T h i s p a g e a n d i t s c o n t e n t s
t h e B r i t i s h F i b r o i d T r u s t
Dr Nicki On, PhD, MRPharmS. Pharmacist Dr Rajesh Varma, MA, PhD, MRCOG. Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Website address: www.britishfibroidtrust.org.uk
1. An IUS (intrauterine system), commonly know
as a coil, is a small T-shaped plastic device
which slowly releases a progestogen hormone.
This is similar to the natural progesterone
2. In UK, the IUS is available as Mirena. In fact,
contraceptive pills. The hormone is housed
Mirena has also been shown to be effective in
polydimethylsiloxane. This is surrounded by a
managing symptoms of other gynaecological
conditions, such as fibroids, endometriosis,
adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia and
released from IUS at an initial rate of 20
premenstrual syndrome. However, Mirena is
presently not licensed to be used as a treatment
3. The T-shaped frame also contains barium
sulphate so that it can be seen on x-rays.
4. There are two fine threads, made of iron oxide
and polyethylene, attached to the bottom of
the frame. The fine threads allow easy removal
and allow you or your gynaecologist to check
heavy menstrual bleeding by controlling the
monthly development of the lining of your
The hormone in the coil prevents pregnancy
Contraception: This is the main use, which is
an effective, long term and reversible method
of contraception. Once Mirena coil is placed
cervix, which makes it difficult for the
hormone levonorgestrel over a period of 5
Heavy menstrual bleeding (Menorrhagia): It
overstimulation in women who have a uterus
(womb) and wish to use Oestrogen replacement therapy HRT
There is strong scientific evidence showing that
Acne (usually less common after 3 months of
it reduces the monthly blood loss in 90% of
treatment, and may improve if acne already
women who use the system. In 20% of women
fitted with Mirena, periods may stop altogether
with the reduction in blood loss being gradual
Headaches or migraines (although headaches
may lessen in many users; in others, they
Generally, you see reduction in blood loss in 3 to
may increase in number or become worse).
6 months after insertion. There is evidence
showing about 86% reduction in blood flow at 3
months and 97% reduction at 12 months after
emotional disturbances, it may be more likely
fitting. You may have an increase in bleeding.
for you to have a recurrence while using the
however, usually in the first 2-3months, before a
reduction in blood loss is achieved. If a
significant reduction in blood loss in not
Some develop small fluid-filled cysts on the
ovaries. Often, these cysts do not cause
Many gynaecologists now believe that Mirena is
an important alternative to a hysterectomy and
pelvic pains. These cysts are not dangerous
and usually do not need to be treated and
disappear without treatment. Women using
the Mirena coil are more likely to develop
benign ‘simple’ ovarian cysts. The most
It is very effective in reducing menstrual blood
abdominal pain that does not resolve with
Once fitted, it lasts 5 years. Women who are in
disappear without treatment in 2–3 months
their forties will require one or two Mirena IUS
Pelvic infection. The Mirena coil is designed
to minimise the risk of infection, but there is
still a slight risk of developing a pelvic
infection while using the coil, particularly in
the first 3 weeks after fitting. Such infections
are usually related to sexually transmitted
diseases, and you are more likely to develop
an infection if you or your partner has several
women will develop an infection with 5 years
use of the coil. You can reduce your risk of
developing an infection by using a condom
Typically, about half of the women who suffer
with heavy bleeding also complain of painful
significantly improves period pains in over 96%
should be removed. Embedment can result in
of users, in addition to reducing the monthly
difficult removal and, in some cases surgical removal may be necessary.
Decreased libido (sex drive). This is not
officially reported but was raised by a number of women on health's forum.
During 20 days after fitting, there is a small
chance of getting an infection. It is advisable
to make sure there is no existing infection
You can not have an IUS if you have or in the
The IUS can be expelled (pushed) out by your
womb or can move. This is more likely to
happen soon after fitting, You may not be
aware of it. It is important you learn how to
While fitting, there is low risk of perforation
(puncture) of your womb or cervix. The risk
of perforation may be increased in lactating
uteri, and during the postpartum period. The
A heart attack or stroke or infection of
risk is low when the coil is fitted by an
experienced gynaecologist or gynaecology
practice nurse. Perforation can cause pain
There is a small risk of ectopic pregnancy if
you fall pregnant while you are on the IUS.
Levonorgestrel may affect glucose tolerance, and
the blood glucose concentration should be
There are alternative medical or surgical options.
Mirena can be removed at any time. Ideally it
should be removed during the time of a period,
or another reliable form of contraception used
for seven days leading up to the time of the
Mirena removal. This ensures that there is no
Hysterectomy to remove the fibroids and womb.
Usually, fitting is arranged within 7 days after
Before putting it in the gynaecologist or
Visit your gynaecologist. You should visit
having the Mirena coil inserted, and every 12
Check in place. In about 5-6% of women, the
You may be given antibiotics at the same
muscular contractions of the womb push the
coil out of place or expel it from the uterus.
A pain killer or local anaesthetic may be
This is most likely to occur in the first few
given to make you feel comfortable during
The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes.
Seek immediate medical attention if any of the
because you may accidentally pull out the coil.
Signs of a blood clot in the leg (sudden
unexplained pain in the leg, especially in
Signs of a blood clot in the lungs (sudden
or unexplained shortness of breath; chest
You may be able to feel the lower end of
the Mirena can be felt (this often feels
shortness of breath; nausea; cold sweats;
Signs of a stroke (such as sudden slurring
the expulsion initially, but later you will
bleeding pattern and eventually a return
If this is problematic, see your gynaecologist.
He/she may tuck the strings behind the cervix,
If dislodgement or expulsion happens, contact
cut the strings shorter, or in more extreme
your gynaecologist immediately. In the absence
cases cut the strings to level with the cervix.
of the coil, you loose the protection against
The disadvantages of cutting the strings even
pregnancy and it is advisable to use another
with the cervix include your difficulty in
method of contraception until you see your
checking the IUS in correct placement, and the
subsequent complicated removal at the later
There is a small risk of you becoming pregnant
If you experience any of the following, check with
(less than 0.2%). However, if you do, there is a
your gynaecologist/doctor to see if you should
small increased risk of you having an ectopic
pregnancy (development of fertilised egg outside
the uterus) and your gynaecologist will have to
(regular or irregular cycle lengths) or inter-
remove the coil whether you want to continue
bleeding, which persists after 6 months of
If you think you might be pregnant or have a
sudden or unusual pain in your lower abdomen,
seek medical advice immediately. This might be
the warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy.
Recurrent inflammation of the lining of the
The following medications may interact with
Anti-epileptics: Lamotrigine (Lamictal),
Generally, IUS removal is easiest if it is done
gynaecologist or gynaecology practice nurse
uses a pair of forceps to take hold of the IUS's
If for some reasons, the coil is "lost" because the
thread can not be felt or seen on speculum
various thread collector devices or simple
pressure medicines): bosentan (Tracleer).
forceps to try to grasp the IUS device through
Anti-neoplastics (anticancer):bexarotene
the cervix. When this fails, which is rare, an
ultrasound scan may be arranged to check the
position of the coil and exclude its perforation
through into the abdominal cavity or its
unrecognised previous expulsion. Hysteroscopy
If you develop a pelvic infection, it must be
After removal, normal fertility returns within 3-6
immediately if you begin experiencing persistent
weeks. Nearly 80% of women are able to conceive
within 12 months. This might not be the case for
intercourse or abnormal bleeding as these
you because the presence of fibroids may further
symptoms may indicate a pelvic infection. If you
develop a pelvic infection, the coil should be
So far, the normal practice has been to remove
Varma R, Sinha D, and Gupta JK. Eur J Obstet
guidelines. This conservative approach has not
been based on any robust scientific evidence.
recent investigation by Smeets et al.(Ref. 3).
The final decision whether to remove the coil
A J Smeets, R J Nijenhuis, P F Boekkooi, H
before UAE procedure or not rests solely on
Vervest, W Jan van Rooij, and P N Lohle. J Vasc
your interventional radiologist who will carry
out the UAE/UFE, taking into consideration
your symptoms, the sizes and locations of
The following is a list of medical terms used in
this factfile, accompanied by a brief definition.
Endometrial hyperplasia results in thickening of
NICE. National Institute for Health and Clinical
the lining of the womb by using energy source
to block the blood supply to the fibroids.
or in the muscle layer of the uterus (womb).
This FACTFILE provides primarily information which is intended for educational purpose only. All
contents within this factfile should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own
doctor or gynaecologist or any other health care professional.
s is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content
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