Publikationen A. Referierte Originalarbeiten (1995-2001)
1. Shakibaei M, Förster C, Merker H J, Stahlmann R (1995) Effects of ofloxacin on integrin
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4. Shakibaei M, Förster C, Merker H-J, Stahlmann R (1995) Ofloxacin alters expression of integrins
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14. Stahlmann R, Zippel U, Förster C, Schwabe R, Shakibaei M, Merker HJ, Borner K (1998)
Chondrotoxicity and toxicokinetics of sparfloxacin in juvenile rats. Antimicrob Agents Chemother42: 1470-1475
15. Förster C, Rücker M, Shakibaei M, Baumann-Wilschke I, Vormann J, Stahlmann R (1998) Effects
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18. Stahlmann R, Kühner S, Shakibaei M, Schwabe R, van Sickle D (1999) Chondrotoxicity of
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19. Schwabe R, Lozo E, Baumann-Wilschke I, Stahlmann R (1999) Chondrotoxicity and target tissue
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23. Stahlmann R, Kühner S, Shakibaei M, Schwabe R, Flores J, Evander SA, van Sickle DC (2000)
Chondrotoxicity of ciprofloxacin in immature Beagle dogs: immunohistochemistry, electronmicroscopy and drug plasma concentrations. Arch Toxicol 73: 564-572
24. Stahlmann R, Kühner S, Shakibaei M, Flores J, Vormann J, van Sickle DC (2000) Effects of
magnesium deficiency on joint cartilage in immature Beagle dogs: immunohistochemistry, electronmicroscopy and mineral concentrations. Arch Toxicol 73: 573-580
25. Shakibaei M, Pfister K, Schwabe R, Vormann J, Stahlmann R (2000) Ultrastructure of Achilles
tendons of rats treated with ofloxacin and fed a normal or magnesium-deficient diet. AntimicrobAgents Chemother 44/2: 261-266
26. Riecke K, Schulz TG, Shakibaei M, Krause B, Chahoud I, Stahlmann R (2000) Developmental
toxicity of the HIV-protease inhibitor indinavir in rats. Teratology 62: 291-300
27. Riecke K, Nogueira AC, Alexi-Meskishvili V, Stahlmann R (2000) Cross reactivity of antibodies
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28. Thiel R, Metzner S, Gericke C, Rahm U, Stahlmann R (2001) Effects of fluoroquinolones on the
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29. Shakibaei M, Stahlmann R (2001) Ultrastructure of Achilles tendon from rats after treatment with
30. Shakibaei M, de Souza P, van Sickle D, Stahlmann R (2001) Biochemical changes in Achilles
tendon from juvenile dogs after treatment with ciprofloxacin or feeding a magnesium-deficient diet. Arch Toxicol 75: 369-374
Wissenschaftl. Publikationen der Augenabteilung am Akh Linz (Originalarbeiten) 2011 1. An in-vivo Evaluation of Brilliant Blue G in Macular Surgery . Höing A, Remy M, Dirisamer M, Priglinger S, Schönfeld CL, Kampik A, Haritoglou C. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2011 Apr 8. [Epub ahead of print] IF: 0,470 2. Quantification of Contrast Recognizability During Brilliant Blue G (BB
This article first appeared in the August 11th issue of the Indianapolis Business Journal Passage of Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act The promise of personalized medicine - genetic tests that allow more informed and individualized health care decisions - has been blocked in recent times as patients struggle with the fear that those same genetic test results could bring genetic disc