Microsoft word - final articles proceedingsconf materials2010 19-5-2011 part
V., Yıldırıma M. M., Journal of Materials Processing Technology
8. “Chromium and Manganese”
Sajjad Ali, Yaseen Iqbal and Rick Ubic: Manganese Deposits in KPK……
ABSTRACTS (ABSTRACTS OF THE ORAL PRESENTATIONS) 1. The Phase transition behaviour and dielectric properties of Ta2O5- and ZnO-doped BaTiO3
Materials Research Laboratory, Institute
of Physics & Electronics, University of
change is initiated by light) and thermo-
thermally initiated). In the last twenty
radiation shields and in halographic work
became recognized. All such applications
photo-chromic processes. It is with these
potential in view that a large number of
the final ceramic was single-phase at low
dopants onto the A- and B-site of BaTiO3,
nitrobenzaldehyde derivatives of various
the large difference in the ionic radii of Ta
all the samples. The dielectric constant
spectroscopy revealed an increase in the
forward reaction is induced by light while
2. o-Nitroarylidene Aryl Hydrazides
compound in the dark (a slow process) or
and Schif’s Bases as New Classes of Photothermchromic and
much faster reversal process). Similarly a
Thermochromic Materials-Kd
Foreign Professor I, Institute of Chemical
decorative paints changing colour as the
3. Solvent Extraction Study of Indigenous coal
A Mateen1,2, F.A. Khalid1 , T.I. Khan2, G.C. Saha2
Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of Peshawar
1GIK Institute of Engineering Science & Technology,
University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr
was used in virgin & pretreated forms.
Virgin and pretreated coal was extracted
largely investigated. During this work the
extraction. All these processes was done
by using different organic solvents like
novel duplex coated near-nano-crystalline
Methanol, Toluene, Carbon-tetra-chloride,
investigated. The effect of applied loads,
in order to evaluate best solvent and best
sliding speed and sliding distance on the
technique for extraction. The %age yield
wear rate is studied. It is shown that the
coal and also by the extract obtained after
extraction. Uv spectro-photometric study
sliding distance but the slope of the curve
was mostly aromatic in nature & aldehyde
4. Fracture toughness
This property is therefore studied with the
resistance of WC-Cobalt coatings
using two different techniques. The effect
Rockwell indentation techniques are used
5. Plasma nitriding of aluminium in a pulsed dc glow discharge of nitrogen
coumarin (C545T) as an assistant dopant.
different ion-current densities (2.0-5.0 mA
F/Al. It was found that C545T dopant did
not by itself emit but did assist the energy
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and
plane reflection along with the emergence
of new diffraction peak corresponding to
saturated red color when a polar co-host
(220) plane reflection, confirming the N-
hardness is significantly improved which
(>70%) exhibited low driving voltage and
6. Red organic light emitting diodes
high current efficiency as compared to the
with high efficiency, low driving voltage and saturated red color realized via two step energy transfer based on ADN and Alq3 co-host
d’Eclairage coordinates of [0.618, 0.373]
and peak kmax = 620 nm at a current density of 20 mA/cm2. This is a promising
way of utilizing wide band gap material as
relativistic electrons, high energy ions, x-
7. Microstructural evolution Phase Transformation of Sintered Kaolin Powder Compacts
processing like etching, oxiding as well as
de-oxiding, nitriding, carburizing, thin film
with this device. Apart from these micro
electrons is also possible. The variables
preionization, inductance etc. All of these
device to have both the desired emission
used as the starting material, which was
Chromium (III) By Amberlite.IR-120
by the die-pressing technique and fired up
to 1300°C at a constant heating/cooling
transformations took place as the kaolin is
is first formed at a temperature as low as
1000°C. Acicular type mullite grains are
temperature. The rate constant values for
Chromium (III) sorption are calculated by
aspect ratio of the mullite grains increase
film and particle diffusion equations. The
with the increase of firing temperature.
8. Role of Plasma Focus Device in material processing
activation are calculated using the well-
substituted compositions, Qu×fo increased
decreased from 78 to 62. The dark cores,
observed in the anterior of pellets of the
substituted SrLa4Ti5-xZrxO17 compositions
10. The effect of various substitutions constitution
SrLa4Ti4.90Zr0.1O17 sintered at 1580°C for
electrical Properties of Sr5Nb4TiO17
4h. Zr substitutions for Ti in SrLa4Ti5O17
Materials Research Laboratory, Institute
of Physics & Electronics, University of
no significant effect on the quality factor.
11. PASTIC Information Services
The effect of Ca+2 and La+3 substitutions
substitution for Ti in SrLa4Ti5O17 has been
phase ceramics with the exception of the
information dissemination which has been
(Sr, Ca)n(Ti, Nb)nO3n+2 (n=6) phase also
formed in addition to the relevant parent
National level since its creation. PASTIC
xTi1+xO17 compositions crystallized into
delivery of S&T information catering to the
xTi1+xO17 (for x=0-4) at all the sintering
needs of working scientist /researchers,
academicians, industrialists, engineers,
volume of the unit cell decreased with the
doctors, technocrats, business and trade
community, policy makers and planers. It
due to the smaller ionic radii of Ca+2 and
La+3 than Sr+2. The dielectric constant (εr
certifications. PASTIC national Centre is
comprehensive collection of publications,
resonant frequency’ (Qu×fo) increased
from 1000 to 4000 GHz in the Ca Abstracts
resources in various fields of S&T. Its
Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Faisalabad and Muzaffarabad. Major objective of
Magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles uncoated
discipliners of science and Technology. In
using Scherer’s formula. It was found that
service, abstracting and indexing service,
science reference library service, referral
scientific periodicals of Pakistan. Pakistan
(Fe3O4) nano-particles, the magnetization
science abstracts, Directory of scientific
is reduced, while coercivity and exchange
News Bulletin are compiled and published
lower value consistent with size reduction.
13. Synthesis and Characterization of Soluble Polyaniline-Doedcylbenzene- sulfonic acid Salt
library cooperation for sharing resources,
National Center of Excellence in Physical
establish with different organizations and
information services that are offered to
organic materials has sparked the search
for new materials with tailored properties
responding to the diverse need of a brood
for possible technological applications.
12. Effects of surfactant on magnetite
technological applications. However, its
3O4) Nano-Particles
insolubility in common organic solvents limits its range of applications. In the
industrial application. In terms of oxides,
SiO2 and Al2O3 constituted the major part
surfactant. A mixture of chloroform and 2-
such as concentration of aniline, oxidizing
crystallisation of the samples occurred at
montmorillonite, clinochlore, halloysite,
quartz and albite. The FWHM of the major
XRD peak for kaolinite (1.128) indicated
polymer salt was also characterized with
Tridymite and mullite formed at ~900 and
1000°C respectively. The transformation
of tridymite into cristobalite and finally
particles persisted up to 400°C. Mullite
temperature, making a network of rods at ~1200-1400°C. Above 1200°C, mullite
further grew in size at the cost of fusion of
Materials Research Laboratory, Institute
smaller mullite grains till 1400°C. TEM of
of Physics & Electronics, University of
flakes of kaolinite, and tabular halloysite.
1000°C with different size ranging from
small square particle to long rectangular
rods became long and wide but still some
small square shaped primary mullite crystals could be seen in the matrix.
Swat china clay, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, (KB) was characterized using
15. The role of alumina ion-exchanger medically interesting99Mo/99mTc and188W/188Re radionuclide generators
Differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray
diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Transmission
electron temperature (Te) and generation
of active species. The selected Ar-I lines
relative changes in the concentration of
Inorganic ion-exchangers are generally more stable to ionizing radiations and at
active species N2 (C3Πu) andN+2 (B2Σ+u)
considerably more selective than organic
intensities of nitrogen (0–0) bands of the
only in water purification processes but
increased considerably by mixing argon in
hydrometallurgy, inorganic chemistry and
nitriding of different metal alloys. Further it
biochemistry, in food technology, and of
17. Processing and Characterization of Diamond Based Composite Materials
GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and
present study has proved that separation
factor of these radionuclides on alumina
applications owing to unique combination
the best adsorbent material for separation
characterization to employ in fabrication
of engineering components. The work will
16. Spectroscopic Studies of Ar-N
highlight the new production methods that
admixed plasma sustained by 13.56 MHz RF Discharge
that are suitable for thermal management
applications. It is also pertinent to note
infiltration process. Various attempts have been made to develop new materials and
composites reinforced with different forms
range. The effect on transition Power in
nanotubes and pyrolitic graphite in order
demonstrated that thermal conductivity in
19. Synthesis & characterization of ibuprofen nanostructures and their application as Pb sensor
is carried out. Emphasis is also placed on
Analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh,
greater level of stability and bond strength
derived porous silver nanoparticles (Ibu-
matrix. The role of interface is assessed
to enhance the thermal conductivity of the
18. Operation of High Density Magnetic
immobilization on glassy carbon electrode
Pole Enhanced Inductively Coupled
includes, kind of electrode, concentration
deposition potential, stirring rate, nitrogen
purging time, initial potential and pH. The
fabricated sensor is very simple, easy to
a linear range of 0.1–1500 ppb with lower
pM) and correlation coefficient of 0.999
for Pb(II) ions. Relative standard deviation
of 1.5% was observed for 20 replicates of
density (ne≈ 1012 cm-3) can be produced
1000 ppb Pb(II) solution which signifies
excellent reproducibility and repeatability
commonly found in various types of water
applications such as piezoinjector, ink jet
20. Transport Exhaust reduction over
performance of these devices is governed
by the electric-field-induced strain. Lead-
much higher electric-field-induced strain
piezoelectric ceramics. However, they are
patented technology (i) TiO2-S-K and (ii)
strains, and environmental issues that call
competitive performance. In this scenario
parameter for industrial reactions). These
technique. The effect of iso-valent B-site
(Zr) substitution on the crystal structure
investigated. XRD patterns indicated the
coefficient (d*33 = 614 pm/V) for unipolar
loadings. This value of strain is higher
controlled band gap results in the control
obtained for lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT)
Zirconium Substitution on Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Lead free
Bi0.5(Na0.78K0.22)0.5(Ti1-xZrx)O3 ceramics
Bi0.5(Na0.78K0.22)0.5TiO3 Ceramics
system is simple, easy to fabricate, and
possess promising properties for actuator
22. Dental Materials: Current status prospects developments.
Fazal Ghani Department of Prosthodontics,
Khyber College of Dentistry, University Campus, Peshawar, Pakistan.
24. Interferences in Photo detachment of non linear tri atomic anion.
occurred in the dental materials that are
used for both restoring the diseased tooth
structure and missing teeth. This has only
section of nonlinear tri atomic anion is
calculated. The laser is polarized along
and evaluation. Our understanding of the
bonding of dental restorative materials to
system. The electron flux is calculated on
the screen placed at very large distance
considerably enlarged. Esthetic properties
from the system. The electron flux shows
interferences in the photo detachment of
dental restorations. This presentation is
non linear tri atomic negative ion. These
23. Do our Institutes Prepare their
25. Cadmium sorption characteristics Students for Life and for their Higher of mixed oxide of iron and silicon Studies?
children in Pakistan can't afford to go to
school, the vast majority of those who do,
drop out before enrolling in a university.
patterns confirm the amorphous nature of
enough of our university graduates could
the coated oxide. The uptake of Cd2+ ions
is found to increase with the increase in
concentration, pH and the temperature of
In this talk I intend to discuss my persoanl
interpret sorption of cadmium ions on the
solid surface. The values of both ∆Ho and ∆So are found to be positive, which
order of 100-200 µm. Also, the two-step
pore growth in the form of 2D HCP lattice.
the cation exchange process. Further, the
negative values of ∆Go also showed the
dissolved from the surface of solid plays a
key role in the replacement of interlocked
also been performed. Structure factor (the
nitrate anions, which is confirmed by the
spectroscopic evidence for the retaining
being multiples of 2 π /d, where d is the
26. Structural Characterization of Nano- Porous Anodic Alumina by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS)
scattering object) has not been depicted
1National Centre for Nanotechnology,
superimpose on SAXS intensity profile. A
performed with various geometries of the
3Institute of Biophysics and Nanosystems
sample’s normal. A deviation from this
angle which is limited to about ± 2° has
been due to variation of the pore axis with
analysis and methodology adopted in this
electrochemical route at ordering voltages
orientation of high-aspect ratio objects in
uniform through-thickness structure. The
be useful to obtain qualitative information
quantitative information such as interpore
properties were measured in detailed with
distance from a larger area of the sample
27. Fabrication of Alumina Wares by Semiconductors to Spintronic Slip Casting Technique
used for alumina ceramic casting. In the
used to minimize the material wastage as
processing routes. Fine grade of alumina
functionalities to semiconductor devices.
powder (1µ, 0.3µ and 0.05µ) was used.
In the first part of my talk, I will present
my recent theoretical calculations based
and poured in to a hami-hydrated plaster
characteristics were studied by controlling
impurities.† In the second part, I will
fraction of open channels. After drying the
focus on artificial structures of materials
and their half-metallic ferromagnetism for
spintronics. Special attention will be given
sintering was employed to the green stuff
heating/cooling rate. Sintering was carried
out at 1650oC. The sintering densities and
IN THE ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL REGIONAL BENCH, GUWAHATI. T.A. NO. 14 OF 2010 (Arising out of Writ Petition (C) No. 1911/2007) HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE H.N.SARMA, Member (J) HON’BLE CMDE MOHAN PHADKE (Retd), Member (A) Lt.Col( retd) G.C.L.Arokiadas Son of Late S.Guru swami Station Cell HQ 51 SUB AREA Narengi Cantt. PO Satgaon,Guwahti-781027,Assam. Mr.A.Ahmed Legal Practit
Doubled Haploids in Plant Breeding What is a doubled haploid plant? Cells are the building blocks of plants. A doubled haploid plant has cells containing 2 gene sets which are exactly identical. Each cell contains 2 sets of genetic information which are almost (but not exactly) identical. For example, one gene set may carry a gene for disease resistance when Ho