Since population is a dynamic terised by diversity.4 This suggests that
continuum of generations, there are the dis tinc tion between the “third age”
issues in every age group to deal with and the “fourth age” (fi rst developed by information is based on forecasts. to secure healthy longevity as a whole.
the histo r ical sociologist, Peter Laslett5)
We declare that we have no confl icts of interest.
is high ly proble matic, with the fourth expectancy with new records for age (of “decline and decrepitude”, to sprints is misleading: we do not
suggest that all of us will live as long as
[email protected]
for our fears and negative sentiments the world record (currently 122 years).
Asakura Medical Association Hospital, Asakura,
Our fi gure 1 shows that life expectancy
Fukuoka 838-0069, Japan (TK); and Oshita Clinic, Hiroshima, Japan (YO)
Given the increasing population of is increasing at roughly the same rate in
older people, and especially the very many developed countries. We discuss
Christensen K, Doblhammer G, Rau R, Vaupel JW. Ageing populations: the challenges
old, morbidity compression could be the poor performance of the USA.
ahead. Lancet 2009; 374: 1196–208.
Matton L, Duvigneaud N, Wijndaele K, et al. Secular trends in anthropometric
of individuals with moderate or severe in life expectancy. to decelerated
characteristics, physical fi tness, physical
disabling conditions, and longer dying biological ageing” but to reductions in
activity, and biological maturation in Flemish
trajectories. Research and practice death rates at older ages. First published
adolescents between 1969 and 2005. Am J Hum Biol 2007; 19: 345–57.
needs to develop a coherent view of in 1994,1 the discovery that deaths at
Malina RM. Physical fi tness of children and
ageing that combines realistic appraisal
adolescents in the United States: status and secular change. Med Sport Sci 2007; 50: 67–90.
of rising health needs with age and a fi nding about the biology of ageing.
Houston DK, Ding J, Nicklas BJ, et al. The
characteristic of all stages of the life that psychosocial factors in ageing
physical performance in the Health, Aging and Body Composition study. Int J Obes 2007;
31: 1680–87.
I declare that I have no confl icts of interest.
Neovius M, Kark M, Rasmussen F. Association
between obesity status in young adulthood and
disability pension. Int J Obes 2008; 32: 1319–26. [email protected]
60 years, the frequency of self-reported
In their Review on ageing popu la tions,1
Department of Health and Social Care, Royal
Kaare Christensen and collea gues take TW20 0EX, UK
long itudinal study of the entire Danish
ised survival curve”. Such a view is not
Vaupel JW. Ageing populations: the challenges
ahead. Lancet 2009; 374: 1196–208.
Bury M. Arguments about ageing: long life and
clear that the idea of a fi xed maximum
its consequences. In Wells N, Freer C, eds. The
Thatcher, R. The demography of centenarians
in England and Wales. Popul Trends 1999;
96: 5–24.
Suzman RM, Willis DP, Manton KG, eds. The
Oldest Old. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Laslett P. A Fresh Map of Life: the Emergence of
the Third Age. London: Weidenfi eld & Nicolson,
the reason for the rising number of Authors’ reply
centenarians in high-income countries Jay Olshansky and Bruce Carnes raise their death, but also that postponement such as the UK.
incorrect or misleading objections. of this individual decline makes it
In approaching the health profi le of Our fi rst paragraph describes our possible for us to live in reasonable
older populations, it is important, as forecasting method. A 12-fold or good physical and psychological health Christensen and colleagues note, to dis-
25-fold increase in the number of to the highest ages.
tinguish between mild, moderate, and centenarians over the next century
is exceeded by the increase of about point out that increasing childhood
ity. To do otherwise is to run the risk of
100-fold on average seen between obesity and declining physical
1900–07 and 2000–07. If death rates abilities of younger generations may
pen dent or incapacitated. Research has are declining at older ages, cohort counteract progress in health and shown over many years that even after
life expectancy can be considerably lifespan. The remarkable increase in
the ages of 85 or 90 years, life is charac-
greater than period life expectancy.
www.thelancet.comVol 375 January 2, 2010 Correspondence
achieved despite widespread tobacco a measure of non-conformity that limitations, un
had characterised them throughout and the fi ndings’ contrast with those of
their life. The nuns’ study3 found that large observational analyses2–4 suggest
We concur with Michael Bury that future novices who showed more that confi rmation of the safety of co-
there is no indication of a well defi ned imagination in essays written in their administration is warranted before fourth age and that a critical view of last year of secondary school fared clinical practice changes. Fries’ “rectangularised survival curve” better intellectually and emotionally
is not new.1 The absolute number when assessed 60 or 70 years later.
of people with disabilities is likely to
Simone de Beauvoir addressed metabolite, and reduced CYP2C19
increase due to the large baby boomer the issue of passion invigorating life activity has been correlated with cohorts approaching high ages. in her book La force de l’âge, and the inhibition of platelet aggregation Available data suggest that the period great American psychiatrist George and increased cardiovascular events.5 of ill health that often precedes death E Vaillant warns on the cover of his Omeprazole is a moderately strong is being delayed, not protracted: people
masterpiece, Aging Well: “Think diet CYP2C19 inhibitor. In O’Donoghue
are generally reaching older ages in and exercise are keys to a long, healthy
We declare that we have no confl icts of interest.
Quite so. I consult in a small nursing received moderately strong CYP2C19
home that boasts two centenarians. inhibitors, whereas 40% received
One, a tall man, plays the harmonica pantoprazole. Subsequently, there are
readily whenever requested to do questions that must be answered. Can
so. The other, a tiny woman in a a moderately strong CYP2C19 inhibitor
[email protected]
wheelchair, joyfully knits coverlets for induce a state similar to a CYP2C19
Danish Aging Research Center, University of
adults and for babies; she gives them polymorphism? In other words, can
Southern Denmark, 5000 Odense C, Denmark (KC); University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany (GD, RR);
to staff , family, and friends. Neither one
and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research,
Vaupel JW, Lundström H. Longer life expectancy?
I declare that I have no confl icts of interest.
mortality rates at advanced ages. In: Wise DA, ed.
Studies in the economics of aging. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1994: 79–104. [email protected] Annu Rev Clin Psychol 2009; 5: 363–89.
Christensen K. Frequency and heritability of
Vaupel JW. Ageing populations: the challenges
ahead. Lancet 2009; 374: 1196-2008.
half of life: evidence from Danish twins over
Perls T, Silver MH. Living to 100. New York:
ical diff erences in CYP2C19 poly morph-
45. Psychol Med 2002; 32: 1175–85.
Christensen K, McGue M, Petersen I, Jeune B,
Vaupel JW. Exceptional longevity does not
result in excessive levels of disability.
Linguistic ability in early life and Alzheimer’s
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008; 105: 13274–79.
disease in late life: fi ndings from the Nun Study. JAMA 1996; 275: 1879.
little because of a low event rate, lower
Ageing well is perhaps more easily Combination therapy
grasped by writers, poets, philoso phers,
with clopidogrel and
phers. Christensen and colleagues refer proton-pump inhibitors
consistently to the ability to do activities
JASM III has been on the speakers’ bureaux for
of daily living, but hardly mention joy,
Novartis and Boehringer Ingelheim. He has grants
Michelle O’Donoghue and collea g ues’
from Novartis and the US National Institutes of
post-hoc analysis of TRITON-TIMI Health. CDB declares no confl icts of interests.
A study of American centenarians p 989)1 suggests that use of a proton -
James A S Muldowney III, *Cassandra D Benge
able to live independently in the pump inhibitor (PPI) does not increase
[email protected]
community2 showed that they shared cardiovascular events in patients taking a common trait: those who scored clopidogrel, despite pharmacokinetic VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Nashville,
highest on “life satisfaction” displayed
www.thelancet.comVol 375 January 2, 2010
VIII. A Compound by Any Other Name Is . . . A Different Compound!!! 1. A long time ago we talked about Dalton’s Law of Multiple Proportions which said that you could get different compounds from the same elements by changing the ratios of atoms of the elements. For example, you could have C1O1 (although the 1’s are normally not written) and C1O2 . As a result of the fact that t
1. Nach einem Mordfall gibt es drei Verdächtige, A, B und C, von denen zumindest einerder Täter sein muss. Nachdem sie und die Zeugen getrennt vernommen wurden, kennen dieErmittler folgende Fakten:(a) Wenn A Täter ist, dann müssen B oder C ebenfalls Täter sein. (b) Wenn B Täter ist, dann ist A unschuldig. (c) Wenn C Täter ist