Si può desiderare di provare un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile come un diverso per i problemi di costruzione. Al giorno d oggi ci sono diverse terapie sul mercato, ma un trattamento naturale disfunzione erettile è stato confermato qualche ora e ora di nuovo per dare risultati efficienti e permanenti. Cos è la disfunzione sessuale? L incapacità di sviluppare o sostenere una costruzione abbastanza lungo per fare l amore è chiamato disfunzione erettile, ED o (maschio) problemi di erezione. Tutti gli uomini possono avere problemi di costruzione di volta in volta e gli scienziati considerano ED essere presenti se si verificano problemi di costruzione almeno il 25% del tempo. Alcuni fatti duri: ED Può essere dovuto a problemi emotivi. Stress, pressione, giltiness, depressione, bassa autostima e ansia prestazioni può essere la causa dei vostri problemi di costruzione. La ricerca ha confermato che il 90 per cento della disfunzione erettile è fisica in origine, non emotiva. L impotenza colpisce la maggior parte degli uomini durante la loro vita e può essere dovuto a troppo colesterolo, problemi cardiaci, diabete, ipertensione, fumo o alcol. Alcuni rimedi possono essere la ragione. Le questioni legate al movimento sono collegate. Se ti occupi dei tuoi problemi di movimento, hai piu possibilita di risolvere questo problema. Qui ci sono 5 consigli facili su come aumentare la circolazione: 1. Mangia i pasti giusti. Questo ti rendera il flusso sanguigno ovvio. Una grande parte di rimanere sani e anche mantenere il flusso sanguigno ovvio è legato al vostro piano di alimentazione quotidiana e quello che si mangia. Una buona cura per la disfunzione erettile è mangiare un piano a basso contenuto di grassi e grande alimentazione di fibre. Mangiare fibre tutti i giorni e questo viene scoperto in prodotti cerealicoli cereali integrali, frutta e verdura. Evitare il più possibile pasti pronti o pasti non sani. 2. Wonder herbal rimedi. Molti rimedi vegetali per ED eseguire bene come possono migliorare il movimento. Hanno molto meno reazioni avverse rispetto ai farmaci convenzionali e si svolgono in modo efficiente per migliorare hardons e la forza, troppo. Erbe naturali come Ginkgo Biloba sono utilizzati come una strategia per ED. Gli specialisti di erboristeria credono anche che le spezie o le erbe come noce moscata, portano al movimento intorno al corpo, tra cui il pene. 3. Vitamine naturali vitali. Gli scienziati sanitari hanno scoperto che una mancanza di supplemento è tipico tra gli uomini con ED in particolare vitamina A. Se si ha una mancanza del nutriente ossido di zinco, Questo è stato confermato per portare alla disfunzione erettile. Queste inadeguatezze derivano dal fatto che molti valori nutrizionali in quello che mangiamo piano non sono sufficienti. Aggiungere al vostro fabbisogno di nutrienti aumenterà la circolazione del sistema e migliorare questa condizione. Gli integratori alimentari sono completamente naturali, quindi non dovrete preoccuparvi dei rischi di reazioni avverse. Inoltre, queste vitamine naturali sono utili per il vostro benessere over-all. Oltre a questi vantaggi benessere, disfunzione erettile vitamine naturali e integratori costano molto meno di farmaci rimedi. 4. Esercitare. Fai una mossa e non un tablet vibrante. Camminare farà di più per migliorare e sostenere hardons di qualsiasi altra compressa chimica nel lungo periodo. Il fitness fisico manterrà bassi livelli di pressione e mantenere grandi stadi di movimento. Andando per un 20-30 minuti di movimento rapido ogni giorno, può affrontare questo problema e può sostenere la vostra libido senza l uso di qualsiasi farmaco. 5. Sottolineare. Questo è il peggior attaccante per problemi di erezione. Scopri diversi metodi per riposare. Alcuni metodi tipici per riposare includono la lettura di un libro, la meditazione, un bagno rilassante o allenamenti di respirazione. Sto solo imparando alcuni semplici allenamenti di respirazione che possono migliorare significativamente il movimento nel reparto pantaloni. Una naturale disfunzione erettile soluzioni di trattamento stanno diventando sempre più popolare con gli uomini. Questi rimedi a base di erbe sono preferiti perché non hanno reazioni avverse e sono confermati essere efficiente come il farmaco. La maggior parte degli uomini combattere parlano dei loro problemi, in particolare la disfunzione erettile come c è poca discussione sui problemi di erezione. La verita e che ED ha un impatto su piu di dieci milioni di uomini solo negli Stati Uniti. Non siete soli e l aiuto è disponibile.
1009 dss i&ap comments
Comments received from I&APs on the proposed Desert Star South Development (by 8 September 2010)
______________________________________________________________________________ From: Ranwedzi Mashudu [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 September 2010 02:51 PM To: Lima Maartens Subject: RE: Re comment period for DSS Scoping Report Hi Lima Unfortunately there are still people who still need to give me their comment so that we can incorporate everybody’s comment and make one Department of Water Affairs Comments. So I will give you the comments later and then you will incorporate them with the EIA. Sorry for the inconvenience e-mail I have sent earlier. Regards, Mashudu ______________________________________________________________________________ From: MUNICIPALITY [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 September 2010 01:02 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Fwd: Re Desert Star Scoping Report Dear Lima, So sorry about Desert report, am still in Sweden and will courier report asap. There has been no objections or comments coiming to my office regarding your report thus far. As per our input during your presentation, Council wolud like to emphasize that the project have an employment agency in Karasburg such that we can mainstream, local human capital into the project / or at least to make it accessable for people in the immediate surrounding. Best regards, Eva-liza ______________________________________________________________________________ From: Film Directory 2011 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 September 2010 10:51 AM To:[email protected] Subject: Film Production Directory Namibia 2011 Good day Auriol I am the new Project Coordinator for the RBJ Trust, a publishing company based in Swakopmund. We recently published the first ever Production Directory Namibia 2010, which is a directory focused solely on the flourishing film industry in Namibia. Having returned from Santa Monica Location Trade Fair we have only received positive feedback on the Production Directory Namibia 2010 and we hope to make the next Production Directory even better! The Production Directory Namibia contains information & guidelines of filming in Namibia, information about Namibia and detailed contact listings of general and production services providers, as well as listings of all experienced crew in Namibia. Each directory is aimed at the film
industry and will be distributed at various international film shows and production festivals. This directory is one of a kind in Namibia! This directory’s purpose is to showcase Namibia’s well established film industry and to market Namibia as a filming destination at an International level. The reason I am approaching Desert Star Studios is because I think this directory is very affordable for a 12 month International run and will be highly beneficial. This directory was presented at the Berlinale in Berlin in February and again in the Location Fair in Santa Monica - Los Angeles in April and will be presented again in Mumbai in October, to mention just a few locations. The directory has 4 different options, a full page advertisement (N$7500.00) per year, a half page advertisement (N$5000.00) per year and a quarter page advertisement (N$3360.00) per year to everyone who wishes to be in the directory. This year we are also offering the chance to list your company under our Production Services as either a bold listing (N$2200) or a normal listing (N$1500). We also have a fold out map of Namibia that we are looking for sponsorship for as well as the advertising space on three full bookmarks (N$10000) being sold on a first come, first serve basis. However, should you already have bought an advertisement; your company is automatically added to the Production Services list. We are also offering a further 8% discount on any two advertisements ordered and a 10% discount on three or more advertisements ordered. If you are a crew member, or know of someone who is a crew member, they are listed for free in the directory. Simply request your crew listing form, fill it in and fax it back to take advantage of your free listing! Last year, the first publication of the directory was released and the focus was on the film industry. This year, we have had the time to focus on the film industry under Production Services as well as greatly improve and elaborate on General Services including accommodation, restaurants and activities for when they are on set and off it. The most popular film set locations are in the most beautiful, contrasting areas of the country with panoramic scenery. To give you an idea, film sets require steel and aluminium, tool and labour hire, catering, set decoration and prop hire, crew members may even require protection services. We received a huge international response to the first directory and with the help of the Namibia Film Commission and the Foreign Affairs offices assisting us in distribution; we expect the response to be even bigger and better! The 2011 directory will be a little funkier, a little bit bigger, will have its own searchable website with an online version of the directory for viewing and download as well as a DVD on Film Locations in Namibia. I would like to advise you to see this as an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to international film producers and directors that look at Namibia as a filming location. We are targeting all categories in Namibia from accommodation to transport hire, from restaurants to animal wranglers, from banks to beverage suppliers so as to create an easy to read, complete guide to filming in Namibia. We would like to ensure that any international producers and directors use only Namibian companies and services which will help boost our Namibian film industry. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your response. Kindest regards, Andrea Leech RBJ Trust Tel: +264 64 461991 Fax: + 264 64 461992 Cell: +264 81 422 6766 Skype: RBJ-Trust Facebook: RBJ Trust LinkedIn: Andrea Leech From: Pat Lorenz [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 31 August 2010 04:22 PM To:[email protected] Subject: DESERT STAR - PALM TREES Good afternoon,
Attached please find some photo's of Palm Trees. We are in the Palm Tree Business. We have done many developments in and around the Erongo District. Should you be interested you can contact us for more details. Kindly have a look at the attachment. Kind regards Achim Lorenz - 081 124 6227 From: Josephine Nujoma [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 30 August 2010 04:21 PM To: Auriol Ashby Subject: Re: Desert Star South - Draft EIA Scoping Report Have scanned through the Report. The Report is sound. My concerns are as follows:
the sustainable use and management of water resources taking into account acute
contamination of surface and underground water resources, and in the event of
efficacy of final sewerage effluent disinfection methodology of choice apart from soil nutrient testing, whether pesticides residue analysis would be necessary
Thanking you Josephine Nujoma From: Ronald James [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 30 August 2010 11:07 AM To:[email protected] Subject: electronic copy of the Report and Appendices Hi Lima Kindly forward me an electronic copy of the Report and Appendices. Much Appreciated! Kind Regards Ronald James
Cell: +264 81 149 1900 Tel: +264 61 241132 Fax: +264 61 304120 Email: [email protected] Office Email: [email protected] From: aandrew [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 27 August 2010 02:12 PM To: Auriol Ashby Subject: Re: Desert Star South - Draft Scoping Report Hi Auriol! Its still not getting through, cause sounds to good to be thru, but still waiting for the first signs of you people visible in the south. This maybe what we dreaming about for so long to happen here Regards AP Waters
Norotshama Riser Rex Attended Karasburg meeting From: krischka stoffels [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 26 August 2010 02:31 PM To:[email protected] Subject: Fw: Desert Star South - Draft Scoping Report Dear Lima, Please see the email below. I would like a digital copy of the report if possible. Thank you Krischka From: Namene Laura [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 August 2010 12:18 PM To:[email protected] Subject: desert Star South Can I please have a copy of the scoping report. Regards Laura From: Abius Akwaake [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 August 2010 10:07 AM To: Auriol Ashby Subject: Re: Desert Star South - Draft Scoping Report Importance: High Thanks and noted. From: Daleen Brand [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 August 2010 07:45 AM To:[email protected] Subject: Scoping report Hi Lima Is dit moontlik dat jy die scoping verslag kan email vir my? Of is dit te groot? Daleen Miss. Daleen Brand Stubenrauch Planning Consultants PO Box 11869 Windhoek Tel: 00264 61 251 189 Fax: 00264 61 252 157
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 August 2010 07:41 AM To: Auriol Ashby Subject: RE: Desert Star South - Draft Scoping Report Lekker, thanks for this info. We will be holding a discussion on tourism developments in Karas (we have lumped the studio plan in with this category) in a few weeks time. Will keep you posted, would like your or Lima's input. I was sorry to miss your public pres last week. Too much going on to think of it Ciao J From: Ranwedzi Mashudu [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 August 2010 07:21 AM To:[email protected] Subject: request for an electronic copy of the scoping report Hi I am Mashudu Ranwedzi from the Department of Water Affairs in south Africa and I would like to have the copy of the scoping report and read it before I give my comment. Please send a copy to me. Regards Mashudu 072 463 7820 054 388 5800 From: Mannheimer [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 19 August 2010 08:44 PM To: Auriol Ashby Subject: Desert Star Project Dear Auriol, thanks for the invitation to the meeting regarding this project. I have been in the field for two weeks, so did not see the invite until this evening. I am sure it is unnecessary to point out that the south-western part of the country harbours a number of rare and protected plant species, including several cryptics belonging to the Mesembryanthemaceae. I suggest that they do their plant studies before they place the reservoirs, or even the inevitable temporary tanks that will be needed during the development phase. They have an uncanny knack of placing them dead on top of the densest populations of protected succulents. It will also be important to do the plant studies in the growing season. I am aware that large tracts of this farm have already been cleared (as far as I know without the benefit if an EIA) for cultivation, for example of Hoodia. I would be interested to see more detail on whether they plan to clear more land for the golf course. In arid zones one might consider this a frivolous use of water. The studios are one thing, the golf course quite another. Hope you are keeping well, and thanks for putting me on the mailing list/IAP for this project. Cheers, Coleen
John & Coleen Mannheimer P.O. Box 193 Windhoek, Namibia Tel. + 264 61 233614 Fax + 264 61 233727 Coleen cell + 264 (0) 81 127 2820 John cell +264 (0) 81 147 4840 email [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________ From: Pyke Peter [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 17 August 2010 08:47 AM To:[email protected] Cc: Snyders Louis (KBY) Subject: Desert Star South EIA Dear Auriol Please register me as an interested party. My specific interest relates to impact around the Orange River amongst others:
1. The exact position of the planned development. 2. Estimated water consumption per phase. 3. Is the development viable without the golf course? 4. Development relative to Orange River flood lines. 5. Possibility of pollution including during flood events.
Please keep me advised of reports/activities. Regards Peter Pyke Pr. Eng. Chief Engineer: Options Analysis (Central) Department of Water Affairs Private Bag X313 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel +27 12 336 8192 Fax +27 12 336 7399 Cell +27 82 809 5290 E-mail [email protected]
From: Film Directory 2011 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 16 August 2010 12:36 PM To:[email protected] Subject: Film Production Directory Namibia 2011
Good day Auriol I am the new Project Coordinator for the RBJ Trust, a publishing company based in Swakopmund. We recently published the first ever Production Directory Namibia 2010, which is a directory focused solely on the flourishing film industry in Namibia. Having returned from Santa Monica Location Trade Fair we have only received positive feedback on the Production Directory Namibia 2010 and we hope to make the next Production Directory even better! The Production Directory Namibia contains information & guidelines of filming in Namibia, information about Namibia and detailed contact listings of general and production services providers, as well as listings of all experienced crew in Namibia. Each directory is aimed at the film industry and will be distributed at various international film shows and production festivals. This directory is one of a kind in Namibia! This directory’s purpose is to showcase Namibia’s well established film industry and to market Namibia as a filming destination at an International level. The reason I am approaching Desert Star Studios is because I think this directory is very affordable for a 12 month International run and will be highly beneficial. This directory was presented at the Berlinale in Berlin in February and again in the Location Fair in Santa Monica - Los Angeles in April and will be presented again in Mumbai in October, to mention just a few locations. The directory has 4 different options, a full page advertisement (N$7500.00) per year, a half page advertisement (N$5000.00) per year and a quarter page advertisement (N$3360.00) per year to everyone who wishes to be in the directory. This year we are also offering the chance to list your company under our Production Services as either a bold listing (N$2200) or a normal listing (N$1500). We also have a fold out map of Namibia that we are looking for sponsorship for as well as the advertising space on three full bookmarks (N$10000) being sold on a first come, first serve basis. However, should you already have bought an advertisement; your company is automatically added to the Production Services list. We are also offering a further 8% discount on any two advertisements ordered and a 10% discount on three or more advertisements ordered. If you are a crew member, or know of someone who is a crew member, they are listed for free in the directory. Simply request your crew listing form, fill it in and fax it back to take advantage of your free listing! I am also in the process of putting together a few fun-filled pages of services and activities located in and around Namibia so if you would like to be part of a collage on a page at only N$800, please let me know. I would like to advise you to see this as an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to international film producers and directors that look at Namibia as a filming location. We are targeting all categories in Namibia from accommodation to transport hire, from restaurants to animal wranglers, from banks to beverage suppliers so as to create an easy to read, complete guide to filming in Namibia. We would like to ensure that any international producers and directors use only Namibian companies and services which will help boost our Namibian film industry. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your response. Kindest regards, Andrea Leech RBJ Trust Tel: +264 64 461991 Fax: + 264 64 461992 Cell: +264 81 422 6766 Skype: RBJ-Trust Facebook: RBJ Trust LinkedIn: Andrea Leech From: Carol Steenkamp [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 12 August 2010 09:20 AM To:[email protected] Subject: Desert Star Environmental Assessment
Dear Auriol Could you please register me as an I& AP. I will unfortunately not be able to attend the meeting in Windhoek, but would be interested in receiving the minutes of the meetings as well as a comments and responses trail. According to the newspaper there will be 3 public meetings, I do not see any consultation with local communities eg. Warmbad, Pella etc. No mention of important cultural and heritage sites. The Nama people are already struggling to preserve their culture. What will be the water demand for the development and where will water come from? A Cowboy Town.this is Africa, NOT America! Regards Carol Steenkamp Environmental Consultant P.O. Box 11600 Windhoek Tel +264 61 230 390 /+264 81 127 3958 Fax 088618074
Sammanfattning Statskontoret har på uppdrag av regeringen följt upp och utvärderat apoteks-omregleringen utifrån målen för omregleringen. Statskontoret bedömer att målet om ökad tillgänglighet till läkemedel och målet om låga läkemedelskostnader har uppfyllts i hög grad. Samtidigt be-dömer Statskontoret att målet om bättre service och tjänsteutbud och målet om bibehålle