainstay of both diagnostic
cell growth and the formation of small blood vessels
and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Great interest exists
(angiogenesis) 109. The antimicrobial properties of cobalt
for developing target specific radiopharmaceuticals based
(3+) coordination complexes were reported 110. Both cobalt
on radiometals for non-invasive disease detection and
polyglucopyranose and cobalt disodium ethylenediamine
cancer radiotherapy 118. The selection of a particular
tetra-acetate have higher therapeutic indexes, as
radionuclide relates directly with its intended clinical use,
determined in the rat, than does cobalt chloride 111. Iron
that is, whether a diagnostic or therapeutic result is desired.
is both essential for healthy brain function elevated iron
Radioisotopes which emit gamma rays are used
diagnostically whilst those that are beta particle emitters
neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s,
are used therapeutically. Iodine-131 radioisotopes emit a
Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases. Metalloantibiotics
combination of gamma and beta particles, which allow
might block iron uptake by pathogenic bacteria, in effect
their use in both areas. Radionucleotides are used for
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
imaging and therapy, Technetium (99m Tc), a β-emitting
Radiopharmaceuticals labeled with 64Cu have been
radionucleotide, is used in > 85% of all diagnostic scans
developed and the thiosemicarbazones Cu-PTSM is
in hospitals because of its ideal properties. i.e. it has a
trapped in all tissues and measures blood flow, while Cu-
half life long enough to allow accumulation in the target
ATSM is being used in patient studies evaluating hypoxia
tissue, yet short enough to minimize the radiation dose to
in the brain, heart and tumors 124-126.
the patient 119.
Radioactive 188Re and 186Re isotopes are used for
The examples of radiopharmaceuticals 120, which are
in practice worldwide for various diagnostic purposes
Particles of a radioactive gold isotope are implanted
include products such as 201Tl , thallous chloride
in tissues to serve as a radiation source in the treatment
(myocardial imaging), 133Xe xenon gas (pulmonary
of certain cancers. Availability of PET tracers like 68Ga
ventilation studies), 131I sodium iodide (thyroid uptake,
for use in hospital radiopharmacy facilities has also
imaging and therapy), Radioiodinated Albumin (Blood
enhanced the scope and practice of radionuclide therapy
volume studies0, 123I sodium iodide (thyroid uptake,
imaging), 89Sr or 153Sm (metastatic bone palative therapy),67Ga gallium citrate (tumor imaging, Abscess and
Molecules that selectively accumulate in the organ
infection), 32P (therapy), 99mTc pyrophosphate (cerebral
or tissue of interest by a specific mechanism such as
perfusion imaging, leukocyte labelling), 99mTc
receptor binding or interaction with biomolecules are
exametazime, 99mTc bicisate (cerebral perfusion imaging,
labeled with 99mTc, 68Ga, 153Sm, 186/188Re, 177Lu, among
hepatic and bone marrow imaging, gastric emptying
others and used as radiopharmaceuticals. However,
studies, 99mTc sulfur colloid , 99mTc medronate (bone
considerable effort is necessary to combine these
imaging), 99mTc sestamibi (myocardial imaging), 99mTc
radionuclides with biomolecules relevant to different
(mertiatied renal perfusion, anatomical imaging), 99mTc
pathological conditions. Intensive research on the
mebrofenin (hepatobilliary imaging), 99mTc pentetate (renal
coordination chemistry of these metals has led to novel
perfusion imaging), and 99mTc (macroaggregated
labeling methods that yield stable compounds which
retained the original biological activity of the ligand. Chemical aspects and clinical applications have been
described 131. BNCT is still in the early stages of its
pharmaceuticals and their uses include: 18F-Fluoride is
practical development. One of the main challenges to the
used in bone scanning studies as Fluorodeoxyglucose
BNCT modality continues to be the discovery of uniquely
(FDG) is similar in structure to glucose and is the
tumor-selective agents, capable of delivering therapeutic
compound most widely used in PET due to the ubiquitous
concentrations of 10B to target tumors, with low toxicity
use of glucose by the human body. It is used to detect
and high specificity. The use of polyhedral boron hydrides
and evaluate tumors, to assess myocardial viability, and
for cancer treatment is traditionally connected with boron
in diagnosing of a number of different neurological
neutron capture therapy. More recently, polyhedral borate
conditions. Fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) is a hypoxic agent
anions were proposed as carriers of radionuclide label
which is metabollicaly trapped by viable cells according
for targeted radionuclide therapy and diagnostics of
to their degree of hypoxia. 82Rb is a cardiac blood flow
cancer. Some metal derivatives of carboranes were found
tracer with a very short half-life (75 seconds) that allows
to demonstrate significant antitumor activity themselves.
The recent work concerning various fields of potential
The use of radiopharmaceuticals for therapeutic
application of polyhedral boron compounds in anticancer
applications ( á - or â “ -emitters) include sodium [ 131 I]
diagnostics and therapy was reported 132.
iodide, sodium 32 P-phosphate, 89 Sr-chloride, and 153 Sm-EDTMP (where EDTMP stands for
Organometallic compounds
ethylenediaminetetramethylphosphate), Yttrium-90-
Arsphenamine and antimony potassium tartrate were
labeled anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody is used to treat
introduced early in the second decade of the twenty
patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 122,123.
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
century. Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest
induced by bradykinin are not satisfactorily inhibited by
in the application of organometallic compounds to treat
the usual anti-inflammatory agents. Anticoagulant rare
cancer and other diseases. Indeed, the unique properties
earth metal compounds inhibited these types of
of organometallic compounds, intermediate between those
inflammation. In rats, neurogenic inflammation induced
of classical inorganic and organic materials provide new
either by antidromic electrical stimulation of the saphenous
opportunities in medicinal chemistry. A class of
nerve, or by orthodromic stimulation of sensory nerve
ruthenium(II)-arene complexes that are weakly cytotoxic
endings with capsaicin could almost totally be prevented
in vitro, but show selective antimetastatic activity in vivo
by a neodymium complex of pyrocatechol sodium
disulphonate. In rats and rabbits a dose-dependentinhibition of the permeability increase was observed at
Some ferrocenium salts exhibit anticancer activity,
the site of the injection of bradykinin, kallikrein or bothrops
and an experimental drug has been reported which is a
venom 141. Fe chelators including silybin and curcumin,
ferrocenyl version of an anticancer drug tamoxifen. The
both of which are derived from plants, also have a high
idea is that the tamoxifen will bind to the estrogen binding
potential in the treatment of cancer 142-144.
sites, resulting in a cytotoxicity effect 134,135.
Arene-Cr(CO)ƒ complex for the development of
Inorganic nanoparticles
antiphlogistica and pharmacologically relevant NOD2
Various inorganic nanoparticles have been used for
inhibitors and potential inhibitors of the Platelet Activating
drug delivery, magnetic resonance and fluorescence
imaging, and cell targeting owing to their unique properties,
such as large surface area and efficient contrasting effect.
Lanthanum and the fourteen elements following it
The recent advances in the development of contrast agents
(together, called the lanthanide series) are used in medical
based on inorganic nanoparticles including semiconductor
image visualisation. At a certain concentration, the cerium
quantum dots (QDs), iron oxide NPs and gold NPs for
compounds could be possibly involved in the control of
molecular imaging, and also touch on contrast
cell proliferation and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells
enhancement, surface modification; tissue targeting,
138. The lanthanum compound [tris(1,10-phenanthroline)
clearance and toxicity have been reported 145,146.
lanthanum(III)]trithiocyanate (KP772; FFC24) exerts inChelation and chelation therapy vitro anticancer activity via potent induction of cell cyclearrest and/or apoptosis and has promising in vivo
Chelating agent are organic chemicals that form
anticancer activity against a human colon cancer
coordination bonds with a central metal ion. Chelation
therapy is the use of chelating agents, such as edetate
Gadolinium plays a major role in MRI (magnetic
calcium disodium (EDTA), dimercaprol, deferoxamine,
resonance imaging) scans as a contrast agent. Medical
D-penicillamine, and succimer, to rid the body of toxic
professionals administer solution of gadolinium compounds
levels of iron, lead, or other heavy metals. Different
intravenously through injections into the patient’s body
chelators have been used to selectively remove toxic
which then flows into the bloodstream and enhances
metals. Depending on the drug used, chelating agents
internal structures of the body. As a result, identification
specific to the heavy metal involved are given orally,
of abnormal cell growths and tumors become a lot easier.
intramuscularly, or intravenously. Once the bound metal
This element is also used in other imaging devices such
leaves the tissue, it enters the bloodstream, is filtered from
as X-ray machines. Gadolinium is used to locate the
the blood in the kidneys, and then is eliminated in the urine.
presence of tumors in the inner ear. After injecting
Dimercaptol Injection B.P. BAL in oil is used for Arsenic,
Gadolinium into the blood stream, it then goes to any tumor
Lead , Mercury (inorganic), Dimercaptosiccinic acid
that happens to be present in the ear and the tumor appears
(DMSA) (Succimer) Chemet is used for Arsenic, Lead,
Mercury, Dimercaptopropanesulfonate (DMPS) forarsenic , D-pencillamine for Arsenic Mercury Lead, and
Both neurogenically evoked inflammation and that
Ethylenediamintetra-acetic acid for Lead. However, there
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
are no FDA-approved over-the-counter chelation
metallic and nonmetallic elements such as aluminum &
oxygen (alumina - Al O ), calcium & oxygen (calcia -
CaO), silicon & nitrogen (nitride- Si N ). The two most
Magnesium ascorbate (vitamin C) is a chelate found
common chemical bonds for ceramic materials are
in orange juice and in nutritional supplements. Chelation
involves reversible binding of metals. Thus, ascorbate mayrelease the essential metal magnesium in the body and
Living bone is a 70 wt % inorganic component
complex with the toxic metal lead to form lead chelate.
(apatite) and 30 wt % organic component (collagen).
The lead exits the body complexed as lead chelate, reducing
Ceramics are employed in a wide range in the medical
the body burden of lead. Chelates generally exit the body
specialty. Surgeons use bioceramic materials for repair
through the kidneys via urine or through the bile via the
and replacement of human hips, knees, and other body
stool. However, chelates may not necessarily eliminate
parts. A wide range of ceramic materials are being used
toxic metals but rather redistribute them in the body. Since
in biomedical applications; ranging from bone implants to
many orange juice drinkers and one daily vitamin and
biomedical pumps. Dentistry has also advanced with
mineral tablet users have excess mineral toxicity and
ceramic teeth that can be matched to a patient’s natural
related diseases, the medical field of clinical metal
ones and other applications for improving a patient’s smile.
toxicology has much to offer. Clinical metal toxicology,
Hydroxyapatite-zirconia ceramic material with good
which includes chelation therapy, deals with various issues
biological histocompatibility nature as bone tissue
in regard to preventing and reducing metal toxicity.
engineering scaffold materials have broad clinicalapplication.
Intravenous Chelation Therapy involves cleansing the
Ceramics are also employed to replace diseased heart
body of harmful chemicals which are implicated in many
valves. The applications are based on the fact that when
diseases. With chelation therapy, circulatory conditions
used as implants or even as coatings to metal
associated with hardening of the arteries leading to stroke,
replacements, ceramic materials can stimulate bone
hypertension, angina, heart attack, poor memory, poor
growth, promote tissue formation and provide protection
vision and impotence may be improved. Bypass surgery
from the immune system. Moreover, modern ceramic
and limb amputation due to poor circulation may be
materials play an important role in gadgets used for
medical diagnosis including both ultrasonic and X-ray
Chelation therapy removes chemicals that form the
computed tomography (CT) systems. Transducers utilizing
material that makes arteries hard and clogged and interfere
lead zirconate titanate (PZT) based piezoelectric ceramicsare the heart of ultrasonic systems. These transducers
with normal cellular process. In the United States,hardening of the arteries has been found to be an
generate the ultrasonic acoustic waves and detect the
underlying condition in most deaths caused by disease.
reflected signals to form the image. Zirconia implants withmodified surfaces result in an osseointegration which is
Osteoporosis and arthritic degenerative joint disease canalso be controlled or reversed.
comparable with that of titanium implants 148. Zirconia-ceramic consisting of at least 90% of zirconium dioxide
Chelation therapy stimulates the body to restore
applications include femoral heads for total hip
strength to the bones and removes chemicals that cause
replacements, knee joints, shoulders, phalangeal joints,
joint stiffening and pain. Chelation has been shown to be
spinal implants, endoscopic components and pace maker
effective in the prevention of malignancy 147. Ceramics in medical and dental applications
Porous ceramic biomaterials (artificial bone) are now
According to Gilman in 1967, a ceramic is an earthy
in demand in the field of regenerative medicine on hard
material usually of silicate nature and may be defined as
tissues. Four different porous calcium phosphate ceramic
a combination of one or more metals with a non-metallic
materials were studied to induce osteogenic differentiation
element usually oxygen. The Ceramics are typically
of multipotent cells in vitro and in vivo 149,150.
crystalline in nature, and are compounds formed between
Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is one of the ceramic materials
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
that is commonly used to substitute bone tissue in
to act as attracting signals for bone cells to promote bone
orthopedic and dental implants. A composite of
regeneration process. Finally, recent research examples
hydroxyapatite and biocompatible oxides (for example,
of organic–inorganic hybrid bioceramics, such as stimuli-
TiO , Al O , ZrO or Y O ) is preferred as a harder
responsive drug delivery systems and nanosystems for
composite with greater strength under compression and
targeting of cancer cells and gene transfection were
resistance to breakage than pure hydroxyapatite 151.
Various recently introduced diagnostic and working toolsof which ceramics play an integral part include: Radio
Zinc fingers
Visio Graphy (RVG) Pulp tester Apex locators 1st
Zinc finger reactions with inorganic ions such as Co2+
generation - resistance based. 2nd generation - impedance
and Cd2+ and coordination compounds has given structural,
based 3rd generation -frequency based 152.
thermodynamic and kinetic information on zinc fingers
Natural bones are composed mainly of hydroxyapatite
and zinc-finger-DNA/RNA interactions.Some inorganic
supported by collagen fibers. In this regard, many
compounds such as those of As(III) and Au(I) may exert
hydroxyapatite /carbon nanotubes hybrid composite
their biological effects through inactivation of zinc fingers
materials were successfully synthesized via a
and novel approaches to specifically attack the zinc-bound
biomineralization process that employs poly(dopamine)
ligands using Co(III)-Schiff bases and Platinum(II)-
(PDA), a synthetic mimic of mussel adhesive proteins. It
Nucleobase compounds have been proposed 155.Zinc-
has been reported that the formation of a poly(dopamine)
finger nucleases are synthetic “designer” proteins
ad-layer on the surface of carbon nanotubes changed the
combining a zinc-finger domain, engineered to bind a
hydrophobic carbon nanotubes to become bioactive. This
particular DNA sequence, with an enzyme that breaks
enabled interaction between the carbon nanotubes and
both DNA strands at the targeted site. Zinc finger proteins
mineral ions (e.g., Ca2+) facilitated the mineralization of
could offer a better route to gene therapy. Zinc finger
hydroxyapatite . Carbon nanotubes functionalized with
nucleases that disrupt the CCR5 gene in CD4+ human T-
poly(dopamine) accelerated the formation of HAp upon
cells as a potential treatment for HIV/AIDS were
incubation in a simulated body fluid and exhibited a minimal
cytotoxic effect on bone osteoblast cells compared to
Sangamo collaborates with pharmaceutical partners
pristine or carboxylated carbon nanotubes,thereby,
in developing ZFP Therapeutics and is conducting clinical
showing the potential of carbon nanotubes-poly(dopamine)
trials to treat numerous diseases such as diabetic
as a scaffold material for bone tissue regeneration and
neuropathy, peripheral artery disease, HIV based on ZFP
Sangamo is pursuing numerous other disease
Hybrid bioceramics have remarkable features resulting
treatments using ZFPs: diabetes, sickle cell disease,
from the synergistic combination of both inorganic and
ischemic heart disease (caused by the narrowing of the
organic components that make them suitable for a wide
coronary artery), congestive heart failure, cancer,
range of medical applications. Certain bioceramics, such
neuropathic pain, hepatitis B, Wiscott-Aldrich Syndrome
as ordered mesoporous silicas, can exhibit different kind
and X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency “bubble
of interaction with organic molecules to develop different
boy” disease. 157. A new way of turning genes on and off
functions. The weak interaction of these host matrixes
is promising to transform treatment of conditions such as
with drug molecules confined in the mesoporous channels
HIV/AIDS, heart disease and diabetes. This technique
allows these hybrid systems to be used as controlled
allows scientists to act with unprecedented precision
delivery devices. Moreover, mesoporous silicas can be
against genes that affect a wide range of diseases,
used to fabricate three (3D)-dimensional scaffolds for
switching them on or off permanently 158. The most
bone tissue engineering. In this last case, different
advanced of Sangamo’s drugs uses a zinc-finger nuclease
osteoinductive agents (peptides, hormones and growth
to treat diabetic neuropathy, a common complication of
factors) can be strongly grafted to the bioceramic matrix
diabetes that causes nerve damage and pain. The drug
J Pharm Educ Res Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, June 2011
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