Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
WorkSheet for Treating and Curing Scabies
An infestation of invisible mites that burrow into your skin, lay eggs that
hatch, poop. salivate, multiply and itch a lot. They feed on the top layer of
skin. It takes about 4-6 weeks for the itch to start after the first time they
invade. That makes it hard to recall where one picked them up. If one is
re-infested the itch can turn on again in 1 to 4 days.
The cycle from egg to a mature (egg laying) scabies mite is 10-14 days.
That’s why the treatment whacks these buggers every week, so if some
more hatch you kill them before they can mature.
Disclaimer:! I cannot diagnose nor suggest treatments. I am just sharing what I did for
myself and what I have read. Two dermatologists and an MD missed my
scabies diagnosis, so my faith in them is not exactly solid. I found inner
city clinics (or in poorer areas) see more scabies and are quicker to
diagnose it and write a prescription. Suburban doctors can be clueless. I
suffered for over a year until I figured it out. But other things can cause
itchy skin, so if this treatment doesn’t help, see a doctor. And, of course,
maybe you should see a doctor first. It’s your life, your skin, your nickel.
I am making informative videos and putting them on-line at YouTube. Find
directions and sources of supplies and links to medical studies.
Itchy bumps (or scratched off bumps) can appear between fingers and
toes, wrists and ankles spreading up the arms and legs, but also skin
folds, belt line, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Inner elbow and behind
one’s knees.a lot of locations! It is rare that they are above the jawline or
on one’s face or in the hair on one’s head. I could actually feel them
crawling across my skin. And I could feel them as they burrowed in and
tunneled under my skin. It felt like a dull, thin wire poking into me.
Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
The itch tends to be worse in the evening. It’s nearly impossible not to
All the open sores from scratching leave openings for bacteria to invade,
too. One can wind up with a general systemic infection.meaning the
whole body has bacteria circulating around. These infected sores can itch,
too! The good news is cheap antibiotics can cure this. I wound up on
cephalexin for a week and the prescription was only $4! It worked
Treatment:! For a mild case of scabies, shower yourself clean (including your butt!).
Then you apply 5% permethrin cream all over, from your toes to the
jawline and above the neck about an inch into one’s hair. Be sure to get it
under your nails, too. Leave it on for at least 8 hours and as long as 12
hours, then wash it off. It goes on like skin lotion. Do this once a week for
at least two weeks. You can repeat once a week.
It is normal to have hives and redness and itching from 5% permethrin
cream. Yes, the cure causes more skin suffering, so it can be hard to tell if
DO NOT use the permethrin cream for head lice. That is only 1%
permethrin and scabies will laugh at you.
DO NOT apply it more often than once a week. I did and never again. My
DO NOT use anything stronger than 5% permethrin because it is too
irritating to one’s skin. Any stronger and your poor skin will suffer too
In between permethrin treatments, you can apply 10% sulfur lotion or
Eurax lotion. Both help stop itching so you can sleep, and they both kill
scabies, too. Sulfur is cheaper ($12 for enough to make 2.5 quarts/liters),
but tends to dry the skin. Eurax is more expensive ($15 for 3 ounces) but it
moisturizes and softens. I personally would not rely on them alone to cure
scabies, but some studies claim they can (see my web page for more
Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
My web page for links on where to buy and how to mix up everything I
For a stubborn case of scabies, you apply the 5% permethrin cream
once a week, but also take oral ivermectin. By hitting scabies with two
medications you are more likely to decimate them.
The ivermectin is taken on days 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 22 and 29 (that is 7 doses
total). It’s easier if you write down the schedule on a calendar. Don’t take
ivermectin more than this because it accumulates. Ivermectin pills are the
easiest form to swallow, but in the USA doctors often won’t prescribe more
than 2 doses AND each dose is $40 (plus the doctor’s fee). So what I did
was to take ivermectin horse paste (intended for animals such as horses,
cattle, sheep, etc). In this form it is $4 for about 5 doses. I have a YouTube
video showing me take it. It can be mixed with jam or whatever to make it
The 5% permethrin is applied on days 1, 8,15, 22 and 29 (up to 5 times).
If you are cured sooner, you can stop after day 8. I went all the way to day
29, but I had scabies for over a year before I figured out what I had, so the
mites had all that time to build up. And I didn’t want to have to do this all
over again! If you’ve only had them for a month you could be cured
I followed the Healthy Skin Program of the Centre for Disease Control
Department of Health and Families, Northern Territory, Australia.
You can download a pdf of their program here (page 14 has the
Where to buy liquid permethrin to make the cream
Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
for links to good deals and reliable suppliers.
1. Wear plastic or latex gloves while handling the concentrated
2. Use disposable cups to measure and mix permethrin.
3. DO NOT USE eating utensils to measure the permethrin
(unless you plan to throw them out).
4. Measure and mix together 1/2 10% permethrin and 1/2 skin
a) For instance, measure 2 ounces of lotion and 2 ounces of
1. Wear plastic or latex gloves while handling the concentrated
2. Use disposable cups to measure and mix permethrin.
3. DO NOT USE eating utensils to measure the permethrin
(unless you plan to throw them out).
4. Measure and mix together the following amounts of lotion and
1 ounce 36.8% permethrin + 6 ounces of lotion = 7 ounces of 5% cream
1/2 ounce 36.8% permethrin + 3 ounces of lotion = 3.5 ounces of 5% cream
Note:! 1 ounce = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
16 ml 36.8% permethrin + 100 ml of lotion = 116 ml of 5% cream (about 4 oz.)
32 ml 36.8% permethrin + 200 ml of lotion = 232 ml of 5% cream (about 8 oz.)
Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
A. Pick out some clothes, towels, sheets to use for the next three or
1. Wash them in hot water and dry them on hot setting.
B. Vacuum your house and dispose of the bag.
C. Mix 10% permethrin half and half with water and spray it on your
chair. Don’t go crazy spraying! The mites will die if they are off you
for 3 days, so you don’t have to treat everything.
D. Take a shower and wash all over (including your butt). Dry off
thoroughly. NOTE: rub your eyes and pick your nose now,
because once the permethrin is on your hands you won’t be able
to (unless you use a towel or Q-tip or something).
V. Applying the 5% permethrin cream to your skin.
B. Apply the 5% permethrin cream to a small area of your skin. Make
sure you don’t have an allergic reaction. If you do, STOP and
wash it off. I had no problems, but be nice to yourself and use
C. Rub it in thoroughly from your hair line (under your chin/ears)
down to your feet. Scabies does not normally live on your face or
hair on your head. Keep it out of your eyes and mouth.
1. Get underneath your fingernails and in between your fingers
2. Apply on your butt and private parts, too.
3. Do not apply to your face or the hair on your head.
4. Treat everyone who has been exposed at the same time.
VI. Leave it on for at least 8 hours.
A. After applying, wait at least 15 minutes to get dressed or go to
B. Do not rub your eyes or touch your mouth or nose!
Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
C. Leave it on for at least 8 hours (up to 16 hours is OK).
D. Stay out of the sun. The sun destroys permethrin.
VII. Take a shower and wash the permethrin cream off.
A. NOTE: the permethrin can cause itchiness, too, so the itch won’t
B. Your skin may be dry and that causes itchiness, too. Apply
sesame oil (Neutrogena Body Oil or Target body oil) or body lotion
all over daily — that can help lessen dry skin itch. I like the body
oil because it is lighter. I soak a paper towel with the body oil and
C. Where ever you scratch will itch, even if just because of the scabs
and the new skin growing, so try just rubbing instead of
D. Warm skin will itch more, so try to stay cool.
E. File your fingernails down and round them so you aren’t tempted
F. If you have to scratch, use a bristle hair brush or the edge of a
credit card, they don’t rip your skin as much as your fingernails.
10% sulfur cream and Eurax lotion can stop itch and also kill
scabies. Nu-Stock ointment is 73% sulfur. Go to my web site for directions
for making 10% cream by mixing it with skin lotion. 12 ounces are about
$12. Sulfur also acts as an exfoliant, meaning it helps your skin to shed
the hardened top layer that builds up when you have scabies. But it also
tends to dry your skin out, which can be itchy. Applying a light oil like
sesame oil (also called body oil) can help. It was delivered in a few days.
Eurax lotion is more expensive ($15 for 3.3 ounces/100 ml) but I
love it because it stopped my itching and softened my skin. I had to order
it from England which took 10 days to get to me in the USA.
Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
Putting on either sulfur or Eurax before bed was wonderful. Once I
was under the blankets the surface of my skin warmed up and somehow
stopped the itching so I could sleep. I was going insane from sleep
deprivation so that was a major relief.
IX. One week later, apply the cream again
A. Pick out clothes, towels, sheets to use for the next three or four
1. Wash them in hot water and dry them on hot setting.
B. Mix up the 5% permethrin cream (see part III, above)
C. Rub it in thoroughly from your hair line down to your feet.
1. Get underneath your fingernails and in between your fingers
2. Apply on your butt and private parts, too.
3. Do not apply to your face or the hair on your head.
4. Treat everyone who has been exposed at the same time.
X. Leave it on for at least 8 hours (up to 16 hours is OK).
A. After applying, wait at least 15 minutes to get dressed or go to
B. Do not rub your eyes or touch your mouth or nose!
C. Leave it on for at least 8 hours (up to 16 hours is OK).
D. Stay out of the sun. The sun destroys permethrin.
Again, the itching won’t stop immediately.
The itch should fade away over some weeks.
You can apply the permethrin cream again if you need to (but not more than once a
IMPORTANT: I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose or suggest treatments. Scabies can
be hard to diagnose even by a doctor. If you think you have scabies and
Worksheet for Treating and Curing Scabies!
you decide to try this treatment, read up and study on the internet so you
If this treatment doesn’t work for you — if you don’t get better — then maybe what you
have isn’t scabies. It might be jock itch or something else. I am planning
another youtube video on jock itch and athletes foot, look on YouTube at
And seeing a doctor, although it can be expensive and frustrating, might be a good idea.
Copyright 2013 by Maxim Hurwicz. All rights reserved. Please get my permission before
copying or selling all or parts of this. I did write this, after all! Sheesh.
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