Pandemic flu In the last few weeks, the world has fallen under the spell of a new influenza virus. Initially this virus was called the swine flu, then the Mexican flu and since May 12th, its official name is Novel Influenza A (H1N1). For the time being, Novel Influenza A (H1N1) is a mild flu caused by a new flu virus that is different from known human influenza viruses. So far, there is no reason to panic. The measures currently being taken by the government are focussed on limiting the number of cases, minimising the pressure on health care and assisting every-day life keep on running as smoothly as possible. At the moment, a vaccine is under development to provide protection from this flu. The development time most like will be about 3 months. Symptoms Influenza in people is a rapidly progressing disease of the respiratory system caused by the influenza virus. The most common symptoms of influenza are: fever, cold shivers, headache, muscular pain, tiredness and a dry cough. There is no difference between the ‘regular’ influenza and the Novel Influenza A (H1N1). Only laboratory research can indicate which virus causes the influenza. Prevention Influenza is a disease that in most cases does not require treatment. Thus, there no vaccine available for Novel Influenza A (H1N1) at the moment. Since the influenza virus is spread by talking, coughing and sneezing, you can protect yourself by not getting too close to people with influenza-like symptoms. Apart from that, you can take the following precautionary measures:
Keep your hand or a handkerchief in front of your mouth when sneezing or coughing.
Regularly wash your hands with water and soap.
Touch your mouth, nose or eyes as little as possible.
Use paper handkerchiefs or tissues when coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose and use them once. Throw them in a dustbin afterwards.
Regularly clean objects such as door handles.
Have lunch at your work place (to avoid contact with other people).
Contamination The incubation time is the period between infection with the influenza virus and the moment of the first symptoms of the disease appear. For influenza, this is on average 2 to 4 days (maximum 7 days) after getting the virus. Influenza is contagious from 1 day before to 5 or 6 days after the symptoms of the disease first appear. Not everybody falls ill after contamination; some people can be infected with the virus and be contagious, without ever being ill. If you think you have Novel Influenza A (H1N1), please call your physician. The doctor together with the local health organisation will then decide if further examination is necessary and in what way it will be conducted. If you are ill, please ensure you have as little contact with other people as possible. Do not go to work until the symptoms have completely gone.
Tamiflu The virus-inhibiting agent Tamiflu is only available on prescription and causes the patient to cough up less virus, which in turn could contaminate other people. Tamiflu is prescribed to people who have Novel Influenza A (H1N1) or symptoms of influenza. Apart from that, it is preventively prescribed, but only to people who have been in close contact with someone who has Novel Influenza A (H1N1). If Tamiflu is prescribed without this clear indication, the development of a more dangerous variant will actually be promoted. More information You can obtain more detailed information from the attached leaflet from the RIVM or the following websites: We also have experts from HumanCapitalCare Arbozorg B.V. on standby to answer any question. You can contact them on telephone number: (+31) 40 – 20 66 900 or via e-mail: [email protected] More information:
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