Test Report document for Medication List Tested By
ViCarePlus Team,
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Final Rule Text: §170.302(d) Maintain active medication list. Enable a user to electronically record, modify, and retrieve a patient’s active medication list as well as
medication history for longitudinal care.

TD170.302.d – 1: Record Active MedicationsAmbulatory Setting 1) Diabeta (glyburide) 2.5 mg tablet by mouth every morning 2) Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium) 10mg tablet
by mouth daily 3)Lasix (furosemide) 20 mg tablet by mouth 2 times per day 4)Klor-Con (potassium chloride) 10 mEq tablet by mouth 2 times per day 5) Eythromycin (erythro mycin ethylsuccinate) oral suspension 400 mg by mouth every 6 hours TD170.302.d – 2: Modify Active Medications – Ambulatory Setting 1)Discontinue Lipitor 2)Change
the frequency of Lasix from 2 times per day to 1 time per day 3)Change the dose of Klor-Con from 10 mEq to 20 mEq TD170.302.D – 3b: Retrieve Medication History -
Ambulatory Setting List of all Medications including those that have been discontinued 1) Diabeta (glyburide) 2.5 mg tablet by mouth every morning 2)Lipitor (atorvastatin
calcium) 10 mg tablet by mouth daily -- DISCONTINUED 3)Lasix (furosemide) 20 mg tablet by mouth 1 time per day 4)Klor-Con (potassium chloride) 20 mEq tablet by mouth 2 times per day 5)Erythromycin (erythromycin ethylsuccinate) oral suspension 400 mg by mouth every 6 hours Test Case ID
Test Cases Checked
DTR170.302.d – 1: Electronically Record Patient Active Medication List in an Ambulatory Setting
Select any patient and click the patient's demographics A pop up arises which has options for adding page and click the 'Edit' button in the Prescription section and listing prescription Click the 'Add' button to add prescription Enter the medication details from data set TD170.302.d All the details entered correctly without any – 1.Check 'Add to Medication list' check box and save it. omission. There is no entry for mEq in Repeat this for all the prescription details in medicine units,so add mEq in Administration- DTR170.302.c – 2: Electronically Modify Patient Active Medication List in an Ambulatory Setting
Click Patient/Client->Summary and select the 'Edit' A pop up arises which has options for adding The page for modifying prescription list Click the edit button of the prescription to be modified Modify data as given in TD170.302.d – 2 and save the changes. For discontinuing the medicines, uncheck The modified details are entered correctly DTR170.302.d – 3: Electronically Retrieve Patient Active Medication List and Medication History in an Ambulatory Setting
Select the patient for whom the medications were added In the demographics page,under Prescription during DTR170.302.d – 1 and DTR170.302.d -2.
section all the active medications are listed All the active medications are high lighted. The discontinued medications are displayed Click the edit button in the Prescription section Check whether the medications are listed as of All the medication details are listed correctly


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Recent article on need for behavior change, not condoms. AIDS in Africa--a Betrayal The one success story is now threatened by U.S. aid bureaucrats. by Edward C. Green The Weekly Standard 01/31/2005, Volume 010, Issue 19 FOR MANY YEARS, THERE was an open secret in the battle against AIDS in Africa. A few of us knew about, and earnestly sought to publicize, crucial findings indicating the most


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