Itu-t rec. i.256.2c (3/12/1993) advice of charge: charging information at the end of the call (aoc-e)

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The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the International Telecom-munication Union. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuingRecommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, established thetopics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics.
ITU-T Recommendation I.256.2c was prepared by the ITU-T Study Group I (1988-1993) and was approved by theWTSC (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993).
As a consequence of a reform process within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the CCITT ceased to exist as of 28 February 1993. In its place, the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) wascreated as of 1 March 1993. Similarly, in this reform process, the CCIR and the IFRB have been replaced by theRadiocommunication Sector.
In order not to delay publication of this Recommendation, no change has been made in the text to references containingthe acronyms “CCITT, CCIR or IFRB” or their associated entities such as Plenary Assembly, Secretariat, etc. Futureeditions of this Recommendation will contain the proper terminology related to the new ITU structure.
In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.
Structure and contents of charging information.
Application of charging information .
Qualifications on applicability to telecommunication services.
Interactions with other supplementary services .
Connected line identification presentation.
Connected line identification restriction .
Calling line identification presentation .
Calling line identification restriction .
Multi-level precedence and preemption.
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)
Recommendation I.256.2c
For the purposes of this Recommendation, the following definition applies.
The Advice of charge: Charging information at the end of the call (AOC-E) supplementary service enables a user to
receive information on the recorded charges for a call when the call is terminated.
The AOC-E supplementary service shall apply to the basic access and the primary rate access.
The AOC-E supplementary service provides the served user with charging information for a call when the call isterminated. The information can be sent for all calls, or on a per call basis. The charge information given shall relate tothe charges incurred on the network to which the served user is attached.
Structure and contents of charging information
This type of charging information is sent to the served user when the call is terminated, and indicatesthe total charges recorded for the call.
NOTE 1 – Some networks will include in this information, charges which have been incurred by the use of Only one of the following types of recorded charges shall be included.
NOTE 2 – If different types of charging units apply, the recorded number of charging units for each type of This information indicates the number of charging units incurred for the call. Sub-unit shall be: number of charging units (integer value); optional: type of charging unit (see Note 3).
This information indicates the number of currency units incurred for the call. Sub-units shall be: currency amount [integer value and a multiplier (see Note 4)].
This information indicates that there is no charge to the served user for this call.
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)
This information indicates that recorded charges are not available. The network is not required togive a reason.
NOTE 3 – Type of charging unit shall be indicated as an integer value from 1 to 16. Each service provider shall specify their use and significance of these values.
NOTE 4 – The multiplier shall have one of the following values: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 1 00 or 1000.
Only one of the following types of billing identification shall be included: This billing identification indicates that charges are incurred due to normal charging.
This billing identification indicates that charges are incurred due to reverse charging.
This billing identification indicates that charges apply to a credit card.
This billing identification indicates that charges are incurred due to call forwarding unconditional.
This billing identification indicates that charges are incurred due to call forwarding busy.
This billing identification indicates that charges are incurred due to call forwarding no reply.
This billing identification indicates that charges are incurred due to call deflection.
This billing identification indicates that charges are incurred due to call transfer.
Application of charging information
“Total charges” can be given in charging units or in currency units, or the value “free of charge” or “not available” canbe given to the served user. The information should include the total cost for the call. The information can beaccompanied by a billing identification. If the “billing identification” is not included, the default value shall beinterpreted as “normal charging”.
Specific terminology
For the purposes of this Recommendation, the following definition applies.
Served user: The user of a particular ISDN number who is requesting that charging information shall be provided.
AOC-E: Advice of Charge: charging information at the end of the call.
Qualifications on applicability to telecommunication services
This supplementary service is applicable to all circuit switched telecommunication services.
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)
The AOC-E supplementary service shall either be provided on a subscription basis or be generally available.
The AOC-E supplementary service can be offered with one subscription option. Only one value can be selected.
Withdrawal shall be at subscriber request or for administrative reasons.
Normal procedures
Activation of the AOC-E supplementary service shall either occur for all calls at provision, or it shall be possible toactivate the supplementary service on a per call basis. The activation on a per call basis shall occur at call request.
Invocation and operation
The charging information shall be provided by the network when the call is terminated.
Exceptional procedures
Invocation and operation
If the charging information related to a call is not available this should be indicated to the served user.
Alternative procedures
Network capabilities for charging
This Recommendation does not cover charging principles. Future Recommendations in the D-Series are expected tocontain that information.
It shall be possible to charge the subscriber accurately for the service.
Interworking requirements
The AOC-E supplementary service shall be supported across the internetwork interface between ISDNs (i.e. public orprivate).
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)
Interactions with other supplementary services
Call waiting
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Call transfer
If a call is transferred and the transferring user is charged for either or both calls, then as a network option, that user shallbe informed of the charge at the end of the resulting transferred call.
Connected line identification presentation
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Connected line identification restriction
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Calling line identification presentation
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Calling line identification restriction
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Closed user group
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Conference calling
Invocation of the conference, add-on supplementary service from the idle state If the conference controller can activate the AOC-E supplementary service at the same time theconference, add-on supplementary service is invoked.
Invocation of the conference, add-on supplementary service from an active call If the AOC-E supplementary service has been activated for the initial call, then it shallautomatically be activated also for the conference.
If the AOC-E supplementary service has not been activated for the initial call, then theconference controller can activate the AOC-E supplementary service at the same time theconference, add-on supplementary service is invoked.
For calls between the conference controller and potential conferees which are outside the conferencecall, the normal procedures for the AOC-E supplementary service shall apply. When a call for whichAOC-E supplementary service has been activated, is added to the conference, then charginginformation shall be given as if the call was terminated at the moment it is added to the conference.
NOTE 1 – Further charging resulting from communication with the new conferee shall be considered to be part of the charging for the conference.
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)
Creating a private communication with one of the parties In this case the private communication shall be considered as a new call between the conferencecontroller and the individual party. If the AOC-E supplementary service is active for the conference,it shall in addition be automatically activated for the new call when the private communication isestablished.
When the conference is terminated and AOC-E supplementary service had been activated for theconference, then the overall charges for the conference shall be sent to the conference controller. Ifthe conference, add-on supplementary service was invoked from an active call and AOC-Esupplementary service was activated for that call, then the charging information shall include chargesfor the initial call.
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service shall affect the operation of the other supplementaryservice.
NOTE 2 – Some networks may not support the AOC-E supplementary service in conjunction with the conference, add-on supplementary service, or may only give partial information, e.g. due to off-line processingof the charges associated to the conference, add-on supplementary service. In this case an indication that theAOC-E supplementary service is not available shall be given on invocation of the conference, add-onsupplementary service if the AOC-E supplementary service is activated.
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service shall affect the operation of the other supplementaryservice.
Direct dialling-In
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Call diversion
Call forwarding busy
Original calling user: No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the othersupplementary service.
Forwarding user: When a call is forwarded and the forwarding user is charged for the forwarded part ofthe call, the charging information can, as a network option, be transferred to the forwarding user when thecall is terminated.
Call forwarding no reply
Original calling user: No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the othersupplementary service.
Forwarding user: When a call is forwarded and the forwarding user is charged for the forwarded part ofthe call, the charging information can, as a network option, be transferred to the forwarding user when thecall is terminated.
Call forwarding unconditional
Original calling user: No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the othersupplementary service.
Forwarding user: When a call is forwarded and the forwarding user is charged for the forwarded part ofthe call, the charging information can, as a network option, be transferred to the forwarding user when thecall is terminated.
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)
Call deflection
Original calling user: No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service shall affect the operation of the othersupplementary service.
Deflecting user: When a call is deflected and the deflecting user is charged for the deflected part of thecall, the charging information can, as a network option, be transferred to the deflecting user when the callis terminated.
Line hunting
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Charges for the different connections within the three-party supplementary service: At the end of eachcall for which the AOC-E supplementary service was activated, the served user shall be informed aboutthe charges incurred.
Charges for the use of the three-party supplementary service: As a network option, the charginginformation can be sent to the served user.
NOTE – However, in some networks no charging information can be given in this case, e.g. due to off-line processing User-to-user signalling
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Multiple subscriber number
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Call hold
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Advice of charge
AOC, charging information at call set-up time
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
AOC, charging information during the call
If both the advice of charge: charging information during the call supplementary service and the AOC-E supplementaryservice are activated, then when the call is terminated, only the information related to the AOC-E supplementary serviceshall be given.
AOC, charging information at the end of the call
Multi-level precedence and preemption
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)
Malicious call identification
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Outgoing call barring
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Reverse charging
Reverse charging cases A, C and D: The called user may receive advice of charge information with thebilling identification set to “reverse charging”. The calling user should be given a “free of charge”indication.
Reverse charging case B: Each user should be given advice of charge for the part of the call they arecharged for. The called user should also receive the billing identification “reverse charging”.
NOTE – Advice of charge information can only be provided to a called user when this user has the value for the activation subscription option set to “for all calls automatically”.
No impact, i.e. neither supplementary service affects the operation of the other supplementary service.
Dynamic description
The dynamic description of this type of Advice of Charge service is shown in Figure 1.
Charging information at the end of the call
Recommendation I.256.2c (03/93)


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1) Apresente o seguinte algoritmo:Ler 2 valores, no caso variáveis A e B. Efetuar a soma das variáveis A e B implicando seu resultado na variável X. Apresentar o valor da variável X após a soma dos dois valores indicados. var a,b,x: realler (a)ler (b)x = a+bescrever (x)2) A fórmula para calcular a área de uma circunferência é: A = PiR2. Sendo que o valor de Pi= 3.14159 basta estabelecer

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