Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
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International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology
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The original pages of this edition were produced and revised using electronic desktop publishing
and laser printing (text in Times New Roman; 3,699,871 characters; 623,826 words; 61,497 sentencesand 25,832 paragraphs). Revised by: Cristina Arakaki, Derrick Guy Phillips, Katia Arakaki, Leonardo Firmato and Bibliography: Cristiane Ferraro. Electronic editing and typographic revision: Ernani Brito and Gisele Salles. Photos and illustrations: Brasílio Wille, Fernando Alberto Santos and Francisco Mauro. Printing and binding: OESP Gráfica S.A. Card Catalog Information
Projectiology: A Panorama of Experiences of the Consciousness outsidethe Human Body / Waldo Vieira / Translated by: Kevin de La Tour andSimone de La Tour – 1st English Edition – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology, 2002.
1. Projectiology 2. Conscientiology I. Title
Av. das Américas, 500, Bl. 2, Rm. 216/224, Barra da Tijuca
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01. Essential Concepts of Science . 1102. New Consciential Paradigm . 2203. Essential Concepts in Conscientiology . 3304. Subdisciplines of Conscientiology . 3705. Essential Concepts in Projectiology . 4406. Projectiology and Terminology . 4607. Sciences . 5208. History of Projectiology . 5709. Periods of Projectiology . 5810. Ancient Period of Projectiology . 5811. Esoteric Period of Projectiology . 5912. Precognitions regarding Projectiology . 6213. Exoteric Period of Projectiology . 7314. Laboratorial Period of Projectiology . 7415. Pioneerism in Projectiology . 7516. Chronology of Projectiology . 79
17. Projectiology and Interdisciplinarity . 8318. Projectiology and Other Sciences . 8519. Projectiology and Parapsychology . 8820. Projectiology and Psychology . 9121. Projectiology and Biology . 9322. Projectiology and Medicine . 9423. Projectiology and Anthropology . 9624. Projectiology and Sociology . 9725. Projectiology and Physics . 9826. Projectiology and Astronomy . 9927. Projectiology and History . 10028. Division of Projectiology . 10329. Lucid Projection and the Human Consciousness . 10430. Human Lucid Projection . 10731. Lucid Paraprojection . 11132. Animal Projection . 11133. Plant Projection . 11334. Laws of Projectiology . 11335. Paradoxes of Projectiology . 11536. Projective Limitations . 117
Table of Contents – ProjectiologyIII – PHENOMENA OF PROJECTIOLOGY . 121
37. Classification of Projective Phenomena . 12138. Subjective Projective Phenomena . 12239. Consciential Self-Bilocation . 12340. Projective Autoscopy . 12641. Internal Autoscopy . 12742. External Autoscopy . 12843. Comparisons between External Autoscopy and Lucid Projection . 12944. Projective Catalepsy . 13045. Extraphysical Clairvoyance . 13346. Cosmoconsciousness . 13347. Projective Déjà Vu . 14048. Near-Death Experience (NDE) . 14149. Pre-Final Projection . 14650. Resuscitative Projection . 14751. Extraphysical Intuition . 14952. Extraphysical Precognition . 15153. Extraphysical Psychometry . 15254. Extraphysical Retrocognition . 15355. Projective Panoramic Vision . 15456. Ambifaceted Projective Phenomena . 15657. Self-Psychophony . 15758. Physical Bilocation . 15859. Comparisons between Lucid Projection and Physical Bilocation . 16560. Traveling Clairvoyance . 16661. Lucid Projection and Traveling Clairvoyance . 16862. Comparisons between Traveling Clairvoyance and Lucid Projection . 16963. Projective Ectoplasmy . 17064. Semimaterialization . 17365. State of Suspended Animation . 17466. Exteriorization of Motricity . 18167. Exteriorization of Sensitivity . 18268. False Arrival . 18269. Projective Heteroscopy . 18470. Physical Multilocation . 18471. Projective Parapyrogenesis . 18572. Projective Pneumatophony . 18573. Projective Poltergeist . 18574. Farewell Consciential Projection . 18775. Projective Psychophony . 18976. Human Projective Psychophony . 19077. Extraphysical Projective Psychophony . 19078. Projective Psychography . 19179. Projective Raps . 19280. Extraphysical Telekinesis . 19381. Extraphysical Telepathy . 19482. Human Parateleportation . 19583. Phenomena Concomitant with Lucid Projection . 19884. Preliminary Phenomena . 199
Table of Contents – ProjectiologyIV – ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS . 202
85. Xenophrenia . 20286. Classification of Xenophrenic States . 20487. Mechanisms of Lucid Projection . 20588. Lucid Projection and Daydreams . 20689. Comparisons between Daydreams and Lucid Projections . 20890. Lucid Projection and Sleep . 20991. Evolutionary Vacuum Theory . 21292. Lucid Projection and Somnambulism . 21593. Lucid Projection and Dreams . 21794. Oneiric Images . 21995. Comparisons between Dreams and Lucid Projections . 22196. Ordinary Dreams about Lucid Projection . 22497. Semilucid Projection . 22598. Lucid Projection and Nightmares . 23099. Comparisons between Nightmares and Extraphysical Intrusion . 232
100. Lucid Projection and Hallucination . 233101. Comparisons between Hallucination and Lucid Projection . 235
102. Ego . 237103. Types of Holosomatic Vehicles . 239104. Pre-Resoma . 243105. Resoma . 244106. Lucid Projection and the Human Body . 245107. Pineal . 251108. Extraphysical Examination . 254109. Holosomatic Coincidence . 255110. Discoincidence of the Vehicles of Manifestation . 256111. Holochakra . 257112. Para-Anatomy of the Holochakra . 258113. Paraphysiology of the Holochakra . 259114. Looseness of the Holochakra . 261115. Parapathology of the Holochakra . 263116. Human Aura . 264117. Silver Cord . 267118. Para-Anatomy of the Silver Cord . 268119. Paraphysiology of the Silver Cord . 271120. Spheres of Action of the Silver Cord . 275121. Reduction of the Silver Cord . 276122. Parapathology of the Silver Cord . 277123. Ectoplasm and the Silver Cord . 278124. Comparisons between Ectoplasm and the Silver Cord . 279125. Psychosoma . 282126. Para-Anatomy of the Psychosoma . 284127. Parapsychophysiology of the Psychosoma . 285128. Parapsychopathology of the Psychosoma . 289129. Comparisons between the Soma and the Psychosoma . 292
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130. Theory of Irruption of the Psychosoma . 295131. The Soma and Consciential Prioritization . 296132. Chakras . 299133. Para-Anatomy of the Chakras . 300134. Paraphysiology of the Chakras . 303135. Parapathology of the Holochakra and Vampirism . 305136. Theory of Interchakral Relationships . 307137. Lucid Projection and the Golden Cord . 309138. Para-Anatomy of the Golden Cord . 310139. Paraphysiology of the Golden Cord . 311140. Comparisons between the Silver Cord and the Golden Cord . 311141. Lucid Projection and the Mentalsoma . 312142. Parapsychophysiology of the Mentalsoma . 315143. Relativistic Space-Time . 318144. Parapsychopathology of the Mentalsoma . 320145. Predominance of a Consciential Vehicle . 324146. Desoma . 326147. First Desoma . 327148. Second Desoma . 331149. Third Desoma . 332150. The Three Desomas . 332151. Comparisons between Occasional and Final Projection . 334152. Comparisons between the Psychosoma of the Intraphysical and Extraphysical
153. Comparisons between the Psychosoma and the Mentalsoma . 337154. Comparisons between the Mentalsoma of the Intraphysical and Extraphysical
155. Relationships between Consciential Vehicles and Consciential Phenomena . 341156. Relationships between Chakras and Consciential Phenomena . 343
157. Projectiology and Philosophy . 344158. Theory of Projectability . 346159. Theory of the Leading-Edge Relative Truths of Projectiology . 348160. Theory of the Leading-Edge Relative Truths of Extraphysical Conscientiology . 350161. Cosmoethics . 352162. Extraphysical Code of Ethics . 355163. Lucid Projection and Materialism . 357164. Universalism . 360165. Evidence of Consciential Maturity on Earth . 364166. Holomaturity . 366167. Technique for Acquiring a Universalistic Sense . 374168. Theory of Consciential Self-Control . 378169. Theory of Essential Wisdom . 380170. Consciential Era . 382171. Holokarmic Accounts . 384172. Theorice of Human Assistential Tasks . 386173. Self-Critique of the Projector . 390174. Lucid Projection and Abdominal Brainwashing . 393
Table of Contents – ProjectiologyVII – PRE-PROJECTION PHYSICAL WAKING STATE . 398
175. Chronological Analysis of Lucid Projection . 398176. Stages of Lucid Projection . 398177. Doorways to Lucid Projection . 399178. Date of the Projective Experiment . 400179. Meteorological Conditions prior to Lucid Projection . 400180. Physical Base of the Projector . 401181. Projectarium . 407182. Ambient Light . 408183. Ambient Temperature . 408184. Ambient Noise . 410185. Intraphysical Assistant . 413186. Physiological States prior to Lucid Projection . 414187. Consciential States prior to Lucid Projection . 415188. Ordinary Physical Waking State . 416189. Physical Position prior to Lucid Projection . 417190. Dorsal Position . 418191. Conditions of the Human Body prior to Lucid Projection . 420192. Objects of the Projector . 420193. Clothes of the Projector . 421194. Causes of Lucid Projection . 422195. Lucid Projection and Distance . 423196. Starting Time of the Projective Experiment . 423
197. Preparation for Lucid Projection . 425198. Generalities on Projective Techniques . 426199. Projective Psychophysiological Crutches . 429200. Psychophysiological Self-Relaxation Technique . 432201. Mental Concentration Technique . 434202. Rhythmic Respiration Technique . 435203. Imaginative Escapes Technique . 437204. Projective Visualization Technique . 438205. Projective Postures Technique . 440206. Classification of Lucid Projection Techniques . 441207. Opening Door Technique . 444208. Projective Sex Act Technique . 444209. Projective Self-Image Technique . 446210. Self-Visualization with Open Eyes Technique . 447211. Step Counting Technique . 448212. Carbon Dioxide Technique . 448213. Projective Factor Technique . 452214. Projective Hetero-Hypnosis Technique . 453215. Projective Self-Hypnosis Technique . 456216. Projectiogenic Images Technique . 457217. Lucid Projection through Fasting Technique . 458218. Projective Mantras Technique . 461219. Projective Massage and Visualization Technique . 463220. Projective Music and Visualization Technique . 464221. Triggering Object-Factor Technique . 465
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222. Musical Physical Awakening Technique . 466223. Assisted Projection Technique . 468224. Lucid Projection through Dream Technique . 470225. Fragmented Lucid Projection Technique . 473226. Projection in the Isolated Mentalsoma Technique . 475227. Pineal Projection Technique . 477228. Change in Routine Technique . 478229. Projective Repetition Technique . 479230. Rotation of the Psychosoma Technique . 479231. Rotation of the Human Body Technique . 481232. Projective Mental Saturation Technique . 483233. Projection through Thirst Technique . 484234. Transference of the Consciousness Technique . 485235. Projective Transmissibility Technique . 486236. Projective Diagnosis Technique . 486237. Projectiotherapy . 488238. Psychological Conditioning Techniques . 490
239. Signals Precursory to Lucid Projection . 492240. Projective Aura . 492241. Physical Torpidity . 494242. Ballonnement . 495243. Pre-Takeoff . 496244. Vibrational State . 497245. Hypnagogy . 500246. Transitional State . 506247. Double Awareness . 507248. Extraphysical Double Vision . 508249. Extraphysical Bradykinesis . 509250. Parapsycholepsy . 510251. Intracranial Sounds of Takeoff . 512252. Takeoff . 514253. Sinking Takeoff . 517254. Instability of the Psychosoma . 518255. Trace of Light . 519256. Respiration during Takeoff . 521257. Consciential Hibernation . 522258. Extraphysical Opening . 523259. Extraphysical Elongation . 525260. Extraphysical Awakening . 526261. Extraphysical Self-Awakening Technique . 527
262. Extraphysical Self-Awareness . 529263. Scale of Lucidity of the Projected Consciousness . 532264. Consciential Lucidity and Perceived Time . 534265. Illumination of the Extraphysical Environment . 536266. Vehicle of Manifestation Identification Technique . 537267. Expansion of the Projected Consciousness Technique . 538
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268. Orientation of the Projected Consciousness . 539269. Extraphysical Environments . 541270. Tropospheric Extraphysical Dimension . 545271. Extraphysical Communities . 548272. Extraphysical Dimension Per Se . 550273. Mentalsomatic Dimension . 552274. Extraphysical Sphere of Energy . 553275. Human Brain . 556276. Parabrain . 560277. General Extraphysical Perceptions . 562278. Extraphysical Vision . 565279. Extraphysical Attention . 567280. Scale of Observation of the Projected Consciousness . 568281. Performance of the Projected Consciousness . 571282. Inabilities of the Projected Consciousness . 573283. Extraphysical Impossibilities . 574284. Immanent Energy . 575285. Consciential Powers . 577286. Consciential Energy . 580287. Mobilization of Consciential Energies . 584288. Closed Circulation of Energies Technique . 587289. Reception of Consciential Energies Technique . 589290. Absorption of Extraphysical Energies Technique . 590291. Exteriorization of Consciential Energies . 591292. Exteriorization of Consciential Energies Technique . 593293. Penta Technique . 594294. Theory of Energetic Sympathetic Assimilation . 600295. Abuses in the Use of Consciential Energies . 602296. Theorice of Morphothosenes . 604297. Comparison between Lucid Projection and Morphothosenes . 608298. Morphothosene Creation Technique . 608299. Sexual Factors Favorable to Lucid Projection . 610300. Sexual Factors Unfavorable to Lucid Projection . 611301. Extraphysical Romances . 612302. Congressus Subtilis . 613303. Extraphysical Self-Luminosity . 615304. Extraphysical Self-Permeability . 617305. Extraphysical Elasticity . 619306. Extraphysical Imponderability . 620307. Extraphysical Inaudibility . 621308. Extraphysical Invisibility . 621309. Extraphysical Invulnerability . 622310. Extraphysical Multiplicity . 624311. Extraphysical Translocation . 625312. Mechanisms of Extraphysical Translocation . 627313. Speed of the Projected Projector . 628314. Lucid Volitation Technique . 628315. Extraphysical Energy Currents . 631316. Extraphysical Rain . 633317. Extraphysical Fire . 634
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318. General Extraphysical Emotions . 635319. Extraphysical Euphoria . 636320. Extraphysical Forms of the Projected Projector . 638321. Extraphysical Clothing . 638322. Uniform of the Projected Projector . 640323. Extraphysical Self-Transfiguration . 640324. Zoanthropy . 643325. Extraphysical Mutation . 645326. Extraphysical Mimicry Technique . 645
327. Consciential Communicability . 647328. Interconsciential Experiences . 648329. Conscientese . 649330. Extraphysical Communicability Technique . 652331. Extraphysical Acquisition of Original Ideas . 652332. Historical Original Ideas . 654333. Current Original Ideas . 656334. Avoidable Extraphysical Ideas . 659335. Projective Mental Targets . 660336. Techniques for Reaching the Mental Target . 662337. Prohibited Locations . 663338. Extraphysical Telekinesis Production Technique . 666339. Scale of Extraphysical Contacts . 667340. The Projected Intraphysical Consciousness and the Human Body . 668341. Consciential Self-Bilocation Technique . 669342. The Projected Consciousness and Intraphysical Beings . 670343. The Projected Consciousness and Extraphysical Beings . 672344. The Projected Consciousness and Other Projected Beings . 674345. Extraphysical Disappearances . 675346. Extraphysical Approach Technique . 676347. Extraphysical Hetero-Awakening Technique . 677348. Unapproachable Beings . 680349. Extraphysical-Physical Self-Touch Technique . 681350. Auric Couplings . 682351. Extraphysical Helpers . 687352. Lucid Projection and Evocation . 691353. Conscious Evocation Technique . 693354. Unconscious Evocations . 694355. Extraphysical Manifestations of the Sensitive-Projector . 695356. Physical Manifestations of the Communicant-Projector . 695357. Energization by Three Technique . 696358. Inter Vivos Communication Technique . 699359. Inter Vivos Apparition . 700360. Reactions of Intraphysical Consciousnesses to the Apparition of the Projector . 701361. Extraphysical Attacks upon the Projector . 702362. Self-Defense Techniques of the Projector . 704363. Extraphysical Intruders . 707364. Possessive Consciential Projection . 715
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365. Deintrusive Consciential Projection . 717366. Deintrusive Projection Technique . 720367. Assistential Consciential Projection . 723368. The Projector and Desomants . 727369. Prolonged Consciential Projection Technique . 730370. Extraphysical Agenda . 731
371. Return to the Physical Base . 733372. Interiorization of the Projected Intraphysical Consciousness . 734373. Semidiscoincidence of the Vehicles of Manifestation . 737374. Post-Interiorization . 737375. Psychophysical Repercussions . 738376. Extraphysical Repercussions during Consciential Projection . 739377. Physical Repercussions during Consciential Projection . 740378. Self-Telekinesis . 742379. Intracranial Sounds during Interiorization . 743380. Hypnopompy . 744381. Physical Awakening . 745382. Physical Awakening Technique . 746383. Post-Projective Energetic Shower . 746384. State of Waking Discoincidence . 747
385. The Physical Mind . 750386. Consciential Projection Recall . 753387. Fragmentary Recall . 756388. En Bloc Recall . 757389. Factors Favorable to Consciential Projection Recall . 757390. Factors Unfavorable to Consciential Projection Recall . 758391. Extraphysical Event Recall Techniques . 759392. Fragmentary Recall Technique . 760393. Quadruple Memory . 761394. Finishing Time of the Projective Experiment . 763395. Meteorological Conditions after the Lucid Projection . 764396. Duration of the Lucid Projection . 764397. Conscientiological State after the Lucid Projection . 765398. Physiological State after the Lucid Projection . 766399. Period of Loss of Physical Wakefulness . 766400. Physical Position after the Lucid Projection . 767401. Conditions of the Human Body after the Lucid Projection . 767402. Projectiography . 768403. Final Register of the Lucid Projection . 769404. Diary of the Projector . 770405. Technical Notes of the Diary of the Projector . 772406. Confirmations after Lucid Consciential Projections . 773407. Factors Unfavorable to Post-Projective Confirmations . 774408. Analysis of the Paraperceptions of the Projector . 776
Table of Contents – ProjectiologyXIV – THE PROJECTOR AND PROJECTIONS . 778
409. Types of Projectors . 778410. Dazzled Projectors . 780411. Techniques for Development of the Projector . 782412. Projective Recess . 785413. Projective Questionnaire . 788414. The Ideal Projector . 795415. Animism . 798416. Parapsychism . 799417. Comparisons between the Sensitive and the Projector . 803418. Comparisons between Lucid Projection and Parapsychic Trance . 804419. Parapsychism and Lucid Projection . 805420. General Classification of Consciential Projections . 807421. Basic Categories of Lucid Projection . 809422. Extraphysical Lucidity-Subsequent Recall Binomial . 810423. First Lucid Projection . 812424. Double Consciential Projection . 814425. Educational Consciential Projection . 816426. Theory of Intermissive Courses . 817427. Natural Consciential Projection . 821428. Forced Lucid Consciential Projection . 822429. Comparison between Natural and Forced Consciential Projection . 823430. Escape-Projection . 823431. Instantaneous Consciential Projection . 824432. Consciential Projection of the Compound Double . 825433. Post-Natal, Regressive, Semilucid Consciential Projection . 827434. Sonorous Consciential Projection . 828435. Extraphysical Visual Projection . 830436. Joint Lucid Projections . 830437. Comparisons between Consciential Projection in the Mentalsoma and in the Psychosoma . 834438. Seriated Lucid Consciential Projections . 835439. The Projected Consciousness and Chronological Time . 838440. Extraphysical Events . 841441. Impactful Extraphysical Events . 841442. Extraphysical Traumas . 842443. Factors Favorable to Lucid Projection . 844444. Personal Uses of Lucid Projection . 847445. Projective Existential Recycling . 849446. Public Uses of Lucid Projection . 851447. Factors Unfavorable to Lucid Projection . 853448. Lucid Projection and Fear . 855449. Relative Inhibitory Agents to Lucid Consciential Projection . 859450. Harms of Lucid Projection . 860
451. Lucid Projection and Accidents . 863452. Lucid Projection and Children . 864453. Lucid Projection and Subhuman Animals . 865454. Lucid Projection and Interpersonal Unions . 865455. Lucid Projection and Childbirth . 867
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456. Lucid Projection and Erection . 870457. Lucid Projection and Blindness . 871458. Lucid Projection and Physical Pain . 872459. Lucid Projection, the Heart and the Heart Rate . 873460. Lucid Projection and Illnesses . 875461. Lucid Projection and Psychopathology . 876462. Lucid Projection, Surgery and Anesthetics . 879463. Lucid Projection and Parasurgery . 881464. Lucid Projection and the Mutilated Person . 884465. Lucid Projection and Hemiplegics . 887466. Lucid Projection and Drugs . 887467. Comparisons between Drugs and Hypnosis . 892468. Lucid Projection and Psychological Contagion . 893469. Lucid Projection and Humor . 895470. Lucid Projection and Yoga . 896471. Lucid Projection in Total Institutions . 897472. Lucid Projection and Personal Movement . 900473. Lucid Projection and Sports . 900474. Lucid Projection and War . 901475. Lucid Projection, Espionage and Business . 903476. Lucid Projection and Art in General . 905477. Lucid Projection and Extraphysical Music . 907478. Lucid Projection and the Theater . 908479. Lucid Projection and Cinematographic Art . 908480. Lucid Projection and Naphology . 909481. Lucid Projection and the Theta Phenomenon . 911482. Lucid Projection and Successive Intraphysical Lives . 912483. Existential Series . 921484. Projection with Continuous Self-Awareness . 923485. State of Continuous Self-Awareness . 923486. Scale of the State of Continuous Self-Awareness . 925487. Free Consciousness . 929488. Self-Desoma . 931489. Voluntary Cardiac Arrest . 933490. Voluntary Self-Combustion . 933491. Psychophysiological Anchor . 935492. Consciential Locations . 936493. Consciential Dislocations . 939494. Consciential Nomadism . 942
495. Laboratory Experiments with Lucid Projection . 944496. Seven Minutes in Eternity . 947497. Brain Wave Patterns . 950498. Extraphysical Identification of Awake Persons . 951499. Vision outside the Human Body . 952500. Willful Flight Experiment . 953501. Animal-Detectors of the Projected Consciousness . 955502. Kinetic Effects of the Projected Consciousness . 956503. Physiology of the Projective State . 957504. Individual Experiments with Lucid Projection . 959
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505. Projective Public Opinion Research . 961506. Cases of Lucid Projection . 965507. Laboratory Equipment in Projectiology . 969508. Experimental Projects . 970509. General Hypotheses in Projectiology . 970510. Hypothesis of the Imaginary Body . 973511. Hypothesis of the Objective Body . 973512. Lucid Projection and the Unconscious . 975513. Psychological Theory . 976514. Information Theory . 977515. Theory of Rehearsal of Biological Death . 977516. Working Hypotheses . 977517. Harmonic Series Model . 979
518. To the Reader . 988519. To Skeptics of Projections of the Consciousness . 990520. To Apriorists . 991521. To Parapsychologists . 993522. To Projectors . 994
523. Clarifications . 997524. Complementary Subjects . 1004525. International Bibliography of Projectiology . 1007
Other Works by the Author . 1096 Glossary of Projectiology . 1098 Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols . 1113 Index of Illustrations . 1118 Onomastic Index . 1153 Geographical Index . 1163 Remissive Index . 1166
Gabriel Jaramillo Ambassador Eric Goosby General Manager Global AIDS Coordinator Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief US Department of State Geneva, Switzerland Washington, DC USA 9 August 2012 Dear Gabriel Jaramillo and Ambassador Eric Goosby: We are writing to call on the Global Fund to immediately
EXCEED EXPECTATIONS: “Pathology that Adds Value” Emergence of carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae in South Africa Introduction Treatment A recent article in the Lancet highlighted the emergence of Many NDM-1 producers remain susceptible only to colistin and Enterobacteriaceae with resistance to carbapenems, conferred by tigecycline. A few isolates, mostly E. coli , retain a