Open Mesh Repair of Incisional Hernia Using a SublayTechnique: Long-Term Follow-up
Martin Kurzer Æ Allan Kark Æ Simon Selouk ÆPhilip Belsham
Published online: 4 July 2007Ó Socie´te´ Internationale de Chirurgie 2007
Open repair of incisional hernias with mesh
Reported results of incisional hernia repair
in the subfascial plane is highly effective with acceptable
are poor with high recurrence rates unless prosthetic mesh
complication rates. Surgeon experience and a team ap-
is used. Mesh gives improved results, but certain tech-
proach are important factors in obtaining good results.
niques are associated with a high incidence of infections,
Trials comparing open with laparoscopic repair are needed.
fistulas, and seromas. This study reports the results of aconsecutive series of incisional hernias repaired using an
The development of an incisional hernia is a significant
open sublay technique with retromuscular mesh placement.
complication of laparotomy, with an (estimated) incidence
The primary endpoint was hernia recurrence. Secondary
between 10% and 15% Apart from the risk of bowel
endpoints were complications and long-term discomfort.
strangulation, it has an impact on patients’ quality of life.
A total of 125 patients were operated on be-
The reported results of incisional hernia repair vary widely,
tween 1991 and 2001. In 2002 they were sent a question-
with high recurrence rates for sutured repair alone [
naire and asked to return for examination if they thought
Using prosthetic mesh gives improved results [, ,
their hernia had recurred or if they had pain. A second
but the positioning and type of mesh used are critical factors,
questionnaire was sent in 2005, and all patients were asked
and certain techniques are associated with a high incidence
of complications (infection, fistula, seroma) []. Cur-
There were no postoperative deaths and no major
rent debate focuses on whether the mesh repair should be
systemic complications. There were no early (within 30
laparoscopic or open , ] and, if open, in which
days) wound infections; the mesh subsequently became
abdominal wall plane the mesh should be placed. This study
infected in two patients and had to be removed. Seromas
reports the results of a prospective series of consecutive
developed in 12 patients. In 2002, a total of 106 ques-
incisional hernias repaired using an open technique and
tionnaires were returned; 3 patients had died of unrelated
retromuscular mesh placement (sublay technique). The
causes, and 16 were untraceable despite repeated attempts.
primary endpoint was hernia recurrence. Secondary end-
There were five (4%) recurrences. Altogether, 6 patients
points were complications and long-term discomfort.
had abdominal wall discomfort, and 49 patients spontane-ously wrote that they were pleased or very pleased with thelong-term result. At a second follow-up a mean of 8 years
after operation (95 months; range 46–168 months) patientswere assessed by an independent observer, and there were
Between 1992 and 2001, a total of 125 patients underwent
repair of an incisional hernia following an operation else-where. A prospective database was maintained, and thedemographic data are listed in Table Patients wereconsidered unsuitable for surgery and were not operated on
M. Kurzer (&) Á A. Kark Á S. Selouk Á P. Belsham
if they had a body mass index (BMI) >40, an American
British Hernia Centre, 87 Watford Way, Hendon NW4 4RS, UKe-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of 3, or chronic
No. of previous repairs of incisional hernia
BMI: body mass index; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologistsscore
pulmonary or ischemic heart disease. A total of 106 hernias
followed vertical midline incisions, 3 were subcostal,
8 gridiron appendectomy, 5 Pfannenstiel, 2 transverse
abdominal, and 1 followed a transverse rectus abdominismuscle (TRAM) flap for breast reconstruction. In 81 pa-tients (65%) the diameter of the defect was ‡15 cm; in theremainder it was 5 to 14 cm. A group of 46 patients (37%)had undergone a previous repair of their hernia elsewhere. Mesh had been used before in six cases (Table ).
All operations were carried out under general anesthesia. Graded compression stockings were fitted, and intermittentcalf compression was used intraoperatively. No patientswere anticoagulated. Patients received a single dose ofintravenous broad-spectrum antibiotic (a cephalosporin) atinduction and two more doses 8 and 16 hours later. Theskin preparation was performed with alcohol-based povi-done-iodine.
The open sublay technique , ] was used by the
Fig. 1 Mesh in retromuscular preperitoneal position
three operating surgeons (M.K., A.K., P.B.). After openingthe old incision, the peritoneal cavity was entered and thesac separated from the surrounding tissue to define the edge
itself, or excess sac. In five cases Vicryl (polyglactin;
of the fascial defect. Wide undermining of the subcutane-
Johnson & Johnson, Piscataway, NJ, USA) mesh and in
ous tissue was not done. Local adhesions to the edges of the
three cases omentum was used to separate intraabdominal
sac were divided, and the inside of the length of the scar
contents from the polypropylene mesh.
was palpated to exclude secondary defects. Excess sac was
Standard weight polypropylene mesh was placed in the
preserved. If mesh had been used previously it was not
prepared submuscular space and trimmed to a size that
removed unless it obviously interfered with the new mesh
allowed it to cover the whole area to the limits of the
dissection, with an overlap of at least 5 cm and at least 5
The medial edge of each rectus muscle was identified by
cm above and below the top and bottom of the fascial
palpation, and the extreme medial edge of each rectus
sheath was incised along its length to enter the submuscular
The mesh was secured with interrupted 2/0 polypro-
space. This relatively bloodless plane could be developed
pylene sutures placed 5 cm apart at the limits of the dis-
easily to the lateral edges of the rectus muscle on each side.
section (i.e., the junction of the lateral edge of the rectus
Primary ‘‘peritoneal’’ closure was obtained using pos-
muscle with the posterior sheath). Care was taken to avoid
terior rectus sheath above the arcuate line, the peritoneum
inadvertently entering the peritoneal cavity and piercing
There were five (4%) recurrences, and all had been
noticed by the patients prior to the follow-up visit. Mild
discomfort was reported by six patients, either centrally or
near the edge of the mesh attachment, although it did not
affect their level of activity or quality of life, nor did they
need to take analgesics. Altogether 49 patients (46%)
spontaneously wrote or stated that they were pleased or
very pleased with the results. On direct questioning, seven
Major complications (cardiac, pulmonary, neurological,
patients (5%) expressed a degree of dissatisfaction because
In 2006, another 122 questionnaires were sent out, and
76 were returned—at a mean follow-up of just under 8
years (95 months) (median 84 months, range 46–168months). Another 26 patients were untraceable, and 4 pa-
the bowel. The anterior rectus sheath was closed using
tients had died. Altogether, 56 patients attended for
continuous 2/0 polypropylene. If this could not be done
assessment by an independent observer (S.S.). Because of
without tension, the medial edges were not brought to-
travel difficulties (some lived abroad), the remainder were
gether but, instead, sutured to the polypropylene mesh
interviewed on the telephone (by S.S. or M.K.). No more
where they lay. Two suction drains were placed in the
recurrences were discovered at this second follow-up, and
subcutaneous space, and the skin was closed with a sub-
no patient had developed discomfort since the previous
Patients were mobilized the following day. Opiate
analgesics were not needed after 24 hours.
The results following repair of incisional hernias vary
Patients were seen routinely 2 weeks and 3 months post-
widely ]. There is now ample evidence that sutured
operatively and at other times if needed. They were sent a
repairs have a recurrence rate as high as 50%, even those
questionnaire in 2002. They were also asked to return for
for small defects , ]. Repairs using pros-
examination if they thought their hernia had recurred or if
thetic mesh have a lower reported recurrence rate [, ] but
they had pain. A second questionnaire was sent in 2005,
may give rise to high complication rates [, ,
and all patients were asked to return for examination. The
At the time this prospective study commenced, we were
examination was carried out by an independent surgeon
convinced by the evidence in the literature that an open
(S.S.) not involved with their clinical management or their
mesh method gave better results than simply suturing the
defect –Hence, we did not believe that subjectingour patients to a comparative trial was justified.
The most important criterion for a successful repair must
be the failure rate, and our recurrence rate of 4% at the firstfollow-up at 4 years after operation compares favorably
There were no postoperative deaths, no major systemic
with other series of open sublay repair, with reported
complications (Table and no early (within 30 days)
recurrence rates ranging from 0 to 20% [–]. A
wound infections. In two patients the mesh subsequently
number of these studies had a relatively short follow-up
became infected (at 4 months and 15 months, respec-
period. A recent nationwide survey of surgical practice and
tively) and had to be removed. Clinically detectable se-
results in Sweden revealed a recurrence rate of 29% with
romas developed in 12 (10%) patients, but aspiration was
sutured repair, 19% with onlay repair, and 7% after sublay
required in only 2. In 2002, the 125 patients were written
repair at a follow-up of less than 2 years []. Our mean
to, and 106 questionnaires (81%) were returned. The
follow-up period was 8 years, although we are aware that a
mean follow-up period was 47 months (6–120 months).
drawback with our series is the incomplete follow-up,
Three patients had died of unrelated causes, and sixteen
which is shared by most such long-term studies and reflects
were untraceable despite repeated attempts. Symptomatic
the scattered geography of our patients. As Burger et al.
patients were specifically requested to return for an
have pointed out, long-term follow up is essential, although
examination, and the remainder were offered an exami-
they were able to contact only 70% (126/181) of their
initial group [, We were interested to find that at our
second follow-up visit there were no more recurrences.
the anterior sheath can be closed, the mesh is then also
This is similar to our experience and that of others with
separated from the subcutaneous tissues. In contrast, with
mesh inguinal hernia repairs where late recurrences are
an onlay mesh, the repair is less mechanically sound as
abdominal wall forces tend to push the mesh off the repair
The literature regarding late recurrence is contradictory.
]. In addition, onlay mesh requires extensive subcuta-
With nonmesh sutured repairs, most recurrences appear
neous dissection, increasing the risk of hematoma, seroma,
within 3 years , , However, there is evidence
and infection; it is associated with a high incidence of local
that recurrences following mesh repairs continue to occur
for many years after the initial procedure [, ]. Lateral
Meeting [conclusion was that it was technically simpler
mesh detachment at the edges of a defect and inadequate
than the sublay repair and could be used by surgical resi-
mesh overlap are thought to be the likeliest reasons for
dents. As has recently been pointed out, onlay mesh is
recurrence after mesh repair ]; thus, secure attachment
frequently used simply as an adjunct to a standard sutured
of the mesh with a large enough overlap of the defect
repair, rather than a planned procedure of choice At
should prevent late recurrence. It is noteworthy that in one
present, there are no comparative trials of sublay versus
of the few randomized controlled trials comparing sutured
versus mesh repair the cumulative failure rate following
Few studies have specifically addressed the question of
sublay mesh repair was 32%, and the mesh overlap was
long-term discomfort or patient satisfaction. The incidence
only 2 cm. A recent study of high-risk, technically chal-
of long-term discomfort in our study was 6%, and 49% of
lenging patients with high BMIs and large incisional her-
patients spontaneously stated that they were pleased with
nias reported low recurrence rates following sublay mesh
the result. Seven patients expressed a degree of dissatis-
and emphasized the importance of a subfascial mesh
faction because of discomfort or cosmesis—possibly re-
overlap of at least 7 cm ]. The importance of a skilled
lated to unrealistic expectations. Postoperative discomfort
team and surgeon experience are recognized to be major
has been noted by others, with an incidence ranging be-
factors in achieving good results with mesh incisional
hernia repair [Langer et al. found that a min-
be related to attaching the mesh at the lateral border of the
imum of 20 incisional hernia repairs were generally re-
rectus muscle [or directly attributable to the mesh being
quired to achieve a recurrence rate of less than 10% [
infiltrated by inflammatory cells with subsequent scar tis-
The trial of Burger et al. was a multicenter one
involving an unspecified number of surgeons of varying
None of our patients developed an early (<30 days)
experience. Confining repairs to the most experienced
wound infection or other local wound problems, although
surgeons would possibly have resulted in lower recurrence
our series included no massive hernias with loss of domain,
rates. Le and Bender [reported a 2% recurrence rate
thin ischemic skin, or trophic ulcers. In most series of
following 150 subfascial mesh repairs carried out by a
sublay repairs, the incidence of wound infection is reported
at <10% [, , ]. Overall mesh infection
Although an effective technique must have a low inci-
rates can vary widely, however, depending perhaps on
dence of recurrence, other outcomes should be assessed as
patient and hernia factors, operative technique, and the type
well. Additional important factors include the technical
difficulty for the operator, frequency and seriousness of
We believe that a major factor in the development of
general and local wound complications, postoperative pain,
postoperative wound complications relates to tension in the
repair. Closing the defect under tension leads to excessive
With open repairs, placing mesh in the submuscular or
early postoperative pain, ischemia, and suture cut-out; and
sublay position is claimed to be technically difficult [
it provides an ideal environment for bacterial growth and
This is not our experience. It may be slightly more
subsequent infection. Lateral relaxing incisions have been
challenging but not beyond the competence of a trained
used [but we believe this introduces an unnecessary
general surgeon. We were also able to use the submuscular
complicating factor. Not bringing the edges of the rectus
technique, with modification, to repair hernias with sub-
sheath together if this requires excessive tension is an ac-
costal, gridiron, and Pfannenstiel incisions. Placing mesh in
cepted technique that has been used successfully in other
this plane has mechanical and physiologic advantages.
Intraabdominal pressure tends to push the mesh firmly
Although 12 of our patients (10%) had clinically
against the adjacent abdominal wall (Pascal’s principle of
detectable seromas, only 2 (<2%) were symptomatic and
hydrostatics) [A large overlap gives a sufficient sur-
required aspiration. Seromas are said to be a common
face area for tissue ingrowth and firm fixation, providing
problem following sublay mesh incisional hernia repair,
strong reattachment for the lateral abdominal muscles. If
with an incidence of up to 30% []. The incidence
can be as high as 70% when routine ultrasonography is
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FICHA TÉCNICA O RESUMEN DE LAS CARACTERISTÍCAS DEL PRODUCTO FICHA TÉCNICA O RESUMEN DE LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL PRODUCTO NOMBRE DEL MEDICAMENTO Tramadol/Paracetamol Sandoz 37,5 mg/325 mg comprimidos recubiertos con película EFG COMPOSICIÓN CUALITATIVA Y CUANTITATIVA Cada comprimido recubierto con película contiene 37,5 mg de tramadol hidrocloruro y 325 mg de Para consultar la li