N-acetylcysteine improves the clinical conditions of mustard gas-exposed patients with normal pulmonary function test
Journal compilation 2008 Nordic Pharmacological Society. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & ToxicologyN-Acetylcysteine Improves the Clinical Conditions of Mustard Gas-Exposed Patients with Normal Pulmonary Function Test Mostafa Ghanei, Majid Shohrati, Mehrdad Jafari, Soleyman Ghaderi, Farshid Alaeddini and Jafar Aslani
Research Center of Chemical Injuries, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(Received December 19, 2007; Accepted February 20, 2008)
Abstract: Administration of N-acetylcysteine may be effective in diseases caused by oxidative–antioxidative imbalance. Weaimed to determine the effect administration for 4 months of N-acetylcysteine (1200 mg daily) on sulfur mustard-inducedbronchiolitis obliterans in patients with normal pulmonary function test. In a double-blind clinical trial, 144 patients withbronchiolitis obliterans due to sulfur mustard and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome class 0, randomly entered to group 1(n = 72, N-acetylcysteine) and group 2 (n = 72, placebo). The changes in dyspnoea, wake-up dyspnoea, cough and sputumwere measured after 4 months using a ‘delta value’ (i.e. symptom score after 4 months – symptom score before the trial). Spirometric findings were measured at the beginning of the trial, 2 months later and 4 months later. Dyspnoea (delta value:–0.78 (0.61), P < 0.001), wake-up dyspnoea (delta value: –0.57 (0.64), P < 0.001), and cough (delta value: –0.86 (0.63),P < 0.001) improved after 4 months of N-acetylcysteine administration compared to the control group. N-acetylcysteinereduced sputum from 76.9% (n = 40) of cases before the trial to 9.6% (n = 5) of cases after the trial. Spirometric componentswere significantly improved in N-acetylcysteine group compared to the placebo group: FEV1 (P < 0.0001), FVC(P = 0.014) and FEV1/FVC (P = 0.003). A 4-month trial with 1200 mg oral N-acetylcysteine per day can be used for treat-ing bronchitis, but is also effective in treating bronchiolitis. It also prevents sulfur mustard-induced oxidative stress, and canbe used in the treatment of sulfur mustard-induced pulmonary disease.
More than 40,000 people suffer from pulmonary diseases
adverse effects [1]. In parallel, these patients do not respond
due to sulfur mustard [1]. There is no common consensus
well to bronchodilators due to the non-obstructive nature of
about the pathophysiological basis of chronic pulmonary
their disease. Hence, it is reasonable to look for new drugs
disease caused by mustard gas [2,3], but bronchiolitis obliterans
and protocols in order to substitute the old ones.
has been proposed as the underlying cause [4 –7].
By considering the oxidative–antioxidative imbalance in
Some studies have shown that sulfur mustard-induced
the pathophysiology of sulfur mustard-induced pulmonary
pulmonary disease is a neutrophil and/or lymphocyte dominant
lesions, it is useful to consider antioxidant as a treatment
disorder (e.g. neutrophil-dominated inflammatory process).
option [7]. N-Acetylcysteine is a mucolytic drug but can
Neutrophil dominant disorders, such as chronic obstructive
improve clinical conditions in COPD [9–11], fibrosing
pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis, bronchiectasis and
alveolitis [12] and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [13] through
emphysema, are characterized by increased inflammation
and tissue injuries due to neutrophil-secreted enzymes and
N-Acetylcysteine can also alter the inflammatory processes,
cytokines. Among the theories that have tried to explain these
which are the main cause of disease progression in chronic
disorders, one formulates that neutrophils and lymphocytes
pulmonary diseases. This alteration is evident in changes in
secret proteases which themselves produce oxygen species [8].
the amount of some cytokines, different gene expression and
These patients suffer from respiratory symptoms although
different pattern of receptor activation [14]. It has been
a majority of them have normal pulmonary function tests.
shown that N-acetylcysteine reduces the number of neutrophils
Patients with sulfur mustard-induced pulmonary disorder
in lung injuries in mice exposed to sulfur mustard [15].
often receive bronchodilators, corticosteroids, immuno-
We conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical
suppressive agents, antibiotics, mucolytics, long-term oxygen
trial to investigate if administration of N-acetylcysteine over
therapy and physiotherapy. But these different treatments
4 months would ameliorate the clinical conditions of sulfur
are not as effective as predicted and also have known
mustard-exposed patients who have normal pulmonaryfunction tests.
Author for correspondence: Mostafa Ghanei, Research Center ofChemical Injuries, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences,Mollasadra Street, P.O. Box 19945-546, Tehran, Iran (fax
Materials and Methods
+98 (21) 88040106, e-mail [email protected]; [email protected]).
Conflict of interest statement: The authors had conflict of interest
Patients. The study was designed as a parallel group trial of
because the drugs (Fluimicil) were provided by Zambon Co. Since
1200 mg daily oral N-acetylcysteine versus placebo. We enrolled
all the stages of this study were done in a double blind fashion, the
144 patients in this study who were randomly allocated to the
conflict of interest did not affect the results.
placebo or the N-acetylcysteine group with random number table.
Each group consisted of 72 patients. Patients were free to leave the
clinical conditions during the course of the trial in placebo and N-
study. The trial was approved by the ethical committee of the
acetylcysteine groups and the differences between these two groups.
research centre of chemical injuries, and informed consent was
High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) was obtained
from the participants before administration of the medications.
The participants were patients suffering from pulmonary disorders
Chest HRCT scanning was performed by High Speed Advantage
due to previous exposure to a single high dose of sulfur mustard gas
Scanner (General Electric Medical System, Milwaukee, WI, USA).
during the Iran–Iraq conflict in 1988. They were all from Sardasht,
It consisted of five 1.0-mm collimation images obtained during
deep inspiration and full expiration, while the patients were in
Inclusion criteria were as follows: documented exposure to sulfur
supine position. All chest HRCT scans were reviewed by a radiolo-
mustard; documented diagnosis of chronic pulmonary disease due
gist familiar with bronchiolitis obliterans cases. The expiratory
to mustard gas (histological evidence from previous biopsies) and
images were assessed for the presence of air trapping and its lobar
no history of tuberculosis or resection of one or more lobes of lung.
distribution, defined as alteration of normal anterior–posterior
Exclusion criteria were pneumonia and/or acute bronchitis, smok-
lobar attenuation gradients and/or lack of homogenous increase in
ing cigarettes or being a substance abuser, any illness in which the
pulmonary attenuation, resulting in persistent areas of decreased
medications could not be stopped, occurrence of any severe side
attenuation. The presence of air trapping was quantified and was
effects of N-acetylcysteine (stomatitis, nausea and rhinorrhoea),
considered to be an indication of bronchiolitis obliterans only if it
use of any kind of antioxidant drugs, and deterioration of clinical
exceeded 25% of the cross sectional areas of an affected lung, in at
conditions during the course of the study.
All patients received 1200 mg of N-acetylcysteine or placebo
All participants underwent spirometry (by a HI-801 Chest M.I.
daily in two divided doses for 4 months. Patients were not allowed
Spirometer, Tokyo, Japan) at a screening visit and afterwards at 2
to use any other treatments for at least 1 month before and during the
and 4 months. The Spirometer was calibrated using the device
course of the trial, but inhalatory salmeterol (50 μg, twice a day)
provided by the manufacturer company. To assess the pulmonary
and fluticason(250 μg, twice a day) was taken by all the patients.
function, we measured forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1),
In this study, we only enrolled participants in class 0 of bronchi-
forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC ratio. Firstly, we
assessed these variables at the beginning of the trial. Afterwards, to
The study was done under double-blind conditions (i.e. neither
reveal the effect of N-acetylcysteine, we subtracted FEV1 measured
the investigator nor the patient knew to which group they were
at the second month from the initial FEV1 (2, 0); subtracted
assigned). N-Acetylcysteine tablets and placebo tablets looked
spirometry variables measured at the fourth month from the initial
identical, and were packaged and labelled, so they could not be
ones (4, 0); and subtracted spirometry variables measured at the
identified. The steering committee and data management unit were
fourth month from the variables measured at the second month (4,
masked to the treatment allocations during the study.
2) and compared these variables between the two groups.
The patients were compliant if they took at least 80% of tablets.
Drugs were delivered to them every 14 days, and they were
Statistical analysis. In order to find out whether or not N-acetyl-
instructed to bring their tablets with them to every visit, so that
cysteine was more effective than placebo on cough, dyspnoea and
compliance was assessed at every visit by counting the returned
wake-up dyspnoea after 4 months, we compared ‘delta value’ (i.e.
boxes. The compliance check did not take place in the presence of
symptom score after 4 months – symptom score before the trial)
the patient, and the number of returned tablets was recorded in the
between the two groups. Negative values indicated improvement in
each symptom. For sputum, as mentioned above, negative values
All patients were visited by a general practitioner before and
indicated improvement, positive values indicated worsening and
after the trial in order to assess the clinical condition of each
zero indicated no change in the condition. All analyses were done
patient and presence and severity of dyspnoea, wake-up dyspnoea,
with SPSS for windows version 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
cough and sputum. These symptoms (except for sputum) were
Clinical data and delta values were analysed by applying t-test and
quantified by a scale of 1–5 in which 1 denoted ‘no problem’ and
Mann–Whitney U-test. Sputum was analysed by applying chi-square
4 or 5 denoted ‘the worst condition’. The questionnaire is depicted
test. The changes of Spirometry parameters in both groups were
in detail in table 1. Sputum was reported as 0 for absence and 1 for
compared applying repeated measure anova (General Linear
presence. By this method, we were able to analyse the changes in
Model). Alpha less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Definition of scales which were used to quantify cough, dyspnoea
After 4 months of treatment, 14 patients in the placebo group
and wake-up dyspnoea in the patients.
and 20 in the N-acetylcysteine group refused to continue the
Cough1 I did not have cough2 I have cough, but it is not a serious problem
3 I have cough, sometimes disturbs my work
Clinical characteristics of both N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and
4 I have disturbing cough, usually disturbs my work
placebo groups at the beginning of the trial before drug
5 I have disturbing cough, always disturbs my work
2 Dyspnoea only in extraordinary exercises
The difference between the two groups for each clinical condition
was analysed separately. The test applied and the significance level
are depicted in the rightmost column.
2Data are depicted as percent (number) of patients with sputum. Journal compilation 2008 Nordic Pharmacological Society. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
The effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and placebo on clinical symptoms.
follow-up. None of these patients met our exclusion criteria.
revealed this symptom (chi-square test, P = 0.01). After 4
Patients who left the study were excluded from all analysis.
months, N-acetylcysteine reduced sputum production from
Age did not differ significantly between the two groups
76.9% (n = 40) of cases before the trial to 9.6% (n = 5) of
(mean ± S.D. = 44.94 ± 11.39 years in N-acetylcysteine, 46.68 ±
cases after the trial (McNemar’s test, P < 0.001). Placebo
11.29 years in placebo, P = 0.422). The height and weight of
also reduced sputum production after the trial [94.8%
these two groups did not differ significantly (P = 0.69 and
(n = 55) before the trial, 63.7% (n = 37) after the trial,
0.20, respectively). The number of men and women in both
groups did not differ either [37 (71.1%) men in the placebogroup; 32 (61.5%) men in the N-acetylcysteine group,
FEV1. Although FEV1 increased significantly over time inthe N-acetylcysteine group (P < 0.0001), and decreased in
the placebo group (P = 0.007), there was no significant
Clinical characteristics of both the N-acetylcysteine and the
difference between these changes during the trial
placebo groups at the beginning of the trial are shown in
(P = 0.728). Considering the differences of FEV1 in both
table 2. The effects of N-acetylcysteine and placebo on the
groups at the beginning of the trial in the regression model,
cough, dyspnoea and wake-up dyspnoea is shown in table 3.
N-acetylcysteine significantly improved FEV1 compared to
Sputum production was slightly higher in the placebo group
placebo after 4 months (P < 0.0001; fig. 1).
at the beginning of the trial, as 76.9% (n = 40) in the N-acetylcysteine group and 94.8% (n = 55) in the placebo group
FVC. There were not any significant differences betweenthe changes in both groups over the course of trial(P = 0.664). But FVC changed significantly with time in theN-acetylcysteine group (P = 0.010), but not in the placebogroup (P = 0.283). Considering the differences of FVC inboth groups at the beginning of the trial in the regressionmodel, N-acetylcysteine significantly improved FVC overplacebo after 4 months (P = 0.014; fig. 2).
Fig. 1. The upper part represents the mean of FEV1 in the N-acetylcysteine (NAC) group (grey, continuous line) and the placebogroup (black, continuous line) at the beginning (month 0), after 2
Fig. 2. The upper part represents the mean of FVC in the N-
months of the beginning of the trial (month 2) and after 4 months
acetylcysteine (NAC) group (grey, continuous line) and the placebo
of the beginning of the trial (month 4). The table in the lower part
group (black, continuous line) at the beginning (month 0), after 2
reports the mean (S.D.) of FEV1 in both groups over time.
months of the beginning of the trial (month 2) and after 4 monthsof the beginning of the trial (month 4). Journal compilation 2008 Nordic Pharmacological Society. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
N-Acetylcysteine is a potent antioxidant agent that acts as
a pro-drug for cysteine and glutathione. This mechanism ofaction has been proposed as a possible basis for its use inbronchopulmonary disease [25]. N-Acetylcysteine may pro-duce effects by preventing the release of many inflammatorymediators in different pathological conditions [9,10]. Severalstudies have shown that it can prevent bronchiolitis in miceexposed to cigarette smoke [26], reduce the level of tumournecrosis factor-α in lung-transplanted persons [27], protectbronchial epithelial cells against sulfur mustard in vitro[28,29], and also treat acute lung injuries induced by mustardgas in a rat model [30]. This is in line with the evidence thatshows the effectiveness of antioxidants in preventing sulfurmustard-induced oxidative stress [31,32].
We enrolled patients in class 0 of bronchiolitis obliterans
syndrome grade 0 in which FEV1 is equal to or more than
FEV1/FVC (0) FEV1/FVC (2) FEV1/FVC (4)
80% of baseline. Although their FEV1 is in the normal
range, we also found that N-acetylcysteine could improve
their FEV1. The current data cannot be used to makeconclusions about the mechanism of a potential increase in
Fig. 3. The upper part represents the mean of FEV1/FVC in the N-
FEV1, although its effect on reducing the secretion of many
acetylcysteine (NAC) group (grey, continuous line) and the placebo
inflammatory modulators [33] and on prevention of respira-
group (black, continuous line) at the beginning (month 0), after 2
tory airways thickening and bronchial smooth muscle
months of the beginning of the trial (month 2) and after 4 monthsof the beginning of the trial (month 4). The table in the lower part
hypertrophy [34] might be implicated.
reports the mean (S.D.) of FEV1/FVC in both groups over time.
We noticed a decrease in FEV1/FVC in the placebo group of
this study. It might be due to the cassation of taking self-prescribed medications, which is commonly practiced amongthe patients to relieve the symptoms of their chronic disease.
Long-term studies on pulmonary function deterioration
FEV1/FVC. There were not any significant differences
always have several drawbacks, which might hinder data
between these changes during the trial (P = 0.962). FEV1/
interpretation. The main difficulty was drop-out with an
FVC did not change significantly over time in the N-
overall of 21% in our study. All our drop-outs were due to
acetylcysteine group (P = 0.126), but decreased significantly
the patients’ refusal of follow-up. As none of the patients
in the placebo group (P = 0.006). Considering the differ-
who left the study met our exclusion criteria, we assume that
ences of FEV1/FVC in both groups at the beginning of the
their fear for worsening their symptoms due to the stoppage
trial in the regression model, N-acetylcysteine significantly
of the routine medications altogether with increased anxiety
improved FEV1/FVC over placebo after 4 months
and depression after exposure to both high-intensity warfare
and chemical weapons might be the reason [35].
We administered N-acetylcysteine or placebo in combination
with fluticasone and salmeterol. Because both groups received
fluticasone and salmeterol, we cannot rule out the possibility
In this study, we found that N-acetylcysteine improved not
of synergistic effects of N-acetylcysteine and these medica-
only the clinical symptoms of the patients with sulfur mustard-
tions. We suggest that this possibility is not important as
induced bronchiolitis obliterans, but also the parameters of
previous results in our clinic have shown that fluticasone
pulmonary function test. These findings are more interesting
and salmeterol had improving effects on only 27% of the
when we consider the time of the exposure to sulfur mustard
studied patients with the same conditions as this study [36].
and the time of the administration of N-acetylcysteine, that
Hence, planning a clinical trial with N-acetylcysteine
is, a gap of 18 years and treatment for only 4 months.
administration without any other types of medications
Previous studies have shown that N-acetylcysteine
could be effective in the treatment of and control of clinical
In conclusion, we noted that not only 1200 mg oral N-
conditions in COPD patients by its antioxidative properties
acetylcysteine per day can be used in treating bronchitis, but
[17–19], and could also reduce bronchial infections [20]
also in treating bronchiolitis. It also prevents sulfur mustard-
and exacerbations [21] in these patients. It seems that N-
induced oxidative stress besides treating sulfur mustard-
acetylcysteine interacts with inflammatory processes
induced pulmonary disease. Although N-acetylcysteine
underlying the pathophysiology of COPD [22–24]. Because
improved lung function in non-smoking bronchiolitis
N-acetylcysteine resulted in a decrease in sputum production
obliterans patients in our study, the effect of this drug on non-
and dyspnoea in this study, we assume that its effect is inclusive.
smoking COPD patients should be assessed in future trials. Journal compilation 2008 Nordic Pharmacological Society. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
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This work was supported and supervised by Janbazan
acetylcysteine. J Physiol Pharmacol 2005;56 (Suppl 4):135– 42.
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Advice to the Diabetic Patient who wants to FAST during the Holy month of Ramadan: By: Dr M Akber, Consultant Physician in Diabetes & Endocrinology University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke on Trent, UK Contact: [email protected] This article includes: 1. General issues and advice to the patient during Ramadan fasting (sawm) 2. Specific advice to the physician, and
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