Another strike against hormone shots; seattle conference

Another strike against hormone shots; Seattle conference Another strike against hormone shots; Seattle contraceptive conference
Male Contraception Update
Another strike against hormone shot for women
In today's New York Times: the hormone shot contraceptiveDepo-Provera appears to raise the risk of transmission of HIV Initiative conference toconvene world's leading Depo-Provera has a checkered history, with concerns raised at various times about bone density loss (it has since been learned that the density is at least partly recoverable upon stopping), dosage appropriateness (a 31% lower dose was later introduced),depression, and weight gain. However, it remains popular amongyoung women and women who want to keep their contraceptive usesecret from their parents, husbands, or husband's family-- andamong women who must travel a long way to access health servicesand rely on the accessibility of a shot every 3 months.
Although this result only applies to the 3-month progestin shot,which is a large dose of synthetic progestin, one can't help but beconcerned about the possible implications for long-acting progestinimplants (e.g. Implanon, Jadelle, Sino-implant/Zarin) and the use ofprogestin shots as part of a male contraceptive regimen. This newsincreases the urgency of alternative long-acting, non-hormonalcontraceptives for men and women.
Future of Contraception Initiative conference to
convene world leaders in Seattle, Oct. 29-31

Another strike against hormone shots; Seattle conference Just in time, world contraceptive research leaders will gatherOctober 29-31 in Seattle to discuss the need for new methods andthe most promising research. International teams will bewell-represented at the conference, which is hosted by the NationalInstitute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH), the Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation, and the University of Washington.
Talks and poster presentations will include: The male contraceptive pill in advanced clinical trials inIndonesia, with both a researcher and a government officialattendingFirst published results of a pilot study on reversibility ofRISUG polymer gel, the 10+ year nonhormonal shotInitial results of an ongoing Gates Foundation GrandChallenges Explorations-funded study testing RISUG in theuterus as a nonsurgical female sterilization/contraceptiveStudies on ultrasound in three different species (rat, dog,monkey) from three different university groupsNew early-stage results on a male pill being studied in theU.K. that could drastically reduce HIV transmission byproducing a semen-free orgasmThe latest survey data from MCIP on demand for male methods along with discussion of expanding access to improved femalecontraceptives already on the market in other countries (e.g.
indomethacin pain-reducing IUD in China, postpartumprogesterone vaginal ring in Chile) and talks covering many otherapproaches, such as retinoic-acid receptor antagonists, in the veryfull male contraceptive research pipeline.
Male contraception researchers who are not already attendingshould make immediate plans to be there, as space is running out.
Male contraception advocates, members of the public, and press are Another strike against hormone shots; Seattle conference also welcome while space remains.
Learn more: Future of Contraception Initiative Members of the public:
Can't attend, but want to see policymakers finish the job on new male methods? Make your voice heard: fill out the survey/petition and you'll be represented in the poster presentation on demand. P. O. Box 410505 | San Francisco, CA 94141-0505 US This email was sent to [email]. To ensure that you continue receiving our emails, please add us to your
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