Traditional medicine-2013-tentative program.xls

Check back recurrently as the tentative program will be updated once in a week 10:30-10:50 Thomas Vallomtahrayil and Amina Ather, EPMA, Germany 10:50-11:10 Anil K Mandal, Mandal Diabetes Research Foundation, USA 11:10-11:30 Mohammed R Khan, Synergex Consulting, Canada Track 7: Practices of Traditional Medicine Track 9: Challenges in Traditional Medicine Track 10: Research and Development in Traditional Medicine IntroductionTitle: Traditional medicine and pregnancy management: Perceptions of traditional health practitioners in 11:45-12:00 capricorn district limpopo province, South Africa Sonto M. Maputle, University of Venda, South Africa Title: Outcomes measurements: History and relevance to traditional and alternative medicines 12:00-12:15 Rao S. Pippalla, Center for PharmacoEconomics and Outcomes Research, India Title: Capillary electrophoresis in the profiling and authentication of herbal medicines 12:15-12:30 Raymond G Reid, Robert Gordon University, UK Title: Mechanism research of antidepressant-like & anxiolytic-like effects of Xiaoyao San 12:30-12:45 Jia-xu Chen, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China Title: Promoting traditional medicine in west Africa : Prospects and challenges 12:45-13:00 Kofi Busia, West African Health Organization, Burkina Faso Title: Prevalence & factors affecting the use of traditional medicine in Brunei Darussalam 13:45-14:00 Nurolaini Kifli, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam Title: The latest- Long term alternate therapy epidemiology in Siddha treatment 14:00-14:15 Sharavanan K Padmanabhan, Sri Aurobindo Siddha Research Foundation, India Title: Vedic vibrational healing: First of its kind unconventional healing system: Non-intrusive: Highly Sanjay Solanki, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, India Title: Jobelyn reduces aggressive behaviors in animal models predictive of human aggression 14:30-14:45 Umukoro Solomon, University of Ibadan, Nigeria Title: Immunomodulatory activity of Indian banyan : Validating the traditional use 14:45-15:00 Tabassum Khan, SVKM Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy, India Title: A very good place to start: The methodology of reverse pharmacology 15:00-15:15 Xiangming Liu, South-Central University for Nationalities, China Title: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Abidjan traditional healers on uncomplicated and 15:30-15:45 complicated malaria (Cote d Ivoire) Diaby Badara, Institut National d Hygiene Publique, Cote d Ivoire Title: Gardenia turgida Roxb. (Kharhar) an important medicinal plant of Chhattisgarh, India 15:45-16:00 Rajesh Shukla, Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Co. Federation Limited, India Title: Anti-bacterial and anti-histaminic activities of a siddha formulation: Pavala puttru chunnam 16:00-16:15 Shree Devi M S, Sivaraj Institute of Medical Sciences, India Tilte: Kshara sutra therapy: A minimal invasive para surgical method for treatment of sacrococcygeal Hemanta Panigrahi, Ayurveda Central Research Institute, India Title: Some epidemiological aspects of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among cancer Dinesh Kumar, Government Medical College and Hospital, India Title: Antimicrobial activity of Acacia catechu bark extracts against selected pathogenic bacteria 16:45-17:00 Arvind Kumar Bhatt, Himachal Pradesh University, India Title: Vestibular modulation of endocrine secretions: A review 17:00-17:15 Kumar Sai Sailesh, Travancore Medical College, India Track 3: Ayurveda-The Science of Eight Components 11:50-12:10 Pratip K Debnath, Gananath Sen Institute of Ayurvidya & Research, India 12:10-12:25 Avinash Shankar, National Institute of Health & Research, India Title: Role of Satvavajaya Cikitsa (Ayurvedic rational emotive behavioural therapy) in mental adjustment Pawan Kumar Godatwar, National Institute of Ayurveda, India Title: Study on interrelationship between Obesity (Medoroga) & DM (Prameha) 12:40-12:55 Priyadarshini Tewari, Banaras Hindu University, India Title: Time to restructure ayurveda : In focus Twak updhatu 12:55-13:10 Ghanshyam Vatsa, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India Title: Role of Ayurceuticals in Swasthasya Swasthyarakshanam (wellness) 13:55-14:10 Kalpana Dhuri, Ayurvedic Consultant, India Title: Abhyanga: Essential in daily routine for health preservation 14:10-14:25 Durgawati Devi, National Institute of Ayurveda, India Title: An Ayurvedic approach for the management of metabolic syndrome 14:25-14:40 Sathyanarayana B, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, India Title: Random withdrawl - Knocking allergies a cross-sectional study w.s.r to ritusandhi 14:40-14:55 Nisha Gupta, National Institute of Ayurveda, India Title: Mineral constituents and antimicrobial activity of three rasashastra formulations 14:55-15:10 Byadgi P S, Banaras Hindu University, India Title: Comparative efficacy of shatavari mandur and iron folic acid tablets in the management of garbhini 15:10-15:25 pandu (anaemia during preganacy) Meenakshi Pal, National Institute of Ayurveda, India Title: Mineral constituents and antimicrobial activity of three rasashastra formulations 15:40-15:55 A.U. Wijenayake, University of Peradeniya, Srilanka Title: Rheumatological disorders in Ayurveda 15:55-16:10 Narayan Jadhav, Dhanvantari Ayurved Medical College & Hospital, India Title: Clinical profile and Ayurveda treatment outcome in ano-rectal pain and bleeding 16:10-16:25 Umakanta Pattnayak, Dibyadhama Hospitals, India Title: The clinical evaluation of saptsama yog and mukhkantikar lepa in mukhdushika w.s.r. to Acne Anita Sharma, National Institute of Ayurveda, India Track 5: Homeopathy Track 6: Yoga as an alternative therapy Track 8: Acupuncture Title: Stability and expiry date evaluation of homoeopathic mother tincture 10:00-10:15 Rajesh Barve, Virar Homoeopathic Medical College, India Title: Homeopathic treatment of acute and chronic asthma in children 10:15-10:30 Ifeoma Ikenze, Integrative Homeopathic Consultations, USA 10:30-10:45 Sara Chimthanawala, Integrated Healing Forum, India 10:45-11:00 Brahmadeo R Mishra, Virar Homoeopathic Medical College, India Title: Homoeopathy in the management of endocrinological disorders : To study the role of predisposition & maintaining factors in diabetes patients receiving one of the calcarea group remedy Yogesh D Niturkar, KSPMs V. K. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, India Title: Role of homoeopathy in autoimmune disorders with emphasis on rheumatoid arthritis 11:30-11:45 Preeti Vilas Palanat, Virar Homoeopathic Medical College, India Title: Acupuncture healing in collagen induced arthritis 11:45-12:00 Sumita S Satarkar, Aarogya Santulan, India Title: Development process of a yoga-based cardiac rehabilitation programme (Yoga-Care) 12:00-12:15 Kaushik Chattopadhyay, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK 12:15-12:30 Himangi Amol Raut, Virar Homoeopathic Medical College, India Title: Management of mucus related respiratory health problems through sinuses and airways cleaning 12:45-13:00 Samir A Joshi, Virar Homoeopathic Medical College, India Rita Mahajan, Divine Learning Unlimited, India 14:00-14:15 Shashikanth Seth, Mumbai, India Title: Role of homoeopathy in female hypothyroid cases 14:15-14:30 S R Vaishampayan, Virar Homoeopathic Medical College, India Title: Integrated approach of Naturopathy and Yoga : The ideal healthcare application in CAM systems 14:30-14:45 Gulab Rai Tewani, Sant Hirdaram Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, India Title: Homoeopathy: A ray of hope in acute allergic bronchitis 14:45-15:00 Amita Arora, ACE Homeopathy, India Track 2: Herbal Medicine-Importance and usage Title: Indian medicinal plant- an inexpensive herbal agent to cure kala-azar 15:00-15:15 Sharmila Chattopadhyay, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, India Title: Medicinal plants from Argentina: Phytochemical analysis and ethnopharmacological screening 15:15-15:30 Marta A. Vattuone, National University of Tucuman, Argentina Title: Silver nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia as an antibacterial agent 15:45-16:00 J P Yadav, M.D. University, India Title: Issues of quality, safety and efficacy of traditional herbal medicines with reported neuroprotective Title: Management of oedema and swelling using a combination of haridra ( Curcuma longa extracts as curcumin), pine apple stem (Anana squamosal extracts as bromelain) and shallaki (Boswellia serrata Nitin Chaube, Ayushya Varsha Clinics and Ayurveda Health Cafe, India Title: Interactions between herbal remedies and medicinal drugs; Considerations about Cuba 16:30-16:45 Diadelis Remirez Figueredo, National Centre for State Quality Control of Drugs and Medical Devices, Title: Protective effect of Autranella congolensis and Sapium ellypticum stem bark extracts against 16:45-17:00 hepatotoxicity induced by thioacetamide Jules Clement Assob Nguedia, University of Buea, Cameroon Title: Oxalis corniculata : Potential herb in treatment of diabetes 17:00-17:15 K S N Jyothi, Acharya Nagarjuna University, India Title:Process Analytical Technology (PAT) for the traditional herbal drug industry 17:15-17:30 Sharadwata Pan, Indian Institute of Technology, India Title: Evaluation of a herbal compound (GH-89) in the patients of acute hepatitis B - A clinical study 17:30-17:45 Girendra Singh Tomar, SLBSS Govt. Ayurvedic College, India Track 1: Aspects and Applications of Traditional Medicine Track 4: Unani Medicine 10:05-10:25 Gundu H R Rao, University of Minnesota, USA 10:25-10:45 M A Waheed, Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine, India Title: Traditional healers practices within western model hospitals 10:45-11:00 Roberto Campos Navarro, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de, Mexico Title: Importance of hijamah (cupping therapy) in the current health scenario 11:00-11:15 Sharique Zafar, Holistic Health Care and Research Organization, India Title: Indigenous knowledge, wisdom and values for better universities worldwide: The case from 11:45-12:00 David R Baines, Alaska Family Medicine Residency, USA Title: Indian medicinal plants and related traditional knowledge: Modalities of protection from an 12:00-12:15 intellectual property rights perspective P E Rajasekharan, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, India Title: Unani Murakkabat (formulations): Need of modification 12:15-12:30 Hifzul Kabir, Jamia Hamdard, India Title: Hijamah: Cupping, the world's best medicine 12:30-12:45 Moin Bubere, Islamic Institute of Dawa & Dua, India Title: Traditional and alternative system of medicine : Inspired approaches in developing clinically 12:45-13:00 validated herbal nutraceuticals H N Shivaprasad, Olive Lifesciences, India Title: Unani formulation "Givone" in the management of obesity : Animal trials 13:45-14:00 Ghazala Mulla, ZVM Unani Medical College, India Title: Place of traditional medicine in the treatment of HIV infected patients hospitalized in a teaching Diaby Badara, Institut National d Hygiene Publique, Cote d Ivoire Title: Utilization of traditional medicine for treatment of helminthiasis 14:15-14:30 Emdad Hossain, Pharmacy College, India Title: A comparative study on barley and oats and its effects on weight loss and nutritional parameters Vaidya Mita Kotecha, National Institute of Ayurveda, India Title: Efficacy of unani regimen : Hijama ma a shurt (wet cupping therapy) with oral unani formulation in 14:45-15:00 the management of ziabetus shakri (type-ii diabetes mellitus) : A clinical study Shaikh Nikhat, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, India 15:15-16:15 Panel Discussion on "Are alternative medicines overly regulated ? Controversies and global implications" Check back recurrently as the tentative program will be updated once in a week


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Kongressbericht vom San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2009 Dr. Ingo Bauerfeind, Landshut Chefarzt der Frauenklinik im Klinikum Landshut und Leiter und Zentrumskoordinator des interdisziplinären Brustzentrums Landshut Email: [email protected] Traditionell fand vom 09. 12. bis zum 13.12. 2009 in San Antonio das Brustkrebs-Symposium statt. Trotz Finanzkrise fanden

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