Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
Relation of neonatal iron status to individual variability in neonatal temperament
ABSTRACT: The relation between indices of neonatal iron status and individual
differences in neonatal temperament were investigated in a sample of 148 low-income Peruvian women and their newborn infants. Using cord blood, at birth we
obtained measures of neonatal ferritin, serum iron, and hemoglobin. While neonates
were still in the hospital, their behavior during a structured anthropometry exami-nation was videotaped and subsequently coded on four temperament dimensions:
activity level, negative emotionality, alertness, and soothability. The same dimen-
sions were coded using a videotape obtained during a subsequent visit to the
neonates’ homes. Results indicated that lower levels of neonatal hemoglobin andserum iron were related to higher levels of negative emotionality and to lower levels
of alertness and soothability. A similar pattern was found for ferritin, but only forfemales. For the most part, relations between neonatal iron measures and neonatal
temperament were linear, operating across the full range of iron values. Our pattern
of iron–temperament results could not be attributed to variation in family demo-graphics, low birth weight, gestational age, maternal dietary intake, or markers ofneonatal illness and maternal diabetes. Our findings are consistent with priorresearch with older infants relating iron deficiency to temperament. These resultssupport the importance of increased research on the early functional–behavioralconsequences of individual differences in iron status as well as on the mechanismsthat underlie such consequences. ß 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol46: 141–153, 2005.
Keywords: temperament; serum iron; neonatal ferritin; hemoglobin; emotionality
Temperament is defined as: ‘‘Biologically rooted indivi-
gical problems. For example, the expression of neonatal
dual differences in behavior tendencies that are present
temperament may vary depending on the environmental
early in life and are relatively stable across various kinds
context within which the neonate is assessed (Ricciuti &
of situations and over the course of time’’ (Bates, 1989,
Breitmeyer, 1988; Wachs, Pollitt, Cueto, & Jacoby,
p. 4). Implicit in this definition is the hypothesis that we
2004); however, researchers have been able to identify
should be able to identify individual differences in at least
neonatal behavioral patterns fitting temperament dimen-
some domains of temperament even in the neonatal period
sions such as irritability, activity level, and alertness
(Rothbart, Derryberry, & Posner, 1994). Obviously, iden-
(Rothbart, Derryberry, & Hershey, 2000; Wachs et al.,
tifying stable individual behavioral characteristics in the
2004). These neonatal temperament dimensions can be
neonatal period is an enterprise fraught with methodolo-
reliably scored (Reise, 1983; Ricciuti & Breitmeyer,1988) and show short-term stability across the first fewmonths of life (Crockenberg & Smith, 1982; Korner,Hutchinson, Koperski, Kraemer, & Schneider, 1981;
Received 24 December 2003; Accepted 5 October 2004
Worobey, 1986; Worobey & Lewis, 1989). Further, some
Correspondence to: T. D. WachsContract grant sponsor: NSF
studies also have demonstrated modest levels of pre-
diction between indices of neonatal temperament and
measures of temperament assessed at or after the first year
( DOI 10.1002/dev.20049
of life (Korner et al., 1985; Newnham et al., 1997; Reise,
Given that there is a biological basis for individual
neonatal temperament. Thus, the focus in the present
differences in temperament, and that individual differ-
article is on relations between neonatal temperament and
ences in neonatal temperament can be reliably measured
and have predictive value, an important question is what
Using a relatively large sample of pregnant Peruvian
biological factors are associated with variability in early
women and their newborn infants, we assessed maternal
appearing individual differences in temperament? There
anthropometry, diet, and iron status during the second and
has been a substantial body of research showing genetic
third trimesters of pregnancy as well as measures of fetal
contributions to temperament (e.g., Braungert, Fulker, &
growth, neonatal anthropometry, neonatal iron status, and
Plomin, 1992; Plomin et al., 1993; Robinson, Kagan,
neonatal temperament. Because our analyses indicated
Reznick, & Corley, 1992; Saudino, Plomin, & DeFries,
that variability in neonatal temperament was unrelated to
1996); however, what little evidence that is available also
our measures of maternal and neonatal anthropometry,
indicates that genetic influences upon temperament
maternal diet, maternal iron status, or fetal growth, we
appear to be far less during the neonatal period (Reise,
report only our findings for neonatal iron. The lack of
1990). While other studies have related biomedical risk
significant prediction for our measures of maternal an-
factors to indices of neonatal temperament, reviews
thropometry, diet, and iron status and fetal and neonatal
indicate that evidence from these studies does not yield
anthropometry was not unexpected given the nature of our
a consistent pattern of results (Wachs & Bates, 2001).
sample. While the overwhelming majority of mothers
Conceptually, intrauterine nutrition as well as the
in our sample had low intakes of iron, calcium, folate,
levels of specific nutrients assessed at birth (e.g., iron) also
and zinc, this was not a sample characterized by severe
could contribute to individual differences in temperament.
malnutrition, severe anemia, or fetal growth retardation
Both infrahuman and human data have documented the
(see descriptive data). In addition, there is evidence in-
sensitivity of the fetal central nervous system (CNS)
dicating that fetuses are at least partially buffered against
to both general malnutrition and to specific nutritional
maternal malnutrition, so that unless there is severe
deficiencies (Morgane et al., 1993; Rao & Georgieff,
maternal malnutrition or severe maternal micronutrient
2000). In addition, those aspects of CNS structure and
deficiencies, there are not likely to be functional con-
neurotransmitter metabolism that have been shown to be
sequences to the fetus (Dobbing, 1990; Mahomed, 2003).
influenced by variability in nutritional intake are, in many
For example, while the iron supply of the fetus is basically
cases, the same CNS areas and metabolic processes that
derived from maternal iron stores during pregnancy
have been implicated in individual variability in tempera-
(Allen, 1997; Michaelsen, Milman, & Samuelson, 1995;
ment (Wachs, 2000). One specific nutrient that may be of
O’Brien, Zavaleta, Abrams, & Caulfield, 2003), measures
particular relevance for individual differences in tempera-
of neonatal hemoglobin have generally not been found to
ment is iron. Infrahuman research has shown that the CNS
be related to maternal iron status during pregnancy, even
areas affected by pre- and perinatal iron deficiency include
when mothers are anemic (Allen, 2000; Halvorsen, 2000).
those involved in emotional processing (de Ungria et al.,
Given evidence for fetal buffering plus the fact that ours
2000). At the human level, Vaughn, Brown and Carter
was not a population of severely malnourished mothers or
(1986) reported higher levels of irritability in newborns
a population characterized by severe intrauterine growth
whose mothers were iron deficient. In earlier studies with
retardation, it is not surprising that our maternal or fetal
older infants, Lozoff and colleagues (Lozoff et al., 1998;
Lozoff, Wolf, & Jimenez, 1996) reported higher levels
However, there is evidence suggesting that early iron
of negative affect and lower levels of attention to people
status may be predictive, even in a population that is not
and objects in 12- to 24-month-old infants with iron-
severely iron deficient. Individual differences in maternal
deficiency anemia, as compared to nonanemic infants. In
iron status during pregnancy are related to indices of less
a more recent article, Lozoff et al. (2003) reported that
severe neonatal iron deficiency such as neonatal serum
6-month-old infants who received iron supplementa-
iron (Agrawal, Tripathi, & Agarwal, 1983), neonatal
tion were higher on positive affect, were more oriented
ferritin (Hokama et al., 1996; Milman, Agger, & Nielsen,
towards people in their environment, and were more
1994), and neonatal serum transferrin receptors (Choi,
soothable at 12 months of age than were infants who did
Kim, & Par, 2000). Further, even in the absence of
not receive iron supplementation. While the previous
neonatal iron-deficiency anemia, there is a greater risk
evidence is supportive of a potential link between early
of later iron deficiency or iron-deficiency anemia for
iron status and early temperament, little is known about
neonates with reduced levels of iron (Georgieff, Wewerka,
the behavioral consequences of differences in neonatal
Nelson, & Deregnier, 2002) whose mothers were iron de-
iron status (Beard & Connor, 2003); in our review of the
ficient during pregnancy (Colmer et al., 1990; Preziosi
literature, we were unable to find any studies directly
et al., 1997). In addition, some evidence suggests that neo-
relating measures of neonatal iron status to measures of
natal iron status may be predictive of later temperament,
Neonatal Iron Status and Neonatal Temperament
even in the absence of severe iron deficiency. Specifically,
sample size of 148, power analysis indicated that we should be
Tamura et al. (2002) reported that neonates whose ferritin
able to detect a medium to small effect size for iron with power
values fell in the lowest quartile of their sample showed
greater than .80 and a medium to small covariate effect size with
significantly lower alertness and tractability (an index of
self-regulation) at 5 years of age, as rated by their mothers. Besides these data, there is an almost complete absence of
studies investigating relations between neonatal iron
Each trimester, trained dieticians assessed the energy and
status and neonatal behavioral patterns. Given the almost
nutrient intakes of the mothers using standardized 24-hr
total absence of information, we believe it is important to
dietary-recall assessments taken on 2 nonconsecutive days.
present our findings on neonatal iron and temperament, if
Intakes were compared with current dietary recommended
only to suggest the potential importance of additional
intakes (e.g., Institute of Medicine, 2000). In terms of specific
dietary deficiencies, those nutrients with the greatest probabilityof inadequacy for women at 10 to 24 weeks and 28 to 30 weeks ofpregnancy, respectively, were folate, calcium, iron, and zinc,
with most of the population not covering 25% of the recom-mended intake for these nutrients across each of the trimesters.
The levels of maternal dietary intake found in our sample aresimilar to those reported by Sacco, Caulfield, Zavaleta, and
The Canto Grande Maternal Child Health Center (MCHC) was
Retamozo (2003) for pregnant women living in another peri-
the site of the study. The MCHC is a state health facility that
urban area of Lima. Alcohol use during pregnancy was relatively
serves low-income families within Canto Grande. Canto Grande
rare, with over 90% of women in our sample reporting no intake
is a low-income, semi-urbanized district located northeast of
of alcohol during pregnancy and less then 1% reporting an intake
Lima, Peru, at an altitude of 200 m above sea level. The MCHC is
of more then one drink per week. Over 75% of the women in our
the largest public health facility in the area where mothers
sample reported no caffeine intake over the course of pregnancy.
living in this district could deliver their babies. The rates of
At the end of the first trimester, 8 ml of fasting venous blood
unemployment and underemployment for the local population
were drawn from the mothers during their regularly scheduled
were considered high according to national census criteria. The
prenatal visit to the MCHC; 6 ml of fasting venous blood were
mean number of people per household was five. While 97% of
drawn at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. Measures
the houses in our sample had electricity and 83% had a public
of maternal hemoglobin, serum iron, total iron binding capacity,
water supply, only 65% of houses had access to sewage services.
blood glucose level, and C-reactive protein were obtained from
Pregnant women who lived in the MCHC-Canto Grande
maternal blood samples. Measures of maternal iron status
district were identified in the first trimester of pregnancy. Criteria
declined significantly across trimesters. While the average level
for inclusion of pregnant women were: less than 14 weeks/
of maternal Hb was greater than 11.0 g/dl (SD ¼ 1.0) in the first
gestation as determined from last menstrual period and con-
trimester, by the end of the second trimester the average Hb level
firmed later via ultrasound exam, no significant maternal physi-
had significantly dropped to below 10.5 g/dl (M ¼ 10.4,
cal or mental health problems, mother greater than 14 years old,
SD ¼ 1.00); this latter level is recommended as the cutoff point
and mother willing to attend the two subsequent prenatal checks
defining maternal anemia in the later stages of pregnancy
programmed for the study. A total of 249 mothers met these
(Milman, Byg, & Agger, 2000). Ultrasound measures were taken
inclusion criteria and formed our initial sample; however,
in the second and third trimesters to assess fetal growth rates. Our
99 mothers of newborns in the initial sample chose to have their
ultrasound measurements indicated that fetuses showed ade-
baby at a hospital other then MCHC, which was our primary site.
quate growth during the course of pregnancy, with significant
While we were able to make arrangements with these other
gains in estimated fetal weight occurring between Trimesters 1
hospitals to assess temperament on these 99 neonates while they
were still in the hospital, we were unable to arrange for neonatalblood collection at birth. In addition, for 2 infants born at MCHC,problems in videotaping led to loss of temperament assessments.
Thus, our final sample consisted of 148 newborns for whom we
After the infant was born, using a standardized examination
had complete data on pregnancy measures during the second and
procedure, trained Institute for Nutritional Investigation (IIN)
third trimesters and iron status and temperament at birth. Comparison of infants for whom we had complete data versusthose for whom we had no data on neonatal iron indicated
1Because the primary focus in this article is on neonatal iron, we only
higher levels of alertness (t ¼ 4.59, p < .01) and activity level
briefly summarize the measures and procedures used to assess maternal
(t ¼ À3.62, p < .01), as assessed in our structured laboratory
and fetal measures taken during pregnancy. Readers wishing a detailed
procedure, for neonates in the no-iron measures group; however,
description of how we assessed and coded our measures of maternal
there were no other group differences in the other six tem-
anthropometry, maternal diet, maternal biochemistry, and fetal growthduring pregnancy or our measure of neonatal anthropometry can obtain
perament measures or in measures of family SES, prenatal status
this information by writing to the first author. Readers wishing a detailed
measures, (e.g., fetal weight, maternal glucose) or measures of
description of our nonsignificant findings for these variables also can
newborn status (e.g., gestational age, birth weight). With a
obtain this information by writing to the first author.
field workers assessed the infant’s body weight, length, and
15 min of videotape when the infant was awake. If the infant fell
skinfold thickness. During the examination, field workers also
asleep before the 15 min were up, the examiner returned no later
examined each child for the presence of minor physical
than the following day and continued videotaping until we had at
anomalies. To assess levels of neonatal hemoglobin, hematocrit,
serum ferritin, serum iron, total iron binding capacity, and C-
All videotapes were sent to Purdue University, where they
reactive protein, 4 ml of cord blood taken at birth were used. To
were coded by a trained graduate-student observer or by the
obtain cord blood, the cord was cut and clamped. The umbilical
Purdue University co-principal investigator. In all cases, coders
cord from the placenta to the clamp was held by surgical
were unaware of the neonates’ iron status. Coding was done
tweezers, and a needle with a syringe was inserted into the vein.
using 15-s observational cycles. The coder observed the video
The blood sample was removed, put into a test tube, and
until the sound of a recycling timer indicated that 15 s had
centrifuged within 30 min to separate out the serum prior to
elapsed. At this time, the coder paused the videotape and
storage. All blood determinations were performed at the
recorded the ratings. When the recycling timer indicated that
laboratory of the IIN, and a standardized set of procedures were
another 15-s cycle was starting, the coder began the videotape
implemented to ensure that cord blood drawn would reach the
and observed for another 15-s cycle. Both coders independently
IIN laboratory without contamination or deterioration. The
coded a subset of tapes to assess intercoder reliability. Intraclass
analytic quality of data from the IIN laboratory has been
correlations were used to assess level of intercoder reliability
evaluated and has received high rankings from a number of
(Bartko, 1976). Across the five dimensions coded (discussed
standardization agencies including the National Institute of
next), the average intraclass r ¼ .95, with a range from r ¼ .91 to
Standards and Technology (Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and the
Swedish National Food Administration Quality Control Pro-
Based on the neonatal temperament coding criteria developed
by Riese (1987) and by Ricciuti and Breitmeyer (1988), in both
Neonatal temperament outcomes were assessed on two
assessment contexts we coded neonatal state plus four dimen-
separate occasions. The first assessment occurred within 2 days
sions of neonatal temperament: alertness, activity level, negative
after the infant was born and took place during the structured
emotionality (distress), and soothability. Initial state at the start
laboratory procedure assessing neonatal anthropometry and
of the temperament assessment procedure was coded using a 6-
minor physical anomalies. The second assessment occurred after
point scale ranging from asleep to crying, with midpoint codes
the infant was discharged from the hospital and was an
being regarded as optimal state. Alertness was coded using a 4-
unstructured observation at the infant’s home between the Days
point scale ranging from no visual orienting to high alertness.
3 and 7 of life. In the structured observation, the neonate was
Activity was the summed score across two codes: head and
undressed and trained examiners weighed the neonate, assessed
number of limbs moved plus vigor of movement (coded on a 4-
length using a Franklin plane, and assessed skinfold thickness
point scale ranging from no movement to very large move-
using calipers. To assess minor physical anomalies, examiners
ments). Negative emotionality was coded using a 4-point scale
assessed distance between the eyes, whether ears were set low on
ranging from no negative affect to intense distress. When
the head, 5th-finger curvature, palmer crease, and asymmetry in
neonates were coded as showing moderate or intense distress,
toe size using the procedure developed by Waldrop, Bell,
soothability was then coded. The soothability code was based on
McLaughlin, & Halverson (1978). Because both the anthro-
the number of different soothing manipulations it took
pometry and the physical anomalies exam required manipulating
(range ¼ 0–6) before the neonate returned to a nondistressed
the neonate in specific ways, this procedure can be regarded as
state (Detailed coding criteria for each dimension of tempera-
the more stressful of the two examination situations. If the
ment are available from the principal author upon request.)
neonate became distressed during the examination, except forholding the child between procedures, no attempts at soothing
The unstructured observation was carried out at home at a
A culturally relevant SES inventory developed at IIN was
time between feedings when the neonate was awake. The
administered upon enrollment of the mothers. This instrument
neonate was placed on his or her back on a bed or a couch in the
included data on education of the parents, construction material
home, and mothers were instructed not to touch or talk directly to
of their house, services at home (water, electricity, sewage),
their child unless instructed to do so by the examiner. If the
number of siblings, occupation of the parents, and household
neonate became distressed, maternal intervention was requested
possessions. Measures of maternal dietary intake and maternal
as part of a standardized soothing procedure. In contrast to the
caffeine and alcohol use during pregnancy were obtained via
structured procedure, no demands were placed on the neonate
dietary recall measures obtained during the second and third
during the unstructured home observation, and neonatal distress
trimesters of pregnancy, as described earlier. Measures of
was responded to relatively quickly.
maternal C-reactive protein and maternal glucose levels during
Both structured and unstructured assessments were video-
pregnancy and neonatal C-reactive protein at birth were obtained
taped. Because of the more intrusive nature of the structured
from blood biochemistry assessments, as described previously.
assessments, neonates did not fall asleep during these proce-
Gestational age was assessed from ultrasounds taken during
dures; therefore, all structured assessments were videotaped in a
pregnancy, as also described previously. Measures of birth
single session that took between 15 to 20 min to complete. For
weight, type of delivery, and neonatal Apgar scores were taken
the unstructured procedure, our goal was to obtain a minimum of
Neonatal Iron Status and Neonatal Temperament
correlation between the eight measures of neonatal temperamentand the three measures of neonatal iron status. A test of the null
In assessing the possible contributions of neonatal biochemistry,
hypothesis that all correlations between multiple predictor and
we utilized the most direct measures of early iron status: neonatal
multiple criterion variables are zero order is equivalent to a
serum iron, serum ferritin, and hemoglobin levels. Both visual
nonsignificant canonical correlation between a set of predictor
analysis of the distribution and descriptive statistics indicated
and a set of criterion variables (Johnson & Wichern, 1982);
that hemoglobin (skew ¼ À.300, kurtosis ¼ À.147) and serum
however, if the overall canonical correlation between our indices
iron (skew ¼ .136, kurtosis ¼ .177) approximated a normal
of neonatal temperament and our indices of neonatal iron status
distribution. While the distribution for ferritin was shifted to
is significant, this means that at least some dimensions of
the left (skew ¼ 1.325, kurtosis ¼ 3.173), this distribution was
neonatal iron status are significantly related to neonatal tem-
normalized utilizing a square-root transformation (skew ¼ .342,
perament over and above chance levels. To determine which
kurtosis ¼ .748); however, given that our results were essentially
specific nutritional and temperament variables were producing
identical when we used the nontransformed or the square-root
the overall significant canonical correlation in the second stage
transformed ferritin values, for ease of comparison we report the
of data analysis, we computed a series of eight multiple re-
findings for the nontransformed ferritin values.
gressions, regressing our neonatal iron measures onto each
In contrast to results for older children and adults, far less is
measure of neonatal temperament. By use of this two-stage
known about the functional consequences of deficits in measures
strategy, we both minimize the likelihood of capitalizing on
of neonatal iron status, particularly with regard to the question of
chance (initial canonical correlation) while maintaining our
whether a continuous or a discrete (threshold) model is more
ability to identify specific iron–temperament relations (Stage 2
appropriate. Given the lack of definitive evidence on an
appropriate cutoff point, we treated each of our neonatal iron
In two sets of additional analyses, we used the mediation test
measures as a continuous variable. When significant relations
model described by Baron and Kenny (1986). According to
were found between neonatal iron and neonatal temperament
Baron and Kenny, if a mediating variable is responsible for the
measures using a linear model, we then reanalyzed the data to see
relation between predictor and outcome, then statistically
if a nonlinear model provided a better fit. When a nonlinear
controlling for the influence of the mediator will reduce the
model provided a better fit to the data, we inspected the scatter
predictor–outcome relation to nonsignificance. The standard
plot to determine what range of neonatal iron values was most
mediation test model described by Baron and Kenny requires
that both the predictor and alternative mediating variables
Given the potential importance of considering context when
be significantly related to both each other and to the outcome
looking at indices of neonatal temperament, we chose to
variable. Given the stringency of this criteria and the exploratory
separately analyze the four neonatal temperament dimensions
nature of our research, it was decided to utilize a less stringent set
for each testing situation. Because of deviations from a normal
of criteria in our second set of mediation analyses, designed to
distribution, activity level in the structured situation and
determine if non-iron variables were responsible for observ-
alertness in the unstructured observation were transformed using
ed relations between our measures of neonatal iron and neonatal
log transformation (thus reversing directionality). For distress,
temperament. Specifically, variables were chosen for further
we used a percentage score, reflecting the percent of observa-
study in our second set of mediation analysis if they were
tional blocks the child was scored as displaying either moderate
significantly related to any one of our three iron predictors or if
or high levels of distress. The %score in turn was transformed
they were significantly related to more then one of our eight
using a square-root transformation. For soothability, using
cluster analysis procedures children were classified into one ofthree groups reflecting either low soothability, moderatesoothability, or high soothability (Details of group-compositioncriteria may be obtained from the principal author.)
Because of the paucity of previous data on the question of
nutritional contributions to variability in neonatal temperament,
we felt that greater than usual consideration needed to be given tominimizing Type II errors, in addition to the usual emphasis on
Only 2% of our sample of newborns had birth weights less
avoiding Type I errors. Our analytic goal was to find an approach
than 2.5 kg, 66.3% had birth weights between 2.5 and
which minimized the likelihood of capitalizing on chance by
3.49 kg, and the remaining 31.5% had birth weights
using too many comparisons, yet would allow us to look at
greater than 3.5 kg. Only 4 neonates in our sample had
relatively specific predictor–outcome relations. Because of the
1-min Apgar scores below 7, and only 1 neonate had a
many unknowns with regard to relations among our different
5-min Apgar score below 7. There were only 2 preterm
measures of neonatal iron status and our measures of neonatal
infants in our sample (The range of gestational ages at
temperament, we did not feel that structural equation modelingwould be appropriate given that this approach requires having
birth was 32–39 weeks.) Data for the preterm infants were
explicit and plausible models of the links among the different
predictors and different outcomes (Schumacker & Lomax,
With regard to our measures of neonatal iron, the mean
1996). Given our analytic requirements, we chose a two-stage
value for serum iron was 148.79 ug/dl (SD ¼ 44.99 ug/dl).
analytic strategy. In the first stage, we computed the canonical
The normal range of serum iron in full-term neonates
is 125 to 225 ug/dl (Siner & Newman, 2002). A total of
significant, correlations (St. James-Roberts & Wolke,
30.8% of our sample had serum iron levels below 125 ug/
1988). There was a trend for neonates to be in a more alert,
dl; 3.8% had values above 225 ug/dl. The mean ferritin
active state at the start of the unstructured observation
level in our sample was 153.19 ug/L (SD ¼ 78.67 ug/L).
session. As would be expected, the correlation of initial
The normal range of ferritin in full-term neonates is
neonatal state across testing contexts was nonsignificant
between 25 to 200 ug/L (Siner & Newman, 1997). Only
1 neonate had a ferritin value below 25 ug/l whereas22.6% had values exceeding 200 ug/l. The mean hemo-
Neonatal Temperament and Neonatal Iron Status. The
globin level in our sample was 15.6 g/dl (SD ¼ 1.4 g/dl).
overall canonical correlation between our three measures
The normal range of hemoglobin values in full-term
of neonatal iron status (Hb, serum ferritin, and serum iron)
neonates is 14.0 to 20.0 g/dl (Siner & Newman, 2002).
and our eight neonatal temperament scores (soothability,
Fifteen percent of our sample had hemoglobin levels
alertness, activity, and distress assessed in the structured
below 14 g/dl, and none were above 18.9 g/dl. While
and unstructured settings) was statistically significant
neonatal serum iron and ferritin levels were significant-
(Rc ¼ .46, Bartlett’s w2 ¼ 55.87, df ¼ 24, n ¼ 148, p < .01).
ly correlated with each other in the expected direc-
As discussed earlier, significance of the total canonical
tion (r ¼ .21, p < .01), the correlation between neonatal
correlation gives us overall protection against a Type 1
ferritin and hemoglobin, while significant, was negative
error when we break down analyses to determine what
(r ¼ À.22, p < .01); serum iron and hemoglobin levels
aspects of neonatal iron status and neonatal temperament
were uncorrelated (r ¼ À.01, n.s.).
were driving the significant canonical correlation.
The means and SDs (in parentheses) for neonatal
To break down the significant canonical correlation, we
temperament scores are shown in Table 1. As shown,
ran eight multiple regressions using our three neonatal
analysis of neonatal temperament in the structured and
iron status measures as predictors and individual neonatal
unstructured contexts revealed that while there were no
temperament dimensions assessed in either the structur-
differences in activity level across the two contexts, there
ed or the unstructured setting as outcome variables. Five
were significantly higher levels of neonatal alertness in the
of the eight regressions were significant (Table 2). For
unstructured testing situation, along with significantly
temperament assessed in the structured laboratory situa-
higher levels of distress and higher numbers of less
tion, neonates with higher hemoglobin levels were rated
soothable neonates in the structured testing situation.
as more alert. Also shown in Table 2, neonates with higher
Given the differing nature of the testing situations, these
levels of serum iron were rated as showing less distress
significant differences would be expected. As shown in
and as being less active (activity log transformed, so
Table 1, analyses also indicated low, but significant, cross-
directionality reversed and higher activity scores mean
contextual correlations between each of our temperament
lower activity). In the unstructured assessment, results
domains. These results are consistent with results from
again indicated significantly greater alertness for neonates
other studies examining the stability of different measures
with higher hemoglobin levels (alertness log transform-
of neonatal temperament assessed in different contexts in
ed, so directionality reversed). In addition, neonates with
the first week of life which also reported modest, but
higher levels of serum iron were more likely to be rated as
% time blocs showing high or moderate distress
tp < .06. aTrue directionality of relation reversed due to log transformation of activity in the structured laboratory assessment and alertness in the unstructured
Neonatal Iron Status and Neonatal Temperament
Significant Regression Analyses Relating Neonatal
range. Increased activity level was found for neonates
with serum iron levels below 85 ug/dl, and decreases inactivity level were found for neonates with serum iron
Given evidence cited earlier on the pattern of relations
between iron and temperament, our finding that lower
serum iron level is related to higher laboratory-assessed
activity level seems counterintuitive; however, our find-
ings do suggest an alternative interpretation. As reported
earlier, higher serum iron is related to both lower activity
level and lower distress in our laboratory assessment. Our
results also indicate that higher distress in the laboratory
situation is related to higher activity level (r ¼ À.52,
p < .01; activity level log transformed, hence the negative
correlation). This pattern suggests the possibility that
neonatal distress may be mediating the relation between
serum iron and activity level. Mediation occurs when
significant relations between a specific predictor (serum
iron) and outcome variable (activity level) occur because
of the influence of a third (mediating) variable common to
both predictor and outcome (distress). To test this mediat-
ing hypothesis, using the Baron and Kenny procedure
described earlier, we reran the regression between our
neonatal iron measures and lab activity, initially entering
neonatal lab distress. Under these conditions, the previ-
ously significant relation between serum iron and labo-
ratory activity level dropped to nonsignificance in theregression (t ¼ 1.187, b ¼ .091, n.s.). What this result
indicates is that neonates with low serum iron levels are
more likely to be distressed, and that one of the con-
aTrue directionality of relation reversed due to log transformation of
sequences of greater distress is higher activity level.
activity in the structured laboratory assessment (low score means highactivity) and alertness in the unstructured home assessment (low score
Additional Tests for Mediation Effects. A final set of
means high alertness) or to reverse coding of soothability group (low
analyses was utilized to assess whether observed relations
between neonatal temperament and measures of neonataliron status could be attributed to an alternative mediating
easier to soothe following distress (Negative beta reflects
variable other than iron, per se. As described earlier,
variables were chosen for further mediation analysis if
We reanalyzed each of the five regressions shown in
they were significantly related to any one of our three iron
Table 2 to determine if a better fit to the data could be
predictors or if they were significantly related to more than
obtained using a nonlinear model (log, quadratic, cubic)
one of our eight temperament outcome measures.
rather than our original linear model. For all analyses
In the initial step of our mediation analysis, based on
involving hemoglobin and for those analyses involving
our review of the literature and reviewers’ comments,
serum iron, distress, and soothability, no improvement
we identified 10 potential alternative mediating variables
was found when a nonlinear analysis was used, suggesting
that were available in our database and which previous
that relations are occurring across the full range of iron
research had related to either neonatal iron or neonatal
values. In only one analysis involving serum iron and lab
temperament. Four of the mediating variables chosen had
activity (change in R2 ¼ .047, p < .01) was a better fit ob-
been identified in previous research as potentially relevant
tained using a nonlinear cubic model.2 For serum iron and
to individual differences in neonatal temperament.
lab activity, a cubic model suggested little relation be-
These variables included neonatal state (Sameroff,
tween activity level and serum iron in the 85- to 185-ug/dl
Krafchuck, & Bakow, 1978), birth weight (Garcia-Coll,Halpern, Vohr, Seifer, & Oh, 1992; Riese, 1994;
Sajaniemi, Salokorpi, & vonWendt, 1998), maternal
Readers wishing to have a copy of our results for the nonlinear
regressions can obtain these by writing to the first author.
medication during delivery (Lester, Als, & Brazelton,
1982; because we did not have adequate record data of use
intake, gestational age, and Apgar. While there was
of anesthetic or analgesics during delivery, we assessed
modest variation in both betas and significance levels,
whether the baby was born by C-section as a proxy), and
with one exception all significant iron–temperament
maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy (Engle et al.,
relations reported in Table 2 remained significant after
1999). An additional three variables chosen had been
accounting for the influence of state, maternal glucose
identified in previous research as potentially relevant to
during pregnancy, maternal alcohol intake during preg-
individual differences in neonatal iron status. These vari-
nancy, gestational age, and 1-min Apgar.3 The one ex-
ables included family SES measures (parental education
ception involved the relation between serum iron and
level, home quality, and family possessions: Grantham-
laboratory activity level, which dropped below the tradi-
McGregor, Fernald, & Sethuraman, 1999), neonatal
tional criterion for statistical significance (b ¼ .137,
biomedical status (Allen, 2000; Lee & Nieman, 1996:
t ¼ 1.68, p < .10) after variance associated with the neo-
assessed via 1- and 5-min Apgar scores and neonatal
nate’s initial state at the start of the laboratory session was
C-reactive protein), and maternal diabetes (Georgieff,
Schmidt, Mills, Radner, & Widness, 1992; Nelson et al.,
As discussed previously, we also investigated the ques-
2000; Petry et al., 1992; measures of maternal blood
tion of whether gender moderated our pattern of findings.
glucose level obtained during pregnancy were used as a
While there were no gender differences in our iron mea-
marker variable for risk of maternal diabetes). Three
sures, males were more alert and less distressed than
additional measures also were selected based on prior
females in the laboratory setting while females were more
research relating these variables to both neonatal tempera-
active in the home assessment. To test for moderation, as
ment and neonatal iron status. These three additional mea-
recommended by Baron and Kenny (1986), Gender  Iron
sures were gestational age (Luchtman-Jones, Schwartz, &
interaction terms were entered as a second step in those
Wilson, 2002; Ricciuti & Breitmeyer, 1988), maternal
regressions previously identified as significant in our
intake during pregnancy of calcium and zinc (Guiang &
initial analyses. Two significant Gender  Iron interac-
Georgieff, 1998; Merialdi, Caulfield, Zavaleta, Figueroa,
tions were identified. The first was a Gender  Ferritin
& DiPietro, 1998), and maternal alcohol intake during
interaction for alertness assessed in the laboratory
pregnancy (Miller, Roskams, & Connor, 1995; Weinberg,
situation (t ¼ À2.29, b ¼ À.469, p < .05); the second
1997). In addition to these 10 potential mediators, we also
also was a Gender  Ferritin interaction for soothability
looked at gender as a possible moderator of our findings
assessed at home (t ¼ À2.10, b ¼ À.431, p < .05). Break-
relating neonatal temperament to neonatal iron measures,
down of the first interaction indicated that the relation
given evidence suggesting the possibility of gender dif-
between ferritin and alertness assessed in the laboratory
ferences in both iron metabolism at birth (Choi et al.,
setting was significant for females (r ¼ .29, p < .01), but
2000; Tamura et al., 1999) and infant temperament (Eaton
not for males (r ¼ À.08, n.s.), with the difference between
the two correlations statistically significant by r-z trans-
In Step 2 of our mediational analysis, we assessed
form test (z ¼ 2.34, p < .05). Similarly, the correlation
whether the 10 variables selected met our criteria of being
between ferritin and soothability assessed in the home was
related to any one of our neonatal iron measures or to
significant for females (r ¼ À.26, p < .05), but not for
more than one of our neonatal temperament measures.
males (r ¼ À.18, n.s.), with the difference between the two
In this analysis, our measures of family SES, maternal
correlations again being statistically significant (z ¼ 2.70,
dietary intake of calcium and zinc during pregnancy,
maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy, C-sectionbirth, neonatal C-reactive protein, and birth weight weredropped from further consideration since they did not
meet either of these criteria. Five variables met one of theaforementioned criteria, namely neonatal state (met the
Until now, the largest body of research on the biological
Baron & Kenny, 1986, criteria), maternal glucose levels
roots of temperament has focused on the genetics of
during pregnancy (related to more than one tempera-
individual differences in temperament. In terms of other
ment outcome), maternal alcohol intake during pregnancy
potential biological influences, at least for our sample,
(related to more than one temperament outcome), neo-
results indicate little relation between prenatal nutritional
natal gestational age (related to more than one tempera-
factors such as maternal nutritional intake or fetal growth.
ment outcome), and 1-min Apgar score (related to
Our nonsignificant findings for these predictors does not
neonatal hemoglobin). These variables were each ini-tially entered into our iron–temperament regressions to
3Readers wishing to have a copy of our results for these mediational
determine if our pattern of findings would change after
analyses or our moderation analysis can obtain these by writing to the
accounting for the influence of state, glucose, alcohol
Neonatal Iron Status and Neonatal Temperament
necessarily mean that maternal nutrition during preg-
neonatal temperament. To test for alternative mechanisms
nancy is unrelated to individual differences in early
besides iron, we first identified a set of 10 potential
temperament. There remains the question of whether such
mediators based on our review of the literature and
prediction might occur with a sample that is more severely
suggestions from reviewers of this article. We eliminated a
malnourished than the women in our sample.
number of these potential mediators from consideration
What our results do suggest is the potential relevance
(family SES, maternal caffeine, calcium and zinc intake
of neonatal iron status to variability in early tempera-
during pregnancy, C-section birth, 5-min Apgar, neonatal
ment. Specifically, our findings indicate that lower levels
C-reactive protein, and birth weight) based on the fact
of neonatal hemoglobin are related to lower levels of
that they were unrelated to any of our three neonatal iron
neonatal alertness, assessed in both a structured labora-
measures and to less than two of our eight neonatal
tory-examination procedure and in an unstructured
temperament measures. We then recomputed our analyses
observation done in the neonate’s home. The relation
to determine if our pattern of findings would change after
between hemoglobin level and neonatal alertness appears
partialling out the variance associated with the remaining
to be linear, operating across the full range of hemoglobin
mediators that did correlate with any measure of neonatal
values, with no evidence for a threshold above or below
iron or more than one of our temperament measures:
which hemoglobin is unrelated to alertness. Our results
neonatal state, maternal glucose level during pregnancy,
also indicate that lower levels of neonatal serum iron are
maternal alcohol use during pregnancy, 1-min Apgar,
related to increased neonatal negative emotionality, as
and gestational age. With the exception of the relation
seen in greater distress and distress-mediated activity
between serum iron and neonatal activity, all initial
level assessed during the laboratory testing and reduced
significant findings on the relation of hemoglobin and
soothability assessed during the unstructured home ob-
serum iron to neonatal temperament remained significant,
servation. What appears to be a setting difference (Serum
even after controlling for the influence of these alternative
iron predicts distress in the laboratory assessment and
soothability in the home assessment.) may well reflect
Obviously, elimination of the aforementioned vari-
procedural factors, given that examiners did not attempt to
ables as potential mediators of our findings in and of
soothe neonates during the laboratory assessment while
itself does not indicate that we can attribute variability in
distress was responded to quickly in the home-observation
neonatal temperament primarily to variability in neonatal
setting. Rather than setting differences, what our findings
iron status, in part because of the limited amount of unique
suggest are differential relations, with hemoglobin related
variance associated with neonatal iron and because this
to alertness, which may be an early manifestation of
list of mediating factors is not exhaustive. The impact
later developing self-regulation processes (Derryberry &
of other potential mediating variables such as maternal
Rothbart, 1997) while individual differences in serum
cigarette use during pregnancy, specific drugs taken
iron level are related to indices of negative emotional
during pregnancy, or when the umbilical cord is clamped
reactivity. While ferritin was unrelated to any of our
following delivery could not be assessed because this
temperament measures when assessed as a main
information was not in our database. While we cannot
effect, our results do suggest the possibility of gender
conclusively eliminate all possible mediators as an alter-
differences, with higher levels of ferritin being related to
native explanation for our findings, we can conclude that
higher alertness and soothability for females, but not for
our findings remained robust even after taking into
account some of the most likely alternative explanations.
It is obvious from our regressions that neonatal iron
Given that our results relating variability in neonatal
measures offer only a partial explanation of variability
temperament to measures of neonatal iron status cannot be
in neonatal temperament. Depending upon the specific
easily attributed to alternative non-iron explanations, a
iron and temperament measures assessed, neonatal iron
critical question is the mechanism that underlies our
accounts for between 5 to 10% of unique variance in
findings. Any iron-related explanatory mechanisms offer-
neonatal temperament. It is possible that the relatively
ed must be considered in relation to the many issues
small amount of predictive variance associated with neo-
involved in conceptualizing the nature and consequences
natal iron would have been greater had there been more
of measures of individual differences in neonatal iron
neonates with severe levels of iron deficiency in our
status (Beard & Connor, 2003). The most obvious ex-
population (discussed later); however, at least within this
planatory mechanism would be iron deficiency, given
study, our findings with regard to neonatal iron do appear
what is known about the effects of iron deficiency on CNS
to be robust. As part of our analytic strategy, we con-
development (Beard & Connor, 2003; Rao & Georgieff,
sidered the possibility that our results were due to the
2000) and the relation of CNS function to temperament
actions of an alternative mediating variable that covaries
(Wachs, 2000). Support for iron deficiency as the mech-
with neonatal iron status and with individual variability in
anism underlying our findings can be found in the
consistency between our pattern of associations relating
deficiency remains a critical question that must be dealt
neonatal iron measures to increased neonatal distress and
with before we can conclude that our findings represent
reduced neonatal alertness and soothability with results
a downward extension of the findings of Lozoff and
from infrahuman studies and studies with older iron-
colleagues (Lozoff et al., 1996, 1998, 2003), or that
deficient infants. At the infrahuman level, our findings are
relations between iron deficiency and individual varia-
consistent with evidence indicating reduced attention to
bility in temperament may be occurring earlier in life then
environmental cues in iron-deficient as opposed to iron-
sufficient young rats (Beard, Erikson, & Jones, 2002). At
In terms of other potential mechanisms of iron meta-
the human level, our results indicating reduced attention
bolism besides iron deficiency, exposure to excess iron
and increased negative emotionality are consistent with
during the neonatal period has been linked to impaired
the findings by Lozoff and colleagues (2003; Lozoff et al.,
neurological function during the first year of life, per-
1998; Lozoff et al., 1996) based on studies with iron-
haps as the result of oxidation due to free radical toxicity
(Buonocore et al., 2003). However, given inadequate
However, before attributing our pattern of findings to
maternal dietary iron during the prenatal period, a rel-
iron deficiency, it is essential to consider the nature of our
atively low frequency of mothers taking iron supplemen-
population. While there was an increased risk of iron
tation during pregnancy and the lack of markers indicating
deficiency in our sample, the majority of neonates in our
iron overload in neonates in our sample (e.g., excessively
sample were not iron deficient. As illustrated in our
high ferritin levels: Guiang & Georgieff, 1998) as well as
descriptive data, while 30% of our sample was below the
linear rather than nonlinear threshold patterns relating
threshold for normal levels of serum iron and 15% was
iron to temperament, iron excess does not seem to be a
below threshold for hemoglobin, the mean sample values
likely alternative mechanism. A related mechanism, sug-
for serum iron and hemoglobin were above threshold.
gested by one reviewers of this article, was that the
Further, only 1 neonate was below the normal threshold
underlying mechanism could involve iron homeostasis
for ferritin. In addition, our curve fitting analyses indi-
rather then iron deficiency, per se. The importance of
cated that in almost all cases a linear model fit the data,
developing adequate iron regulation in neonates is well
indicating that iron–temperament relations were operat-
established (Guiang & Georgieff, 1998). It is possible
ing across the full range of iron values rather than being
that the negative correlation found between ferritin and
restricted to neonates with the lowest iron values.
hemoglobin levels in our sample may reflect neonatal
Given the nature of our sample, targeting iron defi-
attempts to regulate iron homeostasis. Based on evidence
ciency as an explanatory mechanism would require an
from both infrahuman and human samples, Georgieff and
additional assumption, namely that neonates are highly
colleagues suggested that such a negative relation may be
sensitive to even low levels of iron deficiency. The
biologically plausible, reflecting a reallocation of storage
possibility that early brain development may be highly
iron into the red-cell mass to meet increased neonatal
vulnerable to iron deficiency has been raised by re-
iron demands (Amarnath, Ophoven, Mills, Murphy, &
searchers studying infrahuman populations (Youdim,
Georgieff, 1989; Georgieff et al., 1990; Georgieff,
Ben-Shachar, & Yehuda, 1989). Congruent with the
Widness, Mills, & Stonestreet, 1989; Guiang, Georgieff,
conclusion of Youdim and colleagues (1989), Felt and
Lambert, Schmidt, & Widness, 1997); however, negative
Lozoff (1996) reported reduced orientation and activity
correlations between storage iron and hemoglobin are
levels in 8-day-old rat pups with normal hemoglobin
more likely to occur in preterm neonates undergoing
that had been exposed to an iron-deficient intrauterine
specific stresses that require iron mobilization, such as
environment during their early gestational period. Unfor-
hypoxemia (Rao & Georgieff, 2002). These conditions do
tunately, little human evidence is available testing the
not characterize our sample. Further, in contrast to iron
assumption of high susceptibility to low levels of early
deficiency and iron excess where there are known biol-
iron deficiency, particularly for behavioral–developmental
ogical consequences that could act to influence neonatal
outcomes. As noted earlier, Tamura et al. (2002) showed
temperament, the underlying mechanism through which
long-term developmental consequences for neonates with
poorly regulated iron homeostasis could translate into
reduced levels of cord serum ferritin; however, Tamura
variability in neonatal temperament is unclear. Results
et al.’s (2002) significant findings were restricted to
from infrahuman studies have suggested that when stor-
neonates in the lowest quartile of the ferritin distribu-
age iron is depleted in the fetal or neonatal period,
tion (<76 ug/l). Our results with a different age group
physiological regulation processes prioritize remaining
and outcome measures indicated a ferritin –temperament
iron towards red blood cell production at the expense of
link only for females, with no evidence supporting the
organs such as the brain (Guiang et al., 1997). While little
superiority of a nonlinear model. Thus, whether human
human evidence is available on the developmental con-
neonates are particularly susceptible to low levels of iron
sequences of such iron-regulation processes, redirection
Neonatal Iron Status and Neonatal Temperament
of iron away from the brain could have potential in-
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Health History 1) Are you in good health? Y N Digitalis, Inderal, Nitroglycerin or other heart Y N 2) Has there been any change in drug? your general health in the past year? Y N H ave you ever been advised Not to take a 3) Date of last physical exam:____________ medication? Y N 4) Are you under a physician’s care for Are you taking or have you ever taken a