COURSE SYLLABUS OUTLINE CNS 688 Professional School Psychology Spring 2012
Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling
Mardis Dunham, Ph.D., 3217 Alexander Hall, 809-6466
Monday through Thursday 8 am to 2 pm; before and after class as needed, or by
DEPARTMENT: EDUCATIONAL STUDEIES, LEADERSHIP, & COUNSELING COURSE PREFIX: CNS COURSE NUMBER: 688 CREDIT HOUR: 3 I. TITLE Professional School Psychology II. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PREREQUISITES: This course provides an overview of school psychology and integrates theory and practice in all
areas of the field. The course includes the historical evolution of school psychology, learning theories, psychoeducational assessment, psychotherapeutic theory, legal and ethical issues, and the role and function of school psychologists.
III. COURSE OBJECTIVES: (NASP 2010 training standards/domains are in parentheses). New counselor standards are in brackets. EPSB standards are in italics. Experienced Teacher Standards are underlined. Students will gain knowledge of:
1. The evolution and role/function of school psychology (2.10) Leadership 2. Best practice in contingency management (2.4) [C] 8 3. The legal, ethical, and professional issues influencing school psych. (2.10) Ethics 1 4. Consultation theory as it applies to school & family systems (2.2)[2,5] Leadership 6 5. Best practices in providing intervention services (2.3, 2.4) [C,5] 8 6. Crises intervention (2.6) [C,5] Leadership In addition to the NASP training domains, this course specifically addresses Category V, Subsections A and B (Ethical and Legal Considerations) in the School Psychology Specialty Exam (PRAXIS #400)
This course requires a great amount of reading, is communication intensive, and focuses on the mastery of both oral and written skills. Toward this focus, assignments have been designed to emphasize written and oral communication development as measured through class assignments, oral and written product development, and portfolio entries.
The COE Conceptual Framework and the Theme of the Educator as a Reflective Decision Maker are addressed in this course by urging students to reflect upon their professional development throughout the course in the form of specific assignments. The Theme of Diversity is explored in this course through lecture, selected readings, and review of the ethical code. Technology is addressed through the provision of current web resources related to professional school psychology. Additionally, students will be required to search the web for pertinent resources as described in Section V. IV. CONTENT OUTLINE: See attached V. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES
Lecture, discussion format; current issues research and presentation; on-demand tasks
VII. TEST(S) AND RESOURCES: Students will utilize the MSU library holdings, instructor- provided resources, websites ( and, Fagan & Wise (2000) School Psychology: Past, Present, and Future (2nd Edition), Best Practices in School Psychology, (5th Edition), and WrightsLaw
Best Practices in School Psychology-5 (2008). A. Thomas and J. Grimes (Eds.). National Association of School Psychologists. Washington, DC: NASP
Fagan, T. & Wise, P. (2000). School psychology: Past, present and future (2nd ed.), White Plains, NY: Longman (must be a student member)
Summary of school psychologist interview
Note: Grades Lower than a B are unacceptable for the school psychology program. Grades below B will automatically be flagged and prompt a faculty review of the student’s progress in the program. Assignments have specific due dates. Late assignments will be penalized 25% for each week it is late. No incompletes will be given in this class. IX. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to adhere to the MSU attendance Policy outlined in the current MSU Bulletins. X. ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY Cheating, plagiarism (submitting another person’s materials as one’s own), or doing work for another person, which will receive academic credit, are all impermissible. This includes the use of unauthorized books, notebooks, or other sources in order to secure or give help during an examination, the unauthorized copying of examinations, assignments, reports, or term papers, or the presentation of unacknowledged materials as if it were the student’s own work. Disciplinary action may be taken beyond the academic discipline administered by the faculty member who teaches the course in which the cheating took place. Note: Faculty reserve the right to invalidate any examination or other evaluative measures if substantial evidence exists that the integrity of the examination has been compromised. XI. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY STATEMENT: Murray State University endorses the intent of all federal and state laws created to prohibit discrimination. Murray State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, veteran status, or disability in employment, admissions, or the provision or services and provides, up[on request, reasonable accommodation including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford individuals with disabilities equal access to participate in all programs and activities. For more information, contact, Director of Equal Opportunity, Murray State University, 103 Wells Hall, Murray, KY 42071-3318. Telephone: 270-809-3155 (voice), 270-809-3361 (TDD).
History of School Psychology; Employment Contexts
Role and Function; Preparation of Sch.Psy.
Domains of training; supervision; legal issues
Questions due (Ch. 1, 2, 5) Questions due (Ch. 8, 11, 14) Questions (Ch. 39, 40, 41) Questions due (Ch. 53, 57, 67) Mid-term (notes + chapters to this point)
ESL; multicultural issues; working with families
Questions Due (Ch. 70, 71, 79)
Contingency management Questions due (Ch. 88, 91, 104) (Questions due (108, 133, 138)
Notebook, papers, and interview due; final exam
Test 2 (notes + chapters to this point) Notebook Entries: Define and describe each of the following concepts and provide an explanation about the relevance of the concept for school psychology. Most entries will require one-fourth to one-half page, but some may only require a few lines. Place all entries in a 3-ring binder. Each item in the notebook will be graded on a 1 – 5 pt scale (1 = very poor to 5 = very good) for description and relevance. Descriptions of these concepts can be obtained through the course, required texts, references, library materials, and internet websites. Testing the Limits
Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments
System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment
Howard Gardner’s Theory of intelligence
Effects of early maturation in boys vs girls
A sample entry may look like this: Bibliotherapy: Using literature to influence development. Books are selected by a clinician, which are designed to help the reader overcome some minor adjustment problem encountered in adolescence and childhood, such as dealing with grief, divorce, or loss of friendships. The guiding principle is that people learn through imitation—as the reader discovers how an individual in similar circumstances overcomes their situation, the reader incorporates the same problem solving approach. School psychologists may use bibliotherapy with children they work with who are having adjustment difficulties, although level of reading skill, access to resources, and motivation should be carefully considered.
School Psychologist Interview
The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand the diversity in training, perspectives, and roles of school psychologists. You need to interview a certified school psychologist from any state, although this individual cannot be the same individual under whom you completed the school psychology practicum. You should not interview someone who has been interviewed (or will be interviewed) by another student in the course. Names of school psychologists will be
provided upon request. This interview does not have to be face to face but cannot involve a written interview that is mailed to them. Specific areas to cover include: 1. Describe your training (where, when, length of internship, practicum experience) 2. Where have you practiced since becoming a school psychologist? 3. What were the strongest and weakest aspects of your training, including the prac and
4. Describe the difference between what you feel a school psychologist should be doing in your
district and what is expected of a school psychologist in your district (from administration’s standpoint)
5. What do you see in the future for school psychologists? 6. Describe a memorable ethical dilemma and how it was resolved 7. What do you do for a typical EBD assessment/determination? 8. How should we evaluate SLD in KY? 9. What is your role under RTI? 10. How often do you interact with parents, and in what capacity? 11. How do you assess for or “rule out” sociocultural factors as contributing to a child’s school
12. How do you avoid burn out? 13. Describe the impact you feel you have upon teachers, parents, administration, and children
14. Other areas you feel are pertinent to help you understand the role and function of school
15. Your reflection on what you learned from the interview
Legal Issues Paper
Take one of the following entries (each student will take a different entry) and summarize two separate legal opinions regarding the entry using Wrightslaw. Five total pages should suffice. You will present your findings to the class, so you should provide enough copies for everyone in the course. Grades will be assigned according to 1) the thoroughness and accuracy of the background (5 pts), 2) thoroughness and accuracy of the competing arguments (10 pts), 3) thoroughness and accuracy of the final court decision (5 pts), and 4) your presentation (5 pts). Each legal opinion will be worth 25 pts. LRE
“Questions” Requirements
For each chapter indicated on the content outline, generate five multiple-choice questions. A copy should be forwarded to all students and the instructor. These questions will be graded according to their caliber and sophistication. Ultimately, the questions will be included in a test bank and used for the mid-term and final examination. The goal of these assignments is to mimic the School Psychology Praxis exam as closely as possible.
TANZÁNIA Hasznos információk F ő város: Dar es Salaam Beszélt nyelv: kiswahili vagy swahili (szuahéli), angol Id ő eltolódás: + 2 óra télen és + 3 óra nyáron Turizmus: Turisztikai szempontból fejlődő ország. Amiért érdemes utazni: A nemzeti parkok gazdag vadvilága, a szavannák, a fennsíkból kiemelkedő vulkánok, a 7 UNESCO Világörökség, a