Eat More:
seen in menopausal women, and as they are associated
t Plant-based foods, especially fresh fruits and
with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, it may be
vegetables such as cabbage family vegetables –
appropriate to ensure optimal intake of these nutrients either
broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, bok
choy, Chinese broccoli, broccolini, Garlic and onion.
Vitamin E: Although clinical evidence is varied, an average dose
All of these are high in fibre, but also contain added
of 800IU per day of vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) may be
considered for the relief of hot flushes. Topical vitamin E may
t High fibre foods – psyllium, whole grains, brown rice,
assist other symptoms of menopause such as vaginal dryness
Natural alternatives to
root vegetables, (turnip, parsnip, carrot, sweet potato)
and atrophic vaginitis. Additional y, vitamin E inhibits the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol and has also been shown to reduce
t Bitter foods – rocket, endive, kale, balsamic vinegar
palpitations and dizziness. For vaginal dryness and irritation; try
t Sprouts – alfalfa, snow peas, watercress, mung bean
applying Vit E oil capsules directly onto skin. Calendula oil with
Micel e A and E in a Vit E base is also helpful.
t Foods that are unrefined, unprocessed and low in salt,
Calcium and vitamin D: Adequate intake of calcium (1200-
fat, sugar, preservatives and additives (not in packets)
1500mg per day) and vitamin D combined with regular weight bearing exercise plays an important role in the prevention of
t Good fats – Omega 3, mono unsaturated oils.
t Seeds - linseeds, sunflower, almonds (LSA), pumpkin.
Foods rich in calcium include dairy products, canned salmon
and sardines with crushed bones, calcium fortified soy
t Fish, seafood – 2- 4 serves per week
products, almonds, figs and dark green leafy vegetables. Vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium and is made in the
t Organic meat and eggs that are free from hormone
body with exposure to sunlight. Food sources include dairy
At different times of our lives we need extra support to keep us feeling
residues. Protein in minimum of 2 meals each day
products, fish, sunflower seeds and eggs. Blood vitamin D3
is an accurate way to ensure your level is adequate. Levels
good. From an extra glass of water to hydrate, another serving of greens to
t Drink filtered water free from chlorine, fluoride and
should be ≥ 100, and supplementation other than foods, is
keep us regular, or an extra sleep -in on the weekend to top up those many
hours lost after a busy week. What choices are we making when it comes to
t Drink more - Water 1-2 litres a day; herbal teas -
our hormonal health? Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Lisa Bennett, guides
Herbal medicines have been used for centuries to ease
t Add Probiotics to your diet which aide elimination of
hormonal concerns. As herbal dose and prescription can vary,
seeking a trained herbalist or naturopath is a much safer and
t Whole grains (as increasing fibre allows increased
effective way to learn which herbs are specifical y indicated for
Your doctor will often want to prescribe what is commonly Stress management: stress!" cortisol. Managing
binding and elimination of excess oestrogens)
known as HRT for any appearing hormonal imbalance. But stress has shown to have a multitude of benefits in hormone
t Beans and legumes – lentils, chickpeas, broad, red
Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh): This herb probably has
after being flooded with endless pages of drug information
management. Methods such as relaxation classes, controlled
the most scientific research behind its use in the management
listing all of their pros and cons, often we simply want to
breathing techniques, meditation, yoga and massage such
of menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes and sweating,
decrease the confusion and have a natural alternative to help
as reflexology, all show some efficacy with lowering the
sleep disturbances and nervous irritability.
us on our way. Thankfully, there are some available. There are
frequency of hot flushes and other symptoms associated with
Salvia officinalis (Sage): Traditional y sage has been used to
many dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as an abundance
Phytoestrogens are plant substances that have a
help in the management of excessive sweating. Consequently
of herbs and nutrients that can be safely taken, to ease your
structure similar to oestrogen. They are important as they
it is often prescribed for hot flushes and night sweats. (An easy
enable the binding to an oestrogen receptor site producing
way to take sage is to pick 6 fresh leaves, soak in lemon juice
A natural approach to HRT incorporates a balanced view
weak oestrogenic effects. Phytoestrogens consist of 3 main
overnight and drink the juice each am). Sage capsules and teas
to diet and lifestyle, combined with nutritional and herbal
classes, namely isoflavones, lignans and coumestans; with
Eat Less:
supplements. Natural therapies may be an effective option for
isoflavones being the most widely studied. Phytoestrogens
Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort): was traditional y used
many women wanting to avoid the possible side effects and
can easily be incorporated into the daily diet, as many food
t Caffeine and spicy foods (may help reduce hot flushes
for nervous afflictions including psychological symptoms of
risks associated with conventional treatments for common
sources contain phytoestrogens: A review of studies suggests
menopause. The herb has shown significant improvement in
10-15 grams of soy protein or 30-50mg of isoflavones per day may constitute an appropriate intake.
improving symptoms such as lowered mood, loss of interest,
t Chocolate, sugar, alcohol, soft drink, salt and protein
sleep disturbance and concentration.
(may affect calcium absorption) All dairy products;
Isoflavones are predominantly found in soybeans and soy
Angelica sinensis (Dong quai): is a traditional Chinese medicine
products as well as red clover and legumes such as lentils,
herb general y used in combination with other herbs for
Regular exercise may help decrease the incidence
menopausal symptoms such as tiredness and hot flushes. It is
and intensity of hot flushes; improve depressive symptoms,
a uterine and reproductive tonic that rehabilitates and restores
memory, sleep quality and sexual desire; manage weight; and
t Avoid the use of soft plastic containers (especially in
Lignans are found in whole grains (wheat, barley, and rice),
tone to the uterus. It assists with painful, irregular and scanty
improve lipid profile in postmenopausal women. Additionally,
microwave), plastic wrap, pesticides in food (preferably
fruits, vegetables and seeds such as linseeds (flaxseeds)
menstruation, especial y where symptoms are associated with
exercise helps stabilise and increase bone mineral density,
Coumestans are best sourced from sprouted seeds such
cramping, neuromuscular tension, debility, weakness and or
which aids in the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as
reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
t Processed foods high in sugar and fat, cakes, biscuits,
Shatavari / Wild asparagus – Shatavari is considered to be an
Smoking: Stopping smoking may assist with a reduction
important herb in Ayurvedic medicine due to its balancing and
in symptoms of menopause as smoking affects oestrogen
The B vitamins, especially folate, B6 and B12 are essential
rejuvenating properties. It is a nourishing tonic, very good for
t Grain fed meats, opt for grass fed meats
metabolism. Women who do not smoke cigarettes generally
for stress management, as well as to prevent the elevation
conditions of wasting, infertility, low libido and menopausal
experience fewer hot flushes than those who do.
of Homocysteine. Elevated levels of Homocysteine are often
symptoms. 40 26. (
( 27.
Recente publicaties van Prof. dr. Sabbe Decoutere L., Van Den Eede F., Moorkens G., Sabbe B.G.C. - Gebruik van antipsychotica bij somatoforme stoornissen; een literatuuroverzicht. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie - ISSN 0303-7339 -, 53:3 (2011), p. 163-173. de Maeyer Jessica, Vanderplasschen Wouter, Lammertyn Jan, van Nieuwenhuizen Chijs, Sabbe Bernard, Broekaert Eric.- Current quality of lif
Notification No. 61/2006 - Customs Whereas the designated authority vide notification No. 15/9/2003-DGAD, dated the 8th April, 2005, published in Part I, Section 1 of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, had initiated review in the matter of continuation of final anti-dumping duty on import of Metronidazole (hereinafter referred to as the subject goods) originating in, or exported from, the P