Microsoft word - oct1draft

October 1, 2012

The October 1, 2012 meeting of the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors was called to order by
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, Board President.
Sheriff Bill Rasco of the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department was present and opened the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors meeting in a regular session to hear all business before the Board of Supervisors. The following officials were present: B. INVOCATION
Deputy Carl Hurt presented the invocation.



Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if anyone was present who wished to address the Board of
Supervisors regarding an item not listed on the Agenda.

1. Resolutions of Appreciation

a. Mr. Barry Carter, Handicap Compliance Grievance Committee
Supervisor Lee Caldwell said, years ago, she suggested to her husband who was a DeSoto
County Supervisor, that he consider appointing Mr. Barry Carter to the Handicap Compliance
Grievance Committee. She said that John asked Mr. Carter and he accepted and took the
appointment very seriously. Supervisor Caldwell said she spoke with Mr. Carter often and he
was such a wonderful servant to DeSoto County.
Supervisor Caldwell introduced Mr. Carter’s wife and presented the Resolution of
Appreciation to her and thanked her for appearing today. Appearing with Mrs. Carter was
their son and his wife.
See Exhibit D.1.a
b. Mr. Clarence Sparks, BOS Appointee for Northwest MS Community College
Board of Trustees
This presentation was carried over.

The Board of Supervisors considered the minutes for September as presented.
The official minutes of the Board of Supervisors were read for the month of September 2012.
Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Mark Gardner seconded the motion to
accept the minutes of the Board of Supervisors for September, 2012, as presented this date with
changes previously submitted pursuant to Section 19-3-27 of the Mississippi Code of 1972,
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District
Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit E
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if there was anyone who wished to add or delete items to the
1.) Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis presented a notice for consideration to correct an error in a tax
2.) Supervisor Lee Caldwell requested tabling the Public Hearing regarding the use and possession
of firearms in the Recreational Districts
3.) Environmental Services Manager Ray Laughter requesting adding Adjudication of
Assessments related to Code Enforcement to the Agenda.
4.) County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard requested to carry over item number I.2 for the
Siemens Energy Project Update to the October 15th Board meeting to allow for more preparation
5.) Ms. Lynchard requested to remove item number I.8.b regarding flu shots
6.) Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked to add remaining district park funds to the Agenda
7.) Board Attorney Tony Nowak asked to add an agreement with Tippah County for the purchase
of body armor an item under number G.6.c on the Consent Agenda
8.) Supervisor Bill Russell asked to add clarification on absentee voting
9.) Chief Financial Officer Tom Arnold requested adding Budget Amendments as follows:
a. District Park Funds - Carry over remaining park funds form the 2012 fiscal year b. Greenways and Parks Funds – Reallocate the Greenways funds for various line items 10.) Supervisor Bill Russell requested adding signage to Hernando DeSoto River Park and Overlook on Hwy 61 Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to approve the Agenda with additions and deletions as listed above. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
1.) Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis presented a notice for consideration to correct an error
At the recommendation of Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis and to correct a clerical error, Supervisor
Bill Russell made the motion and Supervisor Mark Gardner seconded the motion to approve
correcting the mistake between the Chancery Clerk’s Office and the Tax Collector’s Office and to
reimburse the tax payer in the amount of $549.94 regarding parcel number 2074-1900.0-00030.09
as detailed in Exhibit F.1.
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District
Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit F.1

2.) Supervisor Lee Caldwell requested tabling the Public Hearing regarding the use of
firearms in the Recreational Districts
Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Mark Gardner seconded the motion to
approve tabling the Public Hearing regarding the use and possession of firearms in the
Recreational Districts until further information could be gathered.
Supervisor Bill Russell said he opposed postponing the Public Hearing because there is no
ordinance prohibiting firearms and it puts liability on children.
Supervisor Caldwell said one area that we are talking about is the levee and there is already a sign
that says no shooting.
Supervisor Russell said the Sheriff cannot enforce a sign unless there is an ordinance in place.
Supervisor Harvey Lee said he thought it was already a state law.
Board Attorney Tony Nowak said he did not know about the levee board. He said the hearing is
set for October 15th and Supervisor Caldwell is trying to be proactive by continuing that matter to
another date rather than having a number of people come before the Board just to have the Board
continue the matter at the October 15th hearing.
Supervisor Caldwell reiterated that information is being misconstrued and she recommends getting
more information including state laws that are already in place.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked who put the no shooting sign on the levee. Greenways
Coordinator Larry Jarrett said the levee board placed the sign and firearms are strictly forbidden.
Supervisor Russell said the levee board owns the property and Greenways leases it and they still
control patrolling the property.
The Board discussed what happens if the levee board files a complaint, fines and what happens is
the Sheriff is called out to respond to concerns. Supervisor Russell said he is very concerned
about the kids.
Supervisor Caldwell said she is also concerned about kids and their safety. She would like to have all the information complied so citizens could be informed correctly and they receive good information. Supervisor Russell said we are just delaying the process. The citizens and the NRA want an explanation and the purpose of the October 15th hearing is to gather information; not necessarily to take any action on that day. Supervisor Lee said the Board of Supervisors need to communicate to the masses. Supervisor Russell said he did not know how that could be done. Supervisor Medlin asked if there was already an advertisement posted for the Public Hearing for October 15th. He discussed how the process would work if it is postponed. Supervisor Caldwell said she would prefer to wait until November. Supervisor Gardner said he too received calls and he has talked to Sheriff Rasco and he said we are only talking about Greenways and not Public Parks. He said there is some fear that people think we are trying to ban firearms and that is just not the concern. Supervisor Russell said the Public Hearing will inform the people and if it is delayed, it gives time for rumors to build. Supervisor Caldwell said she would like to get more information from the public, have them email concerns and give more time to explain before holding the Public Hearing. She said there has not been enough time to give details and explain the ordinance. Supervisor Russell said that is the purpose of a Public Hearing and the Board does not have to vote that day. Supervisor Gardner said he agreed with Supervisor Russell about the timing, but he would like more time to gather information and post it on the County web site for the public to view. Supervisor Caldwell withdrew her motion and said perhaps a committee could be formed to gather information and inform the public. Supervisor Gardner withdrew his second to the motion and said he would be on the committee. Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to form a committee and appoint Supervisor Mark Gardner and Supervisor Harvey Lee to the committee to gather information on all aspects of the possession of firearms on DeSoto County Greenways including state laws and permits. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District Supervisor Mark Gardner made the motion and Supervisor Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to authorize the Greenways firearms committee to work with the Smith, Phillips, Mitchell, Scott and Nowak Law Firm and Sheriff Bill Rasco regarding Greenways firearms ordinance. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
3.) County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard requested adding Environmental Services
Manager Ray Laughter to the Agenda regarding Adjudication of Assessments related to
Code Enforcement
Ms. Lynchard said Mr. Laughter has 3 adjudications of assessments for the cleanup of certain
Board Attorney Tony Nowak said the statute requires that after the property is cleaned the Board
determines the costs and expenses incurred and make the same a lien on the property.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if these are on the claims docket to be paid. Mr. Laughter said no,
not until the Board approves putting the lien on the property.
Mr. Nowak said they wanted to bring this first one to the Board to demonstrate the process and
afterwards these may become Consent Agenda items.
Environmental Services Manager Ray Laughter presented the three orders as follows:
1) 4616 Holly Springs Road, Hernando, MS 38632 Cost to cut & clean - $250 does not include legal or administrative fees Service done on August 6, 2012 Contractor-Complete Lawn Service 2) 7180 Broken Hickory, Walls, MS 38680 Cost to cut & clean - $200 does not include legal or administrative fees Service done on August 6, 2012 Contractor-Complete Lawn Service 3) 6107 Broken Hickory, Walls, MS 38680 Cost to cut & clean - $200 does not include legal or administrative fees Service done on August 6, 2012 Contractor-Complete Lawn Service Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve the three Adjudications of Assessments related to Code Enforcement as detailed above and to authorize the Board President to sign orders declaring the costs to be liens against the properties. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit F.3
4.) County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard requested to carry over item number I.2 for the
Siemens Energy Project Update to the October 15th Board meeting to allow for more
This item was carried over to October 15, 2012

5.) Ms. Lynchard requested to remove item number I.8.b regarding flu shots
6.) Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked to add remaining District One Park Funds to the Agenda
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to
approve allocating $20,000 to Olive Branch Parks from the District One Park Fund. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
7.) Board Attorney Tony Nowak asked to add an agreement with Tippah County for the
purchase of body armor under item number G.6.c on the Consent Agenda
This item and Exhibit appear under the Consent Agenda as item number G.6.d

8.) Supervisor Bill Russell asked to add clarification on absentee voting
Supervisor Bill Russell said he has received several calls about absentee voting and he asked Mr.
Danny Klein Election Commissioner to appear before the Board to clarify the confusion about
absentee voting ballot. He said he would like for the newspapers to hear so they can help clear up
the confusion.
Mr. Klein said there are two elections being held on November 6th. He said the qualifying
deadline for the special election is October 8th and the state will consider approval on October 9th
or 10th and that is what is causing confusion. When someone uses an absentee ballot now, only the
general election positions are listed. He said people want to know why the special elections are
not listed.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin confirmed that if a person wants to vote on an absentee ballot now, they
would have to return to get the other ballot for the special election. Mr. Klein said that is correct.
Supervisor Medlin asked if the process will still work the same way for handicap people and Mr.
Klein responded yes.
Supervisor Lee Caldwell asked if polls are open to vote two Saturdays before Election Day. Mr.
Klein said yes, they are open until noon.
Supervisor Gardner asked if all media options are being used to inform the public about the
absentee ballot and the election. IT Specialist, Mary Jane Thaxton accessed the County web site
for everyone to view the information.
Supervisor Russell said the information on the County web site definitely needs to be more
Supervisor Gardner asked Mr. Klein if he could meet with Ms. Thompson to get more information
to publish on the County web site.
Supervisor Caldwell said if someone already has a ballot then they will need a new ballot to vote
in the special election. Mr. Klein said that is correct.
Supervisor Gardner asked if there will be two ballots on November 6th. Mr. Klein said the one
general election ballot will have all listed and for people who voted absentee prior to November 6th
they could vote after October 10th on the special election ballots.
No motions were made nor votes taken on this issue.
9.) Chief Financial Officer Tom Arnold requested adding Budget Amendments as follows:

a. District Park Funds - Carry over remaining park funds form the 2012 fiscal year Mr. Arnold presented the budget amendment detailing the park funds to be carried over from 2012 fiscal year and fully described in Exhibit F.9.a. See Exhibit F.9.a
b. Greenways and Parks Funds – Reallocate the Greenways funds for various line items County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said the budget amendment changed to put utilities in line items. The Board discussed various park funds and expenditures including expenditures as follows: REMAINING FUNDS IN PARK FUND
AS OF 9‐30‐12
Allocated to City of Olive Branch‐Ivy Trails DISTRICT 3 (BILL RUSSELL)
Hernando DeSoto Park benches & gazebo DISTRICT 4 (LEE CALDWELL)
Nesbit picnic tables and walking trails DISTRICT 5 (HARVEY LEE)
No funds available to carry over.
Ms. Lynchard said she met with Greenways Coordinator Larry Jarrett and Tom Arnold to set up parameters for the Recreational District. She said they will allocate $142,500 to the Economic Council for Greenways. Ms. Lynchard said when the District needs to make a purchase, it will go before their Board for approval and then to the Board of Supervisors for final approval. She said purchasing for the District will follow state guidelines including emergency purchases. Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to approve the budget amendments with corrections as follows: DeSoto County, Mississippi
Fund/Department #
Updated 8/09
Reason for Request: To carry-over the remainaing park funds from the 2012 fiscal year.
Requested by:
Board of Supervisors
DeSoto County, Mississippi
Fund/Department #
Updated 8/09
660-760 Allocation to Desoto County Economic Council Reason for Request: To reallocate the Greenways funds for various line items.
Requested by:
Vanessa Lynchard
The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit F.10.b
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Mark Gardner seconded the motion
to authorize the Greenway Administrator Larry Jarrett and the Comptroller Tom Arnold to sign
purchase requisitions for the Recreational District.
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District
Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District 10.) Supervisor Bill Russell requested adding signage to Hernando DeSoto River Park and
Overlook on Hwy 61

Supervisor Bill made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to authorize
the County Administrator to contact MDOT regarding signage on new Hwy 61 for the Hernando
DeSoto River Park and Overlook.
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District
Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
The Board of Supervisors considered the items on the Consent Agenda.
County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said the specifications for item number G.8.a, for the
annual bid for sand and gravel are incomplete and distributed a corrected copy for the Board’s
Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Mark Gardner seconded the motion to
approve the Consent Agenda as follows:
1. Dept. of Human Resources: Monthly Health Claims

Funding Request
Date Paid
Claim Type
2. Justice Court Report

3. Bailiff Pay

4. Publication of Board Proceedings
5. Office of Finance & Accounting

a. Quarterly Budget Allocations for Quarter ending December 31, 2012
For Quarter Ending December 31, 2012




Department 200 (Sheriff Administration)

$ 282,891.25
Department 201 (Aviation)
$ 55,176.25
Department 202 (Patrol/Law Enforcement)
$ 2,537,163.75
Department 214 (Highway Safety Grant)
$ 49,309.25
Department 215 (Occupant Protection Grant)
$ 2,505.75
Department 220 (Custody of Prisoners)
$ 1,297,556.75
Department 222 (Prisoners’ Medical Expense)
$ 355,814.00
Department 223 (Juvenile Detention
$ 264,093.25

b. Recap of Final Amended Budget
c. Inventory Control
1.) Sheriff’s Department-Declaration of Forfeiture

Agency Case#
Name Date Declared MFGR Year Description Serial#
9/20/12 Ford 1999 Expedition- FMRU1768XLC31633 2.) IT-Final Disposition

6. Establish as Part of the Formal Record and Enter into the Board’s Minutes

a. Quitclaim Deed to Southaven
b. Hernando TIF-Hampton Inn Project
c. Agreements for Purchase of Body Armor
1.) City of Leland 2.) Itawamba County 3.) Tate County 4.) Tippah County

7. Department of Road Management

a. Road Report
b. Work Schedule
c. Road Bond Report

8. Office of Procurement

a. Accept and Approve Official Proposal Form and Bid Specifications and Solicit Annual
Bids-Sand Gravel
b. Procurement Card Log for August
9. Chancery Clerk Allowance (1)
The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit G

1. DHS Purchases
___ 11

Terry Phillips Regional Director of the Department of Human Services (DHS) appeared before the
Board and introduced Mary Vernon, Supervisor for DHS in DeSoto County.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin said the Board has questions about purchases and wanted to see if they
can use more generic supplies instead of name brand.
Ms. Vernon said in reviewing the concerns about brands, these items are on the state approved
purchasing lists. She said the Cottonelle brand of tissue is the cheaper brand on the list. She said
the facial tissue is the same as they have ordered through the years and it is also on the list. They
do order the more expensive paper towels because it takes more towels when using the cheaper
brand. She said in the long run, it probably is cheaper using the more expensive brand.
Ms. Vernon said they do use a lot of Advil and Aleve. There are forty women in the office and it
helps to keep them there. She said she wants to do anything she can to keep them working.
Supervisor Medlin confirmed that Ms. Vernon is saying she lets the employees use Advil and
Aleve that is bought with taxpayer money.
Ms. Vernon said Advil and Aleve are in the Emergency Kits and they have permitted the
employees to use them in the past, but this practice is being stopped.
Supervisor Lee Caldwell asked how many employees they have. Ms. Vernon said about 40 in the
DHS office. She said Family and Children Services have increased so the number of employees
has increased. She said they did take a 5% cut and reduced housekeeping staff.
Supervisor Mark Gardner said he appreciated them appearing before the Board. He said we have
three new members and they are still learning and wanted Ms. Vernon to know that the Board is
not trying to micro-manage DHS. Supervisor Gardner said they had questions and requested
representatives from DHS to come to the Board meeting, but only a letter was sent. The letter did
not answer the questions the Board asked and really wanted to meet with them face to face.
Supervisor Gardner reiterated that no one wanted to micro-manage them, but he did have
questions. He said his perception from the last two dockets is that they were ordering a lot of
office supplies. Supervisor Gardner said the last docket was even more. He said he thought
maybe they were spending end of budget year money but the letter did not say that. It just said
that it was mostly reimbursed by the state. Supervisor Gardner said it is still taxpayer dollars. He
said if he votes to approve something, he is saying it is okay to spend taxpayer money.
Supervisor Gardner said there was a claim for 45 pocket calculators and wall calendars that was of
a concern. He also stated that if he has a headache and does not have medicine, he stops at the
drug store on his way to work and buys his own medicine. He said his philosophy is to be frugal.
Teresa Fleming with DHS said she buys supplies for the office. She said she has been in the
position for 20 years. She said they have not asked for a budget increase in 15 years. Ms. Fleming
said they wait to see what money has not been used and then order office supplies. The calendars
are At-A-Glance Daily calendars that are very helpful in keeping appointments. The ones ordered
were for the forty employees for the year 2013. She said they plan and order ahead and then they
do not have to ask.
Supervisor Gardner confirmed that Ms. Fleming was saying they loaded up on supplies because of
need, not because of end of year budget.
Ms. Fleming confirmed Ms. Vernon’s explanation about the paper towels.
Supervisor Medlin asked why they are buying Aleve from a paper company. Ms. Fleming
explained that they order under the purchasing laws and these products were bid items.
Supervisor Medlin asked if the Cottonelle Towels were on the approved list. Ms. Fleming
confirmed that the county gets bids to prices and they came from purchasing. She said Cottonelle
is on the bid list. Ms. Fleming said there are 38 women and two men using two bathrooms.
Supervisor Caldwell said the other tissue is what County employees use. She said when she sees a floral monthly calendar, she questions if there is a cheaper one that is not floral. Ms. Fleming said they have ordered new furniture for adding new staff. She said they are filling offices with two to three people along with desks and filing cabinets. Supervisor Gardner said that information is very helpful to know Supervisor Caldwell said the Board wanted communication with DHS to get answers to questions and they should be frugal with tax dollars. Supervisor Gardner said the letter did not answer any of these questions. Ms. Fleming apologized for not appearing and not giving detail in the letter. Supervisor Gardner said DHS does a good job and they just want to make sure good use is made with taxpayer dollars. Mr. Phillips said they have completely outgrown the space and have needed a larger facility for quite some time. He said he would like to come back to the Board to discuss possibilities. Supervisor Medlin asked Mr. Phillips to work with the County Administrator. Supervisor Medlin said then they can let the Board know what they might be able to do about more space. The Board discussed that since the payment was not made, this payment will come out of the 2013 budget instead of the 2012 budget. Supervisor Mark Gardner made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve the payment in connection with DHS office supplies. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
Ms. Fleming said because this is coming out of the 2013 budget, it will put them in a bind.
Supervisor Medlin said for DHS to come back to the Board if there is a need.

See Exhibit H.1

1. Tax Collector: Insolvency Report & Tax Sale

Tax Collector Joey Treadway of the Tax Collector’s Office presented a 2011-2012 Insolvency
Report in accordance with the Mississippi Code section 27-49-14 as follows:
27-49-1. Insolvent and delinquent taxpayers list
The tax collector shall present to the Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on the first Monday of October in each year, a report of all insolvent and delinquent taxpayers in his county, with the amount due from each. Such report shall be verified by the affidavit of the collector, that he has made, in person or by deputy, a legal demand for taxes of all delinquent taxpayers found in his county by going to their place of abode or business and searching for something to seize and sell for taxes; that the taxpayers mentioned in the report have failed to pay their taxes; that such taxpayers have no effects known to him which can be seized and sold for such taxes; that he has made diligent inquiry after such of said delinquents as have not been found and cannot find them in his county. The tax collector shall also include in his report any checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money which he has received in payment of ad valorem taxes and which has been returned to him because of insufficient funds in the account on which such checks, drafts or orders were drawn. Such checks, drafts or orders shall be accompanied by the affidavit of the collector that he has exhausted all legal means of collecting such instruments, including the filing of a civil suit. Separate lists of delinquents shall be made for each election district and for each city, town and village. Miss. Code Ann. Sec. 27-49-1, Insolvent and delinquent taxpayers list ------------ Excerpt from page 17197h Mr. Treadway presented the Insolvency Report and Tax Sale as follows: OCTOBER 1, 2012










Presented this 1st day of October, 2012
Mr. Treadway said the State issues new license plates every five years. He said they received the
plates today and showed the Board a new plate.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to
approve the 2011-2012 Insolvency Report in accordance with the Mississippi Code section
27-49-1 as fully described in Exhibit I.1. The motion passed by a vote as follows:
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District
Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit I.1

2. Siemens Energy Project Update
This item was carried over.
3. Fairhaven Cell Tower Agreements

a. Option and Lease Agreement
b. Communications Equipment Site Agreement
Mr. Lou Katzerman of TV6-W, LLC appeared before the Board of Supervisors Seeking
approval of an Option and Land Lease Agreement and a Communications Equipment Site
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if the tower will have a lot of cable connected to it. Mr.
Katzerman said no, it is a straight up tower.
Board Attorney Tony Nowak explained there is a need for the Tower on the Fairhaven Fire
Department property. Mr. Nowak said the agreement is a five year term with nine options of
five years each to renew. The County will be allowed to place a transmission system on the
tower to assist with emergency management communications. There is no rent charged for TV-
6 to use the property and TV-6 will not charge the County to locate its transmission system on
the tower. TV-6 will maintain the Tower and the County will maintain its transmission
Mr. Katzerman said the County can use the top 21 feet of the tower and ground space for
equipment is 7 feet by 7 feet.
Supervisor Medlin said there is very poor cell service in that area and asked Mr. Katzerman if
the Tower would help. Mr. Katzerman said yes.
Mr. Nowak said the County can locate anything it would like on the top 21 feet of the Tower.
Mr. Katzerman said he is spoken to the neighbors in the area and they requested the Tower be
painted a good color and they will do that. Mr. Katzerman said they like to be good neighbors
with everyone concerned when they install a tower. Supervisor Medlin said he really
appreciated the way they handled everything with the people it affected. Supervisor Lee
Caldwell agreed with Supervisor Medlin. Mr. Katzerman said that is the best way to work
everything out.
Supervisor Medlin confirmed that the County donated the property.
Mr. Nowak said in reference to the Communication Equipment Site Agreement, the five year
extensions are automatic unless one of the parties opts out. If the company opts out prior to
term, they are responsible for taking down the Tower and will remove the county equipment at
their cost.
Supervisor Medlin confirmed that no money had been involved. Mr. Nowak said that is
Supervisor Medlin said it is hard to get channels and radio reception for EMS and the Fire
Department. Mr. Katzerman confirmed that cell phones do not work and neither does the
emergency frequency.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to approve the Option and Land Lease Agreement and the Communications Equipment Site Agreement with TV6-W, LLC, for locating a Tower in Fairhaven, MS. as fully detailed in Exhibit I.3. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit I.3

4. Environmental Services: Stormwater Awareness Week & Declaration

Environmental Services Manager Ray Laughter said in years past, the Supervisors have worked with the School Board and read books to the students during Stormwater Awareness Week. He said this year the name of the book is Follow the Water from the Brook to the Ocean. Mr. Laughter requested the Board of Supervisors declare October 15 – 19 as Stormwater Awareness Week. Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Mark Gardner seconded the motion to declare October 15 – 19 as Stormwater Awareness Week. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit I.4

5. Office of Finance & Accounting

a. Grants Administration: Request Approval of Domestic Preparedness Cooperative
Agreement with Mississippi Department of Safety
Grants Administrator Tom Haysley presented the Domestic Preparedness Cooperative
Agreement with the Mississippi Department of Public Safety. Mr. Haysley explained that the
agreement outlines responsibilities of the County and State during Homeland Security response
operations as well as training exercises. He said the agreement is directly related to two
Homeland Security Grants, the Regional Response Grant of $29,500 and the Task Force Grant
of $116,000 and both have been previously approved by the Board of Supervisors. The grants
require no match.
Supervisor Bill Russell made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to
approve the request to approve entering into the Domestic Preparedness Cooperative
Agreement with Mississippi Department of Public Safety and to acquire signatures of the
Board of Supervisors, Board Attorney and signature and attested by the Chancery Clerk.
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District
Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
Mr. Haysley thanked the Board of Supervisors for hiring him as Grants Administrator as he is
leaving the position to become Deputy of Planning in the Planning Department.
See Exhibit I.5.a
b. Claims Docket

Chief Financial Officer Tom Arnold, of the Office of Finance and Accounting, presented the claims docket to the Board. He noted that claims for Coroner were listed under the Board Attorney’s fund 130 on page 12 and need to be added to fund 167 on page 78 for the Coroner. Mr. Arnold read the items on the claims docket individually and the Board discussed these items. 1.) Sheriff Bill Rasco said on page 1 there is a claim to pay Crimestoppers $775. He asked if that is a monthly fee. Sheriff Rasco if that should be checked on because when he headed Crimestoppers, the fee was a flat $10,000 annually. Mr. Arnold said normally they just settle assessments every month, but he would check into it. The fee is paid by assessments collected through various courts throughout the County. Supervisor Bill Russell said he would like to see a complete report on how Crimestoppers works and the funding for the program. 2.) Supervisor Gardner asked about the insurance claim on page 7. He said it is for the repair of a vehicle but there is also a rental car fee. Mr. Arnold explained that the County a persons vehicle and they had to rent a car and the other claim is for the EMA truck that hit a deer. 3.) Supervisor Mark Gardner asked about the claim on page 18 under Williams Scotsman Rental. He asked what is being rented. County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard explained that it is for PODS at the jail and for aviation for storage. 4.) Supervisor Gardner noted the claim to Ameriprise on page 18 and if it would eventually go away. Ms. Lynchard said it would. She said it is for uniforms for the cleaning people. 5.) Supervisor Gardner asked about the claim on page 57 to Impact Missions in the amount of $125,000. Mr. Arnold said it is a partial payment to Impact Missions. Mr. Gardner confirmed that the total to Impact Mission is $225,000. Mr. Arnold said previously it was $305,000 but it has been reduced to $225,000. In accordance with Section 19-13-31 and Section 19-11-23 of the Mississippi Code Annotated, Supervisor Mark Gardner made the motion and Supervisor Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to authorize the Chancery Clerk to pay the bills as presented by the Chief Financial Officer. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
6. Office of Procurement: Approval to Reject Bids for the Eudora Fire Station
Procurement Clerk Karen McNeil said they are recommending rejecting all bids for the addition of
the Eudora Fire Station in connection to bid number 12-151-006.
County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said in evaluating the bids, the amount of the bids
submitted exceeded the budgeted amount. She said the bid law states that if the amount is not
more than 10%, the bid can be negotiated. This amount was 23% over the bid. She spoke to the
Board Attorney and we cannot negotiate the bid. The budgeted amount is $385,495. Supervisor Harvey Lee made the motion and Supervisor Mark Gardner seconded the motion to reject the bids for bid file number 12-151-006 for the addition to the Eudora Fire Station and to rebid the project. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit I.6
7. Department of Road Management: Finding of Fact – 6383 Braybourne Place,
Braybourne Subdivision
Road Manager Andy Swims presented an issue with damage to private property associated with
drainage and erosion, affecting the health, safety and welfare of the public. Mr. Swims said the
estimated cost of repairs is $2,615.00.
Supervisor Lee Caldwell reminded Mr. Swims to make sure tape or some kind of blocking in the
area to be safe so no one gets hurt.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin agreed and said especially when there is a hole and it is in a front yard.
Mr. Swims said they are already working on that.
Supervisor Medlin asked if this is like the other issues they have seen in Braybourne. Mr. Swims
said yes. The photos show the sink holes and separation of pipe. Supervisor Medlin asked if it is
plastic pipe and Mr. Swims said yes.
At the recommendation of the Road Manager, Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and
Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to declare the damages caused by drainage and
erosion on the property located at 6383 Braybourne Place in Braybourne Subdivision as a health,
safety and welfare issue to the citizens of DeSoto County as outlined in Mississippi code section
19-5-92.1 and to repair the damages at an estimated cost of $2,615.00.
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District
Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit I.7
8. County Administrator

a. Impact Missions
County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said it is time to renew the contract with Impact
Missions. Ms. Lynchard said Impact Missions is showing a 19% decrease in their budget for
2012-2013. Ms. Lynchard said their budget went from $305,000 to $255,000. She said they
got a $55,000 grant for the emergency shelter. Ms. Lynchard said some time ago they asked
for various payment schedules and the County accommodated them. She explained this
contract is requesting $125,000 up front and the remaining portion starts November 1st in equal
monthly installments. Ms. Lynchard said the Board Attorney has reviewed the contract and
everything looks okay. She said the dates will need to be updated. At the recommendation of the County Administrator, Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve renewing the contract with Impact Missions with the County allocating $125,000 up front and the remaining portion starts November 1st in equal monthly installments and appropriate date changes made to the agreement. The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District
See Exhibit I.8.a
b. Flu Shots for the County
County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard requested this item be removed from the Agenda.

See Exhibit I.8.b

9. Legislative Requests 2013
County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard presented the 2013 Legislative Request List to the Board
of Supervisors. She explained that DeSoto County will host the Legislators sometime around
December. Ms. Lynchard said the list is from last year and includes topics discussed throughout
the year that could be considered on the List. She said the Board may add or amend the list in any
manner they want too. Ms. Lynchard said she is also working with MAS to see what topics they
are presenting and she will bring that to the Board.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin said he questioned school bus turnarounds last year. He said they tried
to get approval without waiting for minutes from the Board of Education. Vanessa she will look
into it.
Board Attorney Tony Nowak said he has been talking to Supervisor Bill Russell about
homeowners associations. Mr. Nowak said there needs to be a statute regulating homeowners
associations and most states do have one. He said Attorney Leslie Scott general counsel to the
Mississippi Association of Supervisors, has agreed to work with him in an effort to address a set of
laws and recommended adding this item on the List.
Supervisor Bill Russell said the Board should authorize the Board Attorney to work with Leslie
Scott on this matter.
Supervisor Bill Russell made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to
authorize Board Attorney Tony Nowak to work with Attorney Leslie Scott regarding draft
legislation for Homeowners Associations.
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District Supervisor Medlin said he still has concerns about infrastructure and there is a need for a red light at Bethel Road and Hwy 305. Ms. Lynchard said the target date for the Legislators to appear before the Board is December 1st. J. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA

The executive session portion of these minutes is recorded under the portion of the minutes called
“Executive Session”.
1. Mineral Wells – Box Culvert
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked Road Manager Andy Swims to work with the City of Olive Branch
to see what they want to do about the box culvert for Mineral Wells.
Road Manager Andy Swims said he would contact the City Engineer regarding the matter.
2. Highway 78 – Wreck
Sheriff Bill Rasco commended the Road Department, Olive Branch Fire Department and Police for
such a great job with the recent wreck on Highway 78.
Road Manager Andy Swims commended the Sheriff’s Department for doing a good job as well.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion to adjourn the Board meeting until October 1, 2012 at
9:00 a.m. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Harvey Lee.
The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District THIS the 1st day of October 2012, these minutes have been read and approved by the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors. ____________________________________ Jessie Medlin, President DeSoto County Board of Supervisors


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The Box-Of-Chocolate Phenonema: Using narratives to improve staff morale in large organisations Carol Ainley, Paul Bason, Carola Boehm, Mo Din, Helen Jones, Rita Lewin, Helen Presented by: Carola Boehm, Manchester Metropolitan University Abstract In 2010 a group of senior managers of the Manchester Metropolitan University, one of the largest universities in the United Kingdom with over 400

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FERTILITY AND STERILITY ௡ Copyright ©2001 American Society for Reproductive MedicinePrinted on acid-free paper in U.S.A. Effect of a combined oral contraceptive containing 3 mg of drospirenone and 30 ␮ g of ethinyl estradiol on the human endometrium Frank Lu¨dicke, M.D., a Elisabeth Johannisson, M.D., a Frans M. Helmerhorst, M.D., b Aldo Campana, M.D., a Jean-Michel Foidart,

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